Fiction Friendship

The first Friday of the month brought a dedicated crowd to Haley’s Park Preserve. The night was filled with waggling tails of eager pups. The sweet smell of apple cider and kettle corn wafted in the air.

"Three of Wands, with the Nine of Swords, and Six of Wands. Release the worry. What you’ve been waiting for is on its way. You’ve done your part. Pack up and get ready. It’s about to get good," Star said to a dreamy-eyed Tanya.

"I just got an interview for my dream internship in Hawaii. You think I’m gonna get it?"

"Tarot doesn’t determine the future, my friend. It reads the current energy. Prepare well and finish your program strong. There’s a real possibility that this is going to work out for you. This or something better."

"Thanks. Gotta go. My turn to watch the pups," said Tanya. She raced off to the playground full of adoptable furbabies.

"Hey! What brings you two here?" asked Star.

Sebastian and Melissa, high school sweethearts turned newlyweds, sat side by side across the table from Star. "Doin’ it for the doggos," said Melissa.

"Wonderful. What’s your question for the cards?"

Sebastian rolled his eyes and looked in the distance at a black collie mix with white markings laying in the corner.

"What can you tell us about our relationship?" said Melissa.

"Got it." Star shuffled the deck. Breathed in and out. She let the cards rest in her hands while she felt her way to the proper place to cut the deck. The Eight of Wands anchored the reading. It was clarified by the Five of Wands and the Two of Cups. "You sure you want to know?"

"Of course. Why not? Isn’t the Eight of Wands a good card?" Melissa responded. She elbowed her distracted husband. "Sebby. Pay attention." 

These were the messages Star didn’t like to deliver. Across from her were two bleeding hearts. Mid-twenties. Bright eyes. Full of light and innocence. Well, one of them was.

"Okay. I’m not one to sugarcoat or change what They say. The cards said…The message here is…" She allowed her chest to expand and contract. "I see cheating. The message is to move quickly away from treacherous love."

Melissa gasped. She clutched her heart and squeezed Sebastian’s hand. He laughed out loud, almost falling off his chair. 

"Go back to outer space, Star. There’s no cheating going on here." He jolted his wife to her feet and hurried them away. 

Melissa looked back at Star. Her eyes searched for misinterpretation. For misguided clues. For hope in wrongfully dug-up graves.  

The rest of the adoption event proceeded without incident. Granny came by for her monthly Celtic Cross reading. Ted donated to the cause but scurried away without asking a question. Megan sobbed in release. "You truly are a star, Star," she said with a limp smile. "Find the strength to love myself and demand that same love in return," Megan affirmed.

The next morning, a knock on the door brought Star to her feet. She stumbled to the living room, sidestepping Henry, who was stretching in his orthopedic dog bed in the corner.

"Melissa, you okay?" she said, looking through the peephole.

 Her eyes were bloodshot and swollen. Her nose was chapped and red. "It’s Sebby. It’s him in the cards, isn’t it?" she begged.

"Come in. Coffee first. Cards later."

The two followed azure-colored walls to an open-air kitchen kissed by the budding morning light.

"Walk me through it," said Star.

"I mean, nothing really. Just why would you say that if you didn’t see it? If it’s not happening. I’ve always had a feeling, but then I felt crazy. And then I felt guilty. And then I felt,"

"Breathe and sip," said Star, tilting the cup further into her friend’s mouth. 

"It’s just, I know your readings. They’re always right. Granny swears by them. She said you’ve saved her thousands in therapy bills. You’ve lightened her emotional burden. She calls you the Air of the Wind."

"What does that mean?" Star asked, allowing her coffee to settle on her tongue.

"She said you see things inside of her that she hid from everyone, including herself. It’s not just her. Megan is obsessed. The shelter always asks you back. Star, is my husband cheating on me?"

Star looked out the bay window to the front yard. The rest of the morning papers were delivered. Sprinklers retreated to their off position. The streets became crowded with noisy cars shuttling noisier kids.

"Why don’t we ask the cards what your message is for today?"

Melissa gripped the handle of her mug tighter.

"It’ll be okay," Star said. She squeezed her friend’s hand and stood. "There’s no such thing as a ‘bad’ card in the Tarot. There’s only higher guidance and inner knowing."

A couple minutes later, she once again sat across from Melissa. This time, her friend looked weathered. Turned inside out. 

"Ace of Swords, clarified by Temperance and the Queen of Cups," she smiled.

"What are you hearing?"

"You already know the answer. This talks about going within. Connecting to your inner wisdom. They are asking you to listen to your Higher Self. That will bring brilliance and balance. Healing and wholeness."

"We’ve been together forever. I do everything for him. I’ve contorted myself into a pretzel to make sure that every single second of every single day makes him happy." 

Star nodded. "And where are you in the mix?"

"Here, with you, at six o’clock in the freakin’ morning, trying to save my marriage."

"And your husband? Where is he?"

"He’s…at our home with our new dog," Melissa asserted.

"You did adopt one. The collie?" Star exclaimed and clapped her hands.

"Must you know everything, Star Noel?" She rose to her feet and bolted towards the door. "You’ve never been married. What do you and your stupid cards know anyway?"

"Have a great day. I’m here if you need me," yelled Star.

Melissa stood outside her home. Copper, the newest addition to the McCallahan family, barked in the front yard.

Sebastian shouted, "Go get it," throwing a neon green tennis ball high into the air. "Waiting for an engraved invitation?" he said, looking over at Melissa.

"No, I’m just watching you two play."

What should’ve been a typical day at Melissa’s 9-5, followed by a quick trip to the grocery store, turned into a witch hunt. She searched the browser history on their laptop. Nothing. She took Copper for a casual stroll past Sebastian’s office. Saw him leading a meeting. His social media direct messages. Empty. "Star is wrong. She’s good, but she’s not perfect," thought Melissa. Copper and Melissa sunk into the couch to zone out to daytime TV with a box of mint chocolate chip cookies for the rest of the day.

Sebastian came home an hour late from work. He held a bag of fast food in one hand and flowers in the other. "I thought you could use a break from making dinner. And these are for you. Flowers for my queen."

"Of cups," she muttered.


"Thank you. They are beautiful. Lilies are my favorite," she stammered. She put the flowers in water, returning with a couple of beers. They devoured their food in silence. All eyes were on Copper as he swallowed his burger in two bites and came drooling for more. 

"So hey, honey, why don’t we get another reading?" Melissa tried.

"Not this again," Sebastian said. He let out an annoyed sigh.

"I just thought it would be fun."

"Fun like we had last night. I saw you take my phone while I was in the shower."

"Fun like, to prove her wrong. We love each other, and the cards will show that."

"You’re not gonna let this go, are you?"

Melissa grabbed her purse and car keys. She ran for the door, Copper hot on her tail.

Melissa kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you." 

Fifteen eternal minutes later, Sebastian banged the moon-shaped knocker in the center of Star’s front door.

"What brings you two here?" Star asked.

"You did such a good job last night turning my wife into a detective that she stole my phone while I was in the shower." 

Melissa kicked his shin. "He’s kidding. Just wanted a follow-up. Read him," she said, pointing at the deck of cards in the center of the table.

"Are you sure?" 

"It’s the only way she’ll let this go," said Sebastian.

Star shuffled the deck five times. She thumped it with her thumb four times. And laid out three cards. The Seven of Swords, Page of Pentacles, and King of Swords. 

"All those swords. What on earth did you ask?" wondered Melissa.

"I asked, "What do You want us to know about Sebastian?’" 

"So what, this means I’m like…a chef? I chop carrots with all these swords." 

"It means you’re trying to get away with something. I’m hearing the phrase ‘pulling a fast one.’ The cards are saying that you’re proud of it."

Sebastian stood and motioned for Copper to come. "This is stupid. I’m not cheating on my wife. Never have. Never will. We just got married. Why would I marry a woman I’m cheating on? You’re a home wrecker, Star. You and this devil worship."

Star zeroed in on the bulging cobalt blue vein in his neck. "No devil worship here. At least not on my part, Sebby."

Sebastian and Melissa drove home in silence. Copper sprang from the car and headed for the door, with his dad a few steps behind. Melissa remained in the passenger seat. Her shoes felt like they were lined with lead. She closed her eyes and prayed. She prayed for a sign. For direction. She prayed to know what to do and what to think. A tiny buzz broke her concentration. Across from her, on her husband’s phone, read, message from Tiffany. Melissa’s heart jumped in her throat. She entered the password and waited. Her head spun. Her eyes couldn’t focus. 

Here goes, she thought. It’s either the end of my friendship or the end of my marriage. Either way, I lose someone I love.

Staring back at her were the words, Tomorrow. 9 a.m. cronuts. Melissa marked the message unread and went into the house. She surveyed the inside. In the corner sat the memory of where Sebastian proposed with lilies and a box of two-bite brownies. The couch replayed countless movie nights with popcorn, tequila, and Star. The brick structure that once stood complete now sunk into a tangible void. An hour later, she tucked herself in next to her two favorite boys for a restless night’s sleep.

The next morning didn’t come fast enough for the troubled soul. Melissa headed off to work, coffee in one hand and a mixed-berry muffin in the other. "Have a great day, dear. See you tonight. I’m thinking pizza."

"Sounds great. Love you," replied Sebastian.

She pulled out of their driveway but turned left instead of right. She drove downtown to his favorite cafe that sold cronuts, Sammy’s Cafe. "Now we’ll see who's the big, fat liar."

Thirty agonizing minutes later, Sebastian strolled up in a crisp gray suit, a maroon tie, and a glaringly white smile. He approached a woman hidden away in a corner booth. Melissa watched as the young brunette, wearing a loose ponytail and piercing emerald eyes, traced the outline of her husband. He winked when he saw her. Sebastian planted a long kiss on her cherry-red lips. The kind of kiss privy to new couples or old affairs.

A river of tears streamed down Melissa’s face. Vomit pooled in the back of her throat. Part of her wondered how satisfied she might be by smacking him across his lying, cheating face. Part of her begged that her eyes betrayed her, not the love of her life. None of her could look away. Instead, she snapped a photo and sped away.

"Coming," said Star. Henry made it to the door first. His booming bark announced his presence to the neighborhood. She opened the door to brokenness and the stench of truth and betrayal.

"Her name’s Tiffany. She’s a brunette goddess. Half-naked with no bra. I saw them at Sammy’s sharing a cronut." Melissa collapsed onto the living room couch. Henry ran to her lap and began to lick her tears. She shook like an aftershock.

The afternoon sun beat down on the trio. No words passed between them for hours before Melissa let out her first exhale of the day.

"What do I do now?"

"When I’m lost, I look to Source. They are my roadmap out of dizziness."

Melissa acknowledged the suggestion with a quick smile. "They got me into this mess. They can get me out of it."

"Ace of Wands, Page of Swords, and Six of Wands. Follow your bliss. Sometimes we outgrow those we love. Our roots spread beyond the nest. We must give ourselves permission to fly." 

"Ha," Melissa laughed, throwing her head back. "Fly where? Follow my bliss? He was my bliss. For 10 years. He’s all I know."

Star reached over and wrapped her friend in a hug. "Even more reason to fly away. See where the wind takes you. Birds don’t question the journey. They let it unfold beneath them."

"How do I begin to unravel this mess?"

"Just because the cards say it’s time to leave doesn’t mean you have to. You have to decide what’s best for you. When we listen to our head and our heart, our decisions are more sustainable."

Melissa trudged along home. She packed a small suitcase and gathered Copper’s toys and food. She texted Sebastian the photo of him and his special friend sharing a secret sugary treat with, I know, written underneath it. They headed back to the cottage. Too confused to think and too in love to leave.

"Let me read you this time," said Melissa. She picked up the cards and began to shuffle. She blew on the deck and cut it in half. "It’s my turn to see your dirty little secrets."

On the coffee table in front of them, the Two of Swords, Hanged Man, and Strength cards made their appearance. 

"Well, what I see is…"

"Trust yourself to listen. You’ve done this a few times before. What words do you hear? What feelings are present within you?” Star said. 

"Okay. The message I’m hearing is, ‘Guard your heart like you guard your light.’ To be you is a unique responsibility. A duty. They trust you with an important task. Find the strength to see it through. Turn life on its head. Look through a different lens at the same situation. And find the beauty. The only real blindfold is fear."

Star sat back with a sweet grin. 

"What a rush. I’m sweating." 

"You’ve got a gift," said Star.  

"What I got was lucky."  

"Lucky are the people who believe in their magic. It’s like the cards said. When we believe in our magic, fear doesn’t take the lead. When we connect, we reach inside and speak from our heart space. We become the magic. Isn’t that the whole point? Isn’t that the real superpower?" 

Melissa drew Copper close to her. He nuzzled into her neck.

"You don’t have to know what you want to do right now," said Star. Henry wedged himself in between them. "Sometimes, healing starts when we know what we don’t want. The rest figures itself out."

Melissa leaned on Star’s shoulder and said, "He cheated on me in high school. I just assumed it was something stupid kids did. Let it go. But maybe that’s who he is right now."

"I’m so sorry. "It sounds like your heart’s been broken for a long time." 

"Yup," Melissa said, smacking her thighs. "Tomorrow, it’s therapy and probably a divorce lawyer, but for tonight, it’s brownie mix and tequila."

Two friends, two dogs, and one deck of cards let the gentleness of the night cradle them into a new morning. 

June 02, 2023 19:57

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