A Cry of ‘I Feel Alive’

Written in response to: Write a story that includes someone saying, “I feel alive.”... view prompt


Coming of Age Inspirational Teens & Young Adult

Editors Note: Kind of repeated lines, words, sentences.

Rosa shivered in the cold winter morning. She glanced up at the sky, and gazed at the first rays of light brushing against the horizon. She looked out at the beautiful scenery that surrounded her— the trees, the rolling hills, and the sparkling river—and smiled. The air was crisp and clear, and the silence was calming.

She couldn't remember the last time she felt this alive. It had been so long since she truly enjoyed a place, a moment, or anything really. She had been going through a rough patch lately and it seemed to be one big struggle after another. She had felt so lost, so tired, so disconnected. Nothing seemed to make sense, and she was on the verge of giving up entirely.

But standing here, in this beautiful landscape, she had a moment of clarity. Life was worth fighting for, and she wasn't going to give up just yet. She smiled and thought to herself, “I feel alive.”

Suddenly, she heard a voice behind her. It was warm and inviting, like an old friend. When she turned around, she saw a figure standing in the shadows— a mysterious stranger whose face was obscured by the early morning light.

He smiled at her, and said in a low voice, “Life can be hard, but it’s worth living. Don’t give up.”

She smiled back and nodded in agreement. She knew that he was right, and that he had been sent to her in her time of need. With newfound determination, she turned back to the horizon and said one last time, “I feel alive.”

She felt a wave of calmness wash over her, and she smiled back at him. He had been sent to her in her time of need, and in this moment all she could do was be grateful for his presence. She knew that he was right; she had to take it one step at a time, and things would eventually start to get better.

She once again turned to the horizon and with a renewed determination and strength, said, “I feel alive.” She did not know what the future held, but at least, in this moment, she had hope and faith that she could make it through. She took a deep breath, let out a sigh of relief, and began the journey of starting anew.

With fear and worry left behind, a newfound strength and faith in what was to come, she knew that no matter how hard it can be, she will make it.

At the start of her journey she felt small and helpless in the face of the unknown future that lay ahead. She had been hurt, but was determined not to let it define her. She pushed aside the fear and doubt, and she stepped forward into a new part of her life.

She stood on the edge of the unfamiliar path she had chosen for herself and fixed her gaze on the horizon. She had worked hard, set her goals, and made her preparations, but was then stalled by the fear of the unknown. That fear held her back and kept her from taking strides along the path.

Yet in that single moment all that had changed. The renewed determination of her spirit weakened the stronghold of fear. With the courage and hope of a new day, she took a deep breath and with a loud voice declared with conviction that “I feel alive”.

The weight of the past was lifted and the future sparkled with possibilities. She was no longer afraid to take the next step even though the terrain was rough and challenging. Instead, she embraced the chance to start anew. With faith and determination she was ready to face whatever the journey would provide. It would not be easy, but she was willing to take the risk for she knew it was worth it.

She marched forward with a new clarity, strength and purpose. She was ready to take on her own future and make the most of it.

The endlessly winding road ahead of her was full of opportunities, and if she kept up her courage she would be sure to reach her destiny.

She was done looking back at the pain and hurt left in the past. She was ready to create her own destiny.

She had been through a lot in the past; heartbreak, pain, and hurt. But she was determined to not let the past determine her future. She was done searching for happiness in the past, when she already had the power to create joy in the present.

She refused to give in to her doubts and anxieties. She was ready to take charge of her life.

She embraced every opportunity she had to learn and grow. She took every opportunity to do what she was passionate about, to express herself and to grow as an individual.

And in the process, she was creating her own destiny—a destiny full of laughter and confidence, joy and success. She was no longer scared of the future, she was ready to conquer it.

This newfound sense of empowerment imbued her with courage. She was no longer afraid to take risks, as she had now become unafraid of failure. She was ready to live life on her own terms and to be who she wanted to be.

And she smiled with pride, for she was truly creating her own destiny.

Nothing from the past would stop this brave woman from living life to the fullest.

Rosa's newfound freedom and independence allowed her to heal from her past experiences. She refused to let the events of her past define her or stop her from living her life to the fullest. Survivor's guilt and post-traumatic stress had been crippling her, but she made great strides in conquering them all. Rosa wasn't afraid to reach out for help and took it upon herself to confront her demons head-on, no matter how much it scared her.

The moment Rosa realized that she could take control of her life and make sure she was living it to its fullest was a powerful one. No matter what happened in the past, nothing would stop her from living a life that made her happy. With this newfound confidence and strength, she was ready to take on anything.

March 30, 2023 16:57

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