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Creative Nonfiction Crime Horror

By the time I stepped outside the leaves were on fire. My mom burned down our house once again. The third one in three years. My mom has killed the last three boyfriend's in the last three years. I don't know why she killed the last three boyfriend's but she did. I guess the last three was just worse then all the rest. The rest we would just run away when things get bad. The last three put her in the hospital so I guess she just snapped with the last three. I don't know why she keeps finding such abusive guys. She said this is the last time it was just going to be the last time. I thought for sure it was going true this time. I was starting to believe her it's been three months at this new town. We never did have this luck when I was little , only good man my mom ever had was my dad he died when I was three. After my dad died my mom was in and out of relationships. She could never be alone, town after town ever since my dad died. I never had a great father figure in my life. I was always glad when it was just us my mom is here self when it is just us. We have all night movie sections I can tell her anything when it's just us. I got three months this time until Billy came into our lives. He was nice at first and my mom changed everything just for him. I didn't get close at first I had a feeling he was going to end up like the rest of them. I was right it took six months of them dating and the abuse started. Billy he lost his job and started drinking and took it out on my mom. I got to comfortable once again and made some friends. I just wanted to be a normal teenage girl and stay in one spot for more than a year. The bruises started to show so I know she already had a plan to leave but this time I wasn't going to let her get away with it not anymore. I didn't wanna run with her not any more I just wanted a normal life. I can't hear the screams of the guys anymore , and I can't watch my mom get beat over again. I figured she will be safer in prison. I just can't run no more I have friends I want to keep my friends. I called the cops once the house started to burn , I locked myself in the car so my mom couldn't stop me. All I can remember is my mom screaming at I can't believe over and over again. I watched her get handcuffed in the back of the cop car. I just remembering the screaming and the crying of my mom. I am only fourteen so I ended up in foster care. I got to stay in the town and have a normal teenage life. I been here a couple years now the Bailey's adopted me. I visit my mom was a week to keep her updated and let her know I am okay. Every visit she tells me she is sorry, I accept her apology every time. I tell her I got accepted into Harvard I told her I plan to be a lawyer she said congratulations and I left. I can't believe it took watching leaves burn changed my life for the good. I graduated Harvard and met my husband we had a fall wedding I can't believe something I seen negative be became a positive. I think it's because I needed to see a positive in fall again and what more then to do so with a fall wedding. I used to love fall before I seen my mom burn down houses and hearing her boyfriend's get burned alive. Now years and years have past and more positive things happened in the fall. I met my boyfriend in the fall halloween night at a college party. He was Thor and actually resembles him so I had to meet him. I said to him in my black widow costume, I said Thor is my favorite. He told me his name is Felix and said nice to meet you. That moment on it was meant to be. A Halloween wedding got married on our first year anniversary the very first day we met I never thought fall would be me joy again but here I am getting married to Felix. I thought I could never like fall again watching the leaves burn put me in therapy for a while. I never thought it but I stand up in front of everyone and said I do in beautiful fall leaves in a field. I didn't see any burning leaves no screaming . I only seen people throwing them in the air telling us congratulations. I am happy and fall is once my favorite season again thanks to Felix. I can also thank my daughter she is another reason I can like the fall again. I surprisingly had her on our wedding anniversary. Fiona seven pound and eleven ounces. She black hair blue eyes just like me I have a perfect family and I have my mom to thank in away. If I didn't call I would probably still be on the run with my mom. I know I had to call and live a normal life and I'm greatful for it. I am happy I love fall again and it took that one last time. I will never watch leaves burn again and I am okay with it. Felix and Fiona brought me to like fall again and now the only time I see leaves on fire is when I watch them get burned in my backyard by my husband just to get rid of them. I watch them burn right before he burns them we play in them with Fiona hard to believe now she is now one and I watch her run in a pile of leaves and I couldn't be any happier.

October 10, 2020 06:21

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1 comment

K. Antonio
18:20 Oct 17, 2020

I think this story just needs to be carefully revised. The tale is long with no separation (if that's something stylist , fine), but it should be broken into smaller paragraphs, so that it it easier to read. I just think the story needs to be read and edited because I did notice a lot of improper verb and article usage, as well as some variation in verb tense. Which is not that big a deal, because grammar can be quite daunting, even for native English speakers. If you do intend on extending this story for the future, just read it...


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