Mystery Speculative Suspense

As I was lying on my bed thinking of the good old times and the bad times I have been through I thought about what phebe had told me about my parents not being mine I don't want to believe her but all their actions are true and all that matters to them is their son Kelvin ,all he does is to eat and sleep and nothing else and gets whatever he wanted but for me I work day and night for money to fend for myself ,I suffer everyday but nobody even had interest in my suffering ,my parents has always been busy with their work and I would be stuck with my brother whiles my peers would be having a great time in school I know my life would be bad but I didn't imagine this worse,I have been courageous for years and I don't want to give up now because of too much stress I don't want to be a failure,I have been a punching bag for my parents for years but no anymore I wouldn't suffer anymore because I have to fight for my self,this was the thought that was echoeing in my head,I don't want to give up now. I woke up feeling exhausted after a long shift and a sleepless night and me being the prey for mosquitoes,I rushed to the kitchen to complete my daily chores because I didn't want to be late for class again and I wanted a scholarship so badly and therefore needed to take the test,as I was nearly done with the washing I fell down on my knees because my naughty brother had spilled water on the ground and s o I sprained my knee,I knew the reason why he did that and is all because he didn't want me to write the test I didn't bother screaming for help because I knew I wouldn't be saved and my brother would be innocent in my so called parents eyes,I got up quickly and went to my room to take a shower ,I was badly hurt but I didn't apply any ointment Because I knew it wouldn't work,as I was bathing I heard the sounds of plates slammed on the floor I quickly rushed down after bathing and what I saw left me speechless my parents were fighting because it seemed my brother had stolen alot of money from them but he refused to speak the truth,I ran to my room when I noticed them staring at me and locked it immediately,I stood there like a mumbling dog when my parents said I wouldn't leave the house for months and I would be left with no food to eat,well I didn't care anymore because I had my own electronic gadget and I can work online but what about my scholarship I shouldn't have missed it at all I would have won if it hadn't been for my meddling brother I hated him for that and I would never miss a chance of disgracing that sly dog and those ungrateful and unfaithful and disgracing parents of mine,I Know that my words my be too hurtful for a little girl to speak out but am tired of all this and want a normal life and abnormal parents,I climbed down through the window together with my things because I knew I wouldn't be welcomed again if I step foot in this house,my heart skipped a beat when I was running because my hard earn money had been taken away from me by my brother,now am on my own and I have to work 4 jobs to make a living it wasn't easy at all and sometimes I think of what phebe told me maybe I was adopted after all and that's why I was being treated like a person with an illness which has no treatment I didn't care anymore because I I finally got the hell out of the awful house what was more painful was that there were my parents and I wasn't adopted you may think that I am a selfish brat but you don't Know what my life was all about, people say they would exchange their life for mine but they don't really know what's like to live in a sh*thole people try to console me with all kinds of words but I didn't need their help because they were all jerks and nothing matters to them but money and nothing else,I live in a one room apartment and fending for myself and not even a single phone call from my parents and I like it that way and I would live a stress-free life,I have haters everywhere and I always have come backs for them because I wasn't born to impress but to express, whenever people say I look ugly I always say I wanted to be like them today and they almost explode by my words. When a guy says he loves me I was always say am allergic to bullsh*t because I know they always want to get me in to bed,I am not Soo cheap to have Soo soon,I sometimes write a lot of comebacks for my haters like

Dear haters,

I am Soo happy that I am always the trending topic of your life if it hadn't been for you I would never know that you are my fan,they always write comebacks for me but it wasn't hurtful like mine,I always try not to listen to the awful things I hear about me and it works everyday now am not scared of loosing because am not a looser ,let me give you some comebacks for your haters .I wanted to tell you that you are ugly but you face expresses all whenever am late for school I just say " a Queen is never late is the people who are too early,I always try to tell myself that everything will be ok one day and I don't need to worry too much,I always learn for my future and is always with a rock heart and I always say" be like a fire so no one would have the guts to joke with your feelings

August 14, 2021 17:18

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