Romance Mystery

The clock showed 07.03 AM. Rob perched on the black living room sofa, tying his shoelaces as his mother came down the stairs. 

"You woke up early," She said in her brown sleeping robe, going to grab a glass in the kitchen. Her eyes were glancing at her son while filling the glass with water, wondering where he was leaving for this early Saturday morning. "Did work call you in today?"

But Rob didn't answer. His eyes were empty, staring at his shoelaces which he just finished knitting.

"Rob?" Asked mother again.

"Yes?" He snapped from his daydream.

"Where are you going? It's Saturday." Reminded mother.

"Uhh, I'm going to see Mikaela."

Mother paused, slightly surprised. Then she smiled worriedly. "Are you finally ready to see her again?" She walked closer to Rob after putting down the glass without drinking it.

"I think so. The time's right. It's, uhh… It’s her birthday after all." Rob smiled slightly, tightly.

The mother sighed softly. “You’re right, sorry I forgot about it.” Said mother, stroking his arms. "Do you bring any presents?"

"I'll buy something on the way."

"Really? What will you buy?"

"I don't know," answers Rob, after taking a pause. "I'm not sure. I'll figure out something," Assured Rob, although he's been up all night thinking about the gifts. Yet he hasn't decided.

"Well, if you don't know what to give to a woman, bring flowers." Suggested mother. "Remember when you both gave me a white lily last year? It's beautiful."

"Well, Mikaela chose it. She thought you'd like it."

"I thought she liked it too. But don't take it from me. You know her favorite color. But the most important thing is it's you who choose it."

A measured smile played on his face, appreciating his mother’s support. "Thanks, mom." He put on his wool-long grey coat and black beanie hat.

"I always like that coat. It looks good on you."

"Yes, again, it’s from Mikaela."

Mother nodded. "Well, it fits you well."

Rob put his phone and wallet in his coat's inner pocket. He picked up his keys from the table. When he's about to leave the house, his mother stops him.

"Don't you want to wait for breakfast first?"

"I'll get some soup at Carno's"

Mother's worried eyes still stare at her son, along with a low sigh.

"Mom, I'm fine. I'll be back before lunch," said Rob, closing the front door behind him.

The sun shrouded behind a thick blanket of clouds, struggled to assert its presence, rendering the morning in a perpetual state of dimness. Despite the cold and gloom that enveloped the Saturday morning, there was a certain beauty in the weather. It was a morning that invited introspection as if nature itself had chosen to help Rob through his big day. 

Rob's fingertips brushed against the familiar leather car key, while a silent debate unfolded within him. His gaze shifted between his car and the distance he could cover on foot. Several passing seconds later, he turned away from his car and continued onto the sidewalk.

It's only about a 15-minute walk to Carno's, however, within his thoughts, an array of memories resonated with each small object he encountered on the streets. He remembered the box of cat food that sat behind their front door when he saw the stray cat that Mikaela fed every morning before leaving for work. He remembered the dent on the bumper of his car when he saw the crooked light pole that Mikaela had hit while avoiding a drunk cyclist. He remembered when he lost his wallet during their date night in a coffee shop just around the corner, or the bar where he had to carry her home when she got drunk on her birthday several years ago.

With each stride toward Carno's, he pondered what gift she might choose if she were in his shoes.

He had yet to find the answer when he reached Carno's front door. Inside, he orders a chicken soup, with pepper, and sits by the window. 

While waiting for the soup, he noticed that there was a new florist shop just across the street. "Fuck, maybe I'll just buy her a flower," he thought. He then carefully observes the flowers displayed in front of the shop. Colorful petals. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet from left to right. That's when he realized that the florist arranged the flowers as rainbows.

Suddenly, a smile rose on his cheek. He opened his phone. He paused to remember a certain date in the future, and then he ordered plane tickets. As he finished, a single teardrop fell unwittingly from his eye. 

"Shit." He chuckles while wiping the tears. Then he puts on sunglasses.

The chicken soup arrived a minute later. For the first time in almost 2 months since she left him, he ate heartily.

A few minutes later, the bowl is empty. He put some cash on the table, then trotted across the street into the florist shop.

Inside, he asked the florist if he could get a medium bouquet of white lilies. When the florist asked if he wanted to write a note, he said, "No. No notes necessary." With a smile.

He left the florist with a white bouquet in his hand. He continued trotting to his destination.

Five minutes and several hundred steps later, he arrived at a gate that said Resthaven Cemetery. He walks inside, following his memory from almost 2 months ago. Then he arrived at a gravestone. 

"In loving memory of Mikaela Phoebe."

Rob was down on his knees in front of the grave. He cleans the grave from weeds and dirt. "I, uh, brought you this," he said, putting the bouquet in front of the gravestone. "It's the same flower that you picked for my mom. I remember you said you liked it, and you figured my mom would like it too, and hell you’re right as always." He chuckles while rubbing his wedding ring.

"I'm sorry it took me so long to visit you again. And today's your birthday after all." He chuckled. "God, what an awful husband I am."

Rob sniffled quietly before he continued. "So the thing is, I've been missing you a lot. My mom has been sleeping in our house to take care of me. At least that's what she thinks. But, uh, it's your birthday and I can't walk past today without celebrating with you. And I brought you a few gifts."

"First, of course, the flower." He rubs his arms after feeling the chilly wind. "You should know how hard it is for me to pick a gift for you. I reckon it wouldn't be that hard if you were in my shoes. All this time, although you appreciated every gift I gave you, I always thought I should’ve thought of a better gift. Yet I never did.”

"So earlier today, I came by Carno's and there’s this new florist just across the street. They arranged the flowers in the order of a rainbow. And I remember you want to take your parents to the Tulip Fields for their 25th anniversary. So my second gift is, I will take them there. I just bought 3 plane tickets to Holland. Maybe I'll get 5 depending on your little sisters, but don't worry, I promise I'll take care of your family like I take care of mine.

"And, uhh, speaking of promise, that is my third and last gift for you. I promise I'll live life as what we both dreamed of. I'll keep going on our annual commitment. Orphanage on Thanksgiving, Christmas dinner at your family, New Year's Eve at mine, I'll teach your little sisters to drive. And maybe I'll get a dog, or a cat. I know you always want a pet in the house.

"Well, this seems like the perfect gift I can give you now. Please be proud of me." Rob chuckles as he puts his hand on the stone as if he was rubbing Mikaela's head. "I love you, so much. Thank you for the happiest years of my life." He said before he stood up. 

Rob left when the sky began to drizzle. He sprinted on his way home, and with each step, the rain intensified. Yet, as his clothes soaked through, an unexpected warmth enveloped his heart. Relieved. For the first time since Mikaela left, he felt a desire to embrace life to the fullest.

On the corner of his street, he stopped upon spotting the three-colored stray cat that Mikaela fed every day. And in keeping with his promise to her, he picked up the cat and brought it home.

Rob put down the cat after they got inside his house, both were wet and cold. The cat wiggles its body to dry all the water stuck in its fur. His mother was slightly shocked seeing his son, and an unfamiliar cat, all soaked. However, a smile gradually graced her face as her son was finally prepared to embrace life anew.

December 23, 2023 15:25

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22:10 Dec 30, 2023

HI Kuro. This is a sweet though sad tale of dealing with loss and moving on. I enjoyed reading it and love the way it ends on a hopeful note. As some constructive criticism, there are some tense issues in that you switch between past tense and present tense he few times during the story. (For example, : He had yet to find the answer when he reached Carno's front door. Inside, he orders a chicken soup, with pepper, and sits by the window. - past tense reached in first sentence than present tense orders in the next. A quick edit should fix t...


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A. M. Conger
16:06 Jan 04, 2024

Great story! You have a real talent for setting. I especially enjoyed this part, "The sun shrouded behind a thick blanket of clouds, struggled to assert its presence, rendering the morning in a perpetual state of dimness. Despite the cold and gloom that enveloped the Saturday morning, there was a certain beauty in the weather. It was a morning that invited introspection as if nature itself had chosen to help Rob through his big day." Way to go.


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Trudy Jas
23:50 Jan 03, 2024

Hi Kuro. Lovely story about saying goodbye, moving on and honoring promises. The critic circle paired us up to review. It looks like Derrick has already done some of that. You tend to become a bit poetic (The sun shrouded ....etc.) This paragraph can easily be reduced to "The overcast sky matched Rob's mood." Simplify your description. For instance is it necessary to tell your reader that his coat is long, and grey and wool? Try: His long grey coat, or his long woolen coat, or his grey woolen coat. His mother's eyes were glancing ... - tr...


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Alexis Araneta
13:44 Jan 03, 2024

Beautifully poignant. A few tense issues here and there (You can still edit it), but very lovely .


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