
“Ugghh, what a day!” Keemah bellowed. “This was the longest day ever”, she exclaimed. Keemah was a gynecologist at the most well- known doctor’s office in Fargo, North Dakota. It was 8pm on a Friday night and she was just knocking off from work. Keemah looked up at the sky and decided she better hurry up and get home before the blizzard got worse. “Beep beep” rang her door alarm as she clicked the button to open the door. Within 5 minutes of entering her maroon Grand Cherokee jeep her phone rang, “You have an incoming call”, her phone system indicated. “Hey babe, where are you? The blizzard is getting worst,” Kurt asked in a concerned tone.  Kurt was Keemah’s husband. Hi babe, it has been a very long day. I am on my way home now. I am stopping at Family Fare first to get a few things. “Is there anything we need?” Keemah questioned. “A few more batteries for the flashlights would be suffice.” Kurt replied. “Ok, see you soon.” Keemah retorted. Keemah pulled up to the Supermart and noticed there wasn’t a car insight. She looked over toward the supermart and noticed the lights were partially off. A little worried, Keemah parked the car as close as she could to the store and hastily walked inside. Once inside Keemah noticed that the lights were actually flickering. “Hello!” She shouted, but she never got a reply. This time she yelled a little louder. “HELLO!” still no response. “That’s odd, were is the cashier?” she thought. Keemah cautiously proceeded to walk around the supermart to get her batteries and a few other things. As she walked toward the back of the supermart it began to get darker and darker. A concerned look grew upon her face and she began to get freaked out. Keemah started to walk backwards slowly and then turned and headed for the door with the groceries in her hands. As she got closer to the bakery section she noticed something on the floor in the corner of her eye. This got her attention and she walked timidly towards the object. As Keemah got closer she could not believe her eyes. “A baby!” she said flabbergasted. She ran over to the baby which sat in a blue and brown car seat. “Omg aren’t you a cute little guy. Keemah turned from left to right and still did not see anyone in the supermart. She picked up the baby in the car seat and did a thorough trip around the shop. There is no way someone left a cute little boy like you alone in a shop. The baby smiled at her and her heart melted. “HELLLOOO IS ANYONE HERE? She yelled once more. Keemah rested the baby down on the floor gently and proceeded to get some things for the baby. Keemah took the groceries to the front of the store and began packing them into a brown paper bag. She hurriedly ran out to her car and put the bags in the car. She looked up at the sky again and then she looked around, still nobody insight. The winds have now picked up and gotten stronger. She ran back into the supermart to get the baby. She looked at his cute little face one more time and smiled.

         Beep beep, Keemah tooted her horn as she pulled into her drive way. Keemah put the car in park and jumped out of the car with her door still open. She ran up her porch steps, skipping every other step. As she reached the top, Kurt came out of the house with one eyebrow raised. “What is with all the noise? he questioned. “Baby you won’t believe what I found at the supermart,” she stated. The winds were getting stronger now and it was unsafe to be outside. As Kurt followed behind his wife toward the car, he wondered what could be in the car that had her all enthusiastic. Keemah slowly opened up the back door on the passenger’s side. Kurt walked toward the car door and his mouth dropped. “Baby, why do you have a baby in the back seat? “Grab the groceries and I will explain inside. “I don’t have a good feeling about this.” Kurt proclaimed, but Keemah ignored his statement. Once inside Keemah grabbed a bottle of wine and poured herself and her husband a glass. She flicked on the tv and put on the ABC news and plopped down on the grey love seat. Breaking News appeared on the screen, which caught their attention. “A 75-year-old man, the owner of Family Fare in Fargo, North Dakota was killed tonight as he hit his head when he slipped and fell due to a leak from the blizzard. “OMG, this is the store I went to tonight, now I know why nobody answered.” “So are you going to tell me why we have a baby in our living room? Kurt asked inquisitively. Keemah took two sips of her wine and began to relive her story in the supermart. Once Keemah had shared every detail about her adventure at the supermart, Kurt could definitely understand why his wife had brought the baby home but one thing he did not know was that his wife planned on keeping the baby. “In the morning we can take the baby to the police station and advise of what took place tonight,” Kurt advised. Keemah agreed but she knew very well she was not going to execute Kurt’s plan because she had a plan of her own.

         The next morning, they were both up at 6 am due to the crying of the baby. Keemah held the baby and rocked him back and forth to soothe him as Kurt made the baby’s bottle. Minute by minute Keemah was falling in love with the idea of having this baby and Kurt knew. Keemah was 40 and Kurt was 42, they had been trying to have a baby for the past 5 years but they have been unsuccessful. He walked into their bedroom with the bottle and stopped in his tracks as he saw the way Keemah was looking at the little baby boy. “He is so sweet baby, can we keep him?” she asked. “No baby, we can’t, this is illegal. We need to go to the police and tell them everything.” he stated. Keemah ignored Kurt again and continued to gaze into the little baby boy’s eyes as he stared back at her with his small almond shaped eyes. She felt a connection with him. Kurt handed his wife the bottle and stayed at the door watching her feed the baby. He too wanted a baby just as much as his wife did and he knew they were running out of time to complete their family. Kurt was a family man and he loved his wife. He always gave her everything she wanted to make her happy. He went down to his man cave and thought things over, leaving his wife upstairs with their potentially new son. Kurt stayed down in the man cave for a few hours pacing up and down trying to come up with a solution. He went back upstairs to tell his wife his decision and found them both asleep in their king size bed. The little baby boy was now getting to his heart and he knew his decision would ultimately be the right one.

         Kurt showered quickly and ran out to do a few errands while his wife and the baby were sleep. He thought to leave behind a note so that his wife would not worry. The blizzard was now over, and things were back to normal. Kurt hopped into the Grand Cherokee and put on Avant’s 4 minutes. He backed out of the drive way rolling over some branches which must have fallen from last night’s blizzard. Kurt got on route and headed towards his destination.

         “Is that all you require Sir?” the sales lady queried. “I believe so, I am new to this.” Kurt responded. Kurt had picked up everything from a stroller to pampers, to a crib, to paint. “It looks like you have everything Sir,” the sales lady countered. Kurt left the baby store and headed back home hoping that Keemah would not be up. To his surprise Keemah met him at the door with the baby in her arms. Kurt began to unload the Grand Cherokee jeep and take everything inside. “Baby, what is all of this?” she asked excitedly. “It is everything we need for our new baby.” Kurt assured her. Keemah walked over to her husband and kissed him on his lips. “Thank you!” “I love you so much for this.” We need to keep this on the low for a few months. People would get very suspicious if we just popped up with a baby and you were never pregnant. Keemah listened to her husband and agreed. They sat down and thought of what they could tell people eventually. Keemah contacted her mom and told her she needed to speak with her about something life changing. They drove over to her mom’s house to explain everything and their plans going forward. They felt relieved once they left Keemah’s mom’s house. They thought the outcome would have been a negative one, but her mom was on their side. She wanted a grandbaby just as much as Keemah wanted a baby, so if this was the only way, then this would do.

         Six months had passed and Keemah and Kurt had done a great job of keeping their new baby as a secret. Keemah’s mom watched the baby every day when they went to work. They had even researched paper work for adoptions and they had decided to create their own certificate and paperwork, making the adoption look as real as possible. They decided to throw a small party for the adoption and invited close family and friends. Keemah had invited her best friend Angel and her husband Quincy. Angel had just ran into an old friend from high school earlier that week and decided to bring her and her boyfriend along to the party as well. “Hey Keemah, this is my old friend from high school, Rachael and her boyfriend Jason, they just moved back here and I thought it would be ok if they came. “Sure, no worries at all.” Keemah clarified. “The decorations look astounding.” Rachael sang. “So where is the cute little fella that you have been so excited about?” Angel enquired. “Here he is now.” Keemah countered. Kurt was walking out of the kitchen holding baby Kemori. “Awww he is sweet!” Angel said in a baby voice. Rachael laid eyes on the baby and almost choked on her drink. “Are you ok? Angel inquired. “Yes, I am ok, I just need to go to the bathroom.” Rachael stated. She grabbed Jason’s hand and they both hurriedly walked toward the bathroom. Rachael paced up and down the bathroom crying. “This can’t be happening she cried.” “Baby calm down.” “Calm down, our baby that we left at a supermart is now adopted by my former best friend’s friend.” Rachael shouted. With the guilt creeping in their minds they both decided it would be best if they left the party. As they were leaving Keemah and Kurt’s house Rachael made sure to take note of their address.

         “Bang bang,” “who is possibly banging on our door at 9am on a Sunday morning. Kurt threw on his robe and ran downstairs to see who was at his door this early. When he opened the door he was very surprised to see Rachael and Jason. “Good morning, we need to talk,” Rachael said in a timid voice. “What is so important that we need to talk about this hour in the morning?” Kurt asked. “The baby you adopted.” Rachael countered. Kurt let both of them in and offered them some tea. Before he can sing out to Keemah she has appeared at the bottom of the steps with Kemori. Once Keemah sat down Rachael began to reveal their secret. They left the baby at the supermart hoping that a decent family will find him and give him the love he needs. With tears in her eyes, Rachael thanked them both for finding him and giving him a good home. Rachael and Jason didn’t want children, they enjoyed the party life and did not want anything to get in the way of that. Thet had their fun and had made a mistake, a mistake of getting pregnant. They both stood to leave and gave Keemah a hug. Keemah also thanked them for a gift that she could not have naturally. Rachael turned and walked over to give her biological son one last kiss on his forehead before she walked away. “Thank you!” Keemah said one last time with tears in her eyes as she watched her new son’s biological parents walk away.

July 28, 2020 22:33

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Leya Newi
17:28 Aug 06, 2020

Like Ellie said, this is a feel-good story. Very enjoyable to read, which is most writers’ greatest wish. As for feedback, the dialogue was a little choppy. She said/he said works for most situations because the reader can mentally skip over it while still knowing who said what. Also, whenever a new person speaks you should start a new line. It just helps smooth out you writing and make it easier to read. Otherwise, I thought this was a great story. Keep writing!!!


Egypt Belle
19:32 Aug 06, 2020

Hi Leya, Thank you for reading my story. I am glad you enjoyed it. Thank you for your feedback..i will definitely work on that.


Leya Newi
20:53 Aug 06, 2020

I look forward to seeing your future work!


Egypt Belle
14:11 Aug 07, 2020

Thank you Leya.


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Leya Newi
20:53 Aug 06, 2020

I look forward to seeing your future work!


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Lee Jay
23:45 Aug 05, 2020

Such a lovely feel-good story. I noticed a few spelling/grammatical errors, and a tiny bit of what an old english teacher called "spoon-feeding-the-reader" (expanding on implied details). Very unique character names and development. Keep on writing!


Egypt Belle
19:31 Aug 06, 2020

Hi Ellie, Thank you for reading my story and thank you for your feedback.


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Barbara Burgess
10:40 Aug 02, 2020

I love your story. Heartwarming. A good and interesting take on the prompt. One or two spelling mistakes - however someone found some in mine too! Keep writing. Writing short stories is an excellent way to improve your writing and who knows, maybe a novel soon?


Egypt Belle
11:09 Aug 02, 2020

Good morning Mrs. Burgess, I am so glad you loved the story. I will definitely keep writing and yes, i do want to write a novel soon...it is on my vision board so i am sure it will happen eventually. :)


Barbara Burgess
11:23 Aug 02, 2020

lovely - I really enjoyed your story.


Egypt Belle
14:15 Aug 02, 2020

Thank you.


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