Coming of Age Fiction

"I dont' think so" was all I could answer when Ryder asked me if I wanted to go with him to get some ice cream.

"I just feel like going home ... if that's ok."

Ryder nodded then said: "Just thought you might like to celebrate our victory." Ryder and I liked to go the custard stand after our victories to get chocolate shakes. Tonight, I did not feel like it.

Our victory. Another victory for our high school hockey team. I have played on the Rochester Rangers for my entire high school career. I can't say I am the best player, but at least in the top five, maybe even top three. Our goalie has got to be number 1. We have two great defensemen, and while I did not score the most goals this season, or any season according to the statistics, for the past two years, I have had the most assists. All the forwards have said they would like me to be their center because I pass the puck.

Tonight was the final game of the season before we go in to the playoffs and possible championship. This was the final game that counted in the statistics for the voting for Mr. Hockey of the high school league.

I hoped to take that honor with me into the playoffs because I hope to make all State and get a better offer to play for a college team. So far, I have one offer, from a school I never heard of. My dad says if I can score some big goals, I will get the big offers.

My team line is me centering Will and Cord. Will is my right winger and he has a great slapshot, but the only thing is, he is not accurate. He is all over the map with his shots, but when he hits the target, they go in. He is also good faking out the other goalie. He is probably the best right winger on the team but not in the top five of best forwards. The best forward, the best deker, the one who can fake the goalie, is Cord. He has it all He can shoot, he can finesse, (he can fake a goalie) , and he can steal the puck from other teams' forwards. He was voted co captain with me and we kind of made up the bulk of the scoring.

I try to be modest about my skills. That's why I don't try to score so many goals, but instead I assist my teammates to get goals. I try to be a team player and do what's best for the team.

Still, tonight my dad advised me to score, show the world I can do it all. Show my versatility.

Tonight, no goals, three assists.

Ryder. my best buddy, good on defense, says that without my assists we would not have won this game.

He is right, but I can't help thinking, why didn't I get the chance to score at least one goal?

Three times Cord and I had a two on one breakaway, us going down the ice with only one defenseman back, and three times, I passed to him. He shot and scored. Near the end of the game, we were tied at 3-3.

With one minute left, we were killing off a penalty, a very dangerous time for our team. The other team had scored on a penalty and could do it again. Cord and I were killing the penalty when all of a sudden, he stole the puck from the other teams's defenseman, and we got our fourth breakaway, Flying down the ice with him, I wanted him to pass. I wanted to score this goal. I actually shouted: PASS the PUCK!!! to Cord and he shouted back to me "You got this!" and he looked at me, and then he looked at the goalie, and then he shot and the puck went in the net over the goalie;s left shoulder.

The buzzer rang, the game was over, we won, and we move on to the playoffs.

And I did not get a goal and I wondered if I was ever going to get a goal. I wondered if it was going to be like this for the entire playoffs.

I was sitting at the desk in my room because I was too agitated to try to even sleep, when my Mom walked in the room with some warm chocolate chip cookies.

She said: "You didnt come to talk to me about the game. Is something wrong:?"

I explained that all I wanted to do was score a goal and it looked like I was playing with a player who did not want to give me the chance,

"Have you talked to the coach about this?" My Mom asked.

"No, I am afraid he will think I am a poor team player."

And this is where I learned about choices in life. Each choice we make has a consequence. That night my Mom taught me to choose the consequence I could best live with.

"You know if you talk to the coach, it might look like you are complaining and not wanting the best for the team. But if you do not complain , you might have to accept that you are playing with someone who likes to score more than help others score." She made sense.

"Or, you could try something different. You could play a new style. Do not pass to Cord for the next game. Do not pass at all. When he asks you why you aren't passing, you can politely tell him that to you passing is a two way street and when he passes to you, you will pass to him."

I liked her suggestion. Things are really not bad enough to go to an adult, the coach, but if they get bad, I will. However, I think my Mom has suggested that I handle this on my own.

And so I will.

Wish me luck.

October 30, 2023 21:26

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