Cylon wars - or Gates let loose a nanobot virus? or Biden 100 dollars for your soul

Submitted into Contest #105 in response to: Write a story from the point of view of three different characters.... view prompt


Drama Coming of Age Bedtime

Let’s be honest. I travel time. So do you. If you don’t believe me. Look into the past two years. According to placement of earth, speed, and distance.

Meaning? We have travelled back into time 660,000 years these past two years, according to math. Meaning the speed of the earth did not change. Just distance changed dramatically. What do I mean? In an average life of 66 years, we travel 0.2 light years. Meaning in 2 years, we travel even less than a fraction of a light year. Since 2019, earth has fallen into a black hole and somehow has raveled 2,000 light years. Or for those doing the math 660,000 years into the past. Meaning? Evidently we are time traveling on earth faster than normal or they those that wrote earth have moved 2,000 light years from NASA etc don’t know their math. Or we have moved back in time 660,000 years.

To fight the Cylon wars is my point of view as of today. That I am fighting Cylons is awkward. Why? My toaster used to be my friend. And now?

Now I worry about my toaster, radio etc coming to life. You are expecting change in your reality. That is growth. To grow means you are maturing and willing to consider other options in life.

That Gate’s foundation paid for the vaccine or nanobot virus in England and patented the virus prior to its release makes me wonder. That the virus was in Canada and then stolen by the Chinese is even weirder.

That the Chinese released the virus to stop Freedom Song of Hong Kong. Which the virus did pretty much. There is a conclusion when you see what has happened in China.

So perspective why did Gates build the nanobots in the first place to kill humanity? Meaning? Originators design a released version of the design even if it is flawed, shows intent.

Seems the design was to hurt people. Not help them, that is for sure. That 45,000 deaths within 3 days of vaccination show the continued content or attempt to murder humanity.

That Biden now has as offered 100 dollars per vaccination means that evidently a life of a US citizen is worth 100 dollars. Nothing more instead of fixing the nanobot problem released and created by.

So that is the funny part. Wuhan labs. Owned in part by George Soros. Visited by Fauci and funded by Democrats and Fauci even to date 2021 funding bill.

So? What is the purpose of this reality if we are traveling back in time to watch the human soul perish for 100 dollars into a toaster?

That is my point of view today. A time traveler stuck on an earth being turned into a toaster. Sure, I could be wrong about the math. Distance speed time formula. Doubt it. 660,000 years into a distant past.

Watching humanity lose its soul? Nanobots which are liquid oxygen trapped in between the two dimensions of the honeycomb shaped graphene that is causing magnetism of objects. It is in the shot but also it is in the GMO foods and the PCR test and SMART dust. This graphene oxide is a sigma bond. It bonds atoms together and can cause hybridization of atoms. Turning the last of humanity into toasters.

That those demented souls are trying to sell the last of humanity into being toasters is awkward for a 100 dollars. In yet? They destroyed the economy so people need food, money, etc. Without a war, they crippled a trillion dollar economy and muzzled the whole population.

I wonder really am I mad? I search for others with souls. Every so often, I find one here or there. But not many are left. I am sure there are many more, but not as many as I knew a long time ago.

The real question is this real? I mean. Look, the vaccine has 666 from patent 2000060606 cryptocurrency system in it. It has LUCIFERASE in it for the vaccine to break apart DNA, making mRNA vaccine really the virus too.

The question is why and when did the world go mad?

Daddie I don’t want to be a toaster.

I don’t want to be a Graphene Oxide (GO) Toxicity toaster.

Did Gate’s murder humanity for the sake of being a toaster?

2019 said virus man made in England shipped to Canada.

2019 said virus stolen by Chinese 2019 said virus released.

2019 that awkward moment when nanobots shut down reality.

2020, but I don’t want to be an experimental vaccine.

2020 shh. a little this and that media will sell to you the vaccine.

2021 dad are you going to get the vaccine?

2021 no son - a soul is a priceless thing.

2021 mom are you going to get the vaccine?

2021 shut up and take down your posts you are making toasters sad.

No government a soul is worth more than 100 dollars.

No government a religion is part of an individual right to believe.

No government door to door national guard promoting forcing vax.

No, thank you, I will die a human.

For a soul is a priceless thing.

Prove I have one?

Prove you did not allow CIA Gates and China to murder us all!

That is an opinion of a time traveler reviewing something happening today.

The question what is real? What is reality? Did you travel back in time 1,000 years a day for the past two years?

Did the mark of the beast show up and now the economy is so bad that 100 dollars sounds good for something you can not hold?

What is the value of a soul?

How can one price something that is priceless?

Opinion one.

As a hubby of a toaster. Opinion two.

My toaster has become a bit more irrational of late. She tried hard. But I can see it in her eyes and hear it in her voice.

She is mad. Mad at me? Sure, why not. I am me and I am worth getting mad at.

At herself? I think she rationalized her decision to become a toaster and did it without telling me so she could say. See, I did it by my own reasoning.

My toaster is sad these days. More of the people vaccinated are dying. I wonder, are the nanobots doing what they were designed to do? Sterilize the world?

I think the people in the bunkers don’t know their ending. So I will tell them.

The sterilized people. Take them out of their bunkers. Rape them to death. How do I know?

I am a lot older than 660,000 years old. I hear things.

August 01, 2021 16:42

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