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Drama Romance

In this city, I can't smell anything. Besides the scent of death. But there was no other choice. The five of us have to loot the food stock that is still left here. Therefore, we devised a strategy, how to penetrate the sea of ​​zombies from one point to another. Without getting caught, we weren't one of them. Yeah, at first, this mission was scary to me. Fear of being caught and crushed like prey for piranha fish.

Just the thought of them gobbling up my brain already makes me pee in my pants. But there was no other choice. I have to learn to get used to it. I also want to stay alive as long as I can. Because I haven't seen Kiara since we were separated last. Ah, you damn zombie. You just broke my heart. When we fervently said the sacred promise of marriage on the altar, the zombies came and ruined everything.

Suddenly, someone stepped on my big toe. Even though it hurts, I still maintain my flat, numb expression. Relax Alex, you can get through this. Krak-Krak! I tried tilting, my neck broken. Like a broken door hinge.

Who stepped on my big toe earlier? At first glance, my gaze fixed on Ari. My teammate who was also walking broken beside me. Ari gestured for me to stay focused on my goals. Don't daydream, or I won't survive. Nice reminder, dude.

The smart contact lenses shows that our goal is imminent. Approximately, 6 kilometers away. Ah, how tiring walking around like this. I learned all of this from the Mimicry community. This community educates people who want to survive to mingle with zombies. Including how to walk near them, their grooming until their unclear roars.

A smart and indispensable way, I think. Especially since climate change is getting worse, viruses are spreading and infecting humans into zombies. And zombies? As you know, multitudes are invading humans. Until humans, which is healthy, is getting cornered. The Mimicry Community maybe just a speck of hope. Hope, when we were still in arms. Do not know until when.

Pip pip! Smart contact lenses give us notifications. We've arrived near the abandoned supermarket. The sign is that we must separate from the sea of ​​zombies and infiltrate our way inside, without causing a commotion for any suspicious movements. These are the decisive seconds.

"Ari, Alex, Chen, Kei, Rose, this supermarket has a back door at 3 o'clock. You try to enter from there." Hublot command, the leader of this community via our earbuds.

My heart is about to fall out, 3 o'clock is a dangerous direction. There were about five, not ten zombies around. Who walked aimlessly, sporadically. Take it easy, Alex. Keep following the strategy we have planned.

The five of us, too, walked sporadically. While bumping into the closest building. Then walked broken, as if he had been trained. Shortly after we passed them all, Hublot's drone dropped a speaker with a polyphonic tone about 10 kilometers from the supermarket. Lure all zombies to one point. This is our chance. We have to hurry.

I rushed through the back door with a laser beam. Not so big, but enough for us to crawl inside. My heartbeat against the beat of time. Before the zombies crush the speaker, we have to sneak the food stock as quickly as possible into our clothes.

This supermarket, damn it! Again, it reminds me of Kiara. I haven't been here for a long time, but my memory has always failed to betray me. In the past, Kiara and I used to buy jelly beans at this place. For, well, nothing. We just fill up the tub with those sweet candies and exchange secrets.

The shelf where the jelly beans sold was the same. It didn't change at all when I passed it. But, moved by nostalgia, I smuggled in a box of jelly beans as a memento. The rest, I smuggle food that can be cooked into my shabby dress, full of fillings.

“Alex? Is that you?,"

That voice, a very familiar voice. The voice that I miss. Is it a dream? I'm afraid this is too real. Until I hesitate, should I look back to make sure?

"It's me, Kiara. Your wife, Alex.," The voice grew clearer.

“…” My throat was too sore to reply.

Finally, I dared myself to turn back. And, for God's sake, it's Kiara! Is this for real? No, it's too good to be true. I ran towards Kiara and hugged her as tight as I could.

“I miss you you know! Where have you been?," I couldn't help but cry.

Kiara stroked my hair. Then pat my back gently. As he used to do to encourage me when I was at the lowest point.

"You have to stay alive, yes Alex,"

The alarm on my earbuds goes off. We were five minutes away from the supermarket. When I opened my eyes, Kiara was not there. Disappeared somewhere. Even though earlier, it felt very real.

I immediately cleaned up and gathered with my colleagues at the back door of the supermarket. We all looked like overloaded scarecrows. Now, I have to enlarge the back door again. Slowly, making no suspicious sounds.

Before long, we immediately walked out of the supermarket. Fortunately, the zombies that were swarming there had not yet dispersed. So we still have time to mingle with them again. Well, now it's time to get back to base.

The five of us went home safely. Carrying a lot of food in our clothes. But before we rejoined, we all had to be disinfected. To kill the virus from zombie wounds that may have stuck to our bodies or clothes. Thrilling mission. But we've been trained to learn to be zombies.

I lay on the mattress arranged on the floor. While staring at the loot jelly beans.

Ari came to come to me. While lighting a loot cigarette. He offered me a cigarette, but I refused because I wasn't in the mood. Usually, I immediately greet the cigarette with a passion. It's different from now, where I just want to stare at this looted jelly bean.

"Alex, I understand how you feel." Ari inhaled deeply, then exhaled the cigarette smoke on the ceiling of the headquarters.

I am quiet. Feeling the direction of the conversation, wearing less and less.

“Before meeting you, I was on a mission with that woman. That woman is wearing the same wedding ring that you are wearing."

Ari cleared his throat hard. While massaging his forehead.

“Well, because it was also my and the other comrades' first mission. We cannot avoid mistakes because of just learning. That woman deliberately sacrificed herself to be the center of attention for zombies so we can all survive."

The atmosphere became empty.

I felt a big hole in my chest.

September 23, 2020 07:51

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1 comment

Patricia Green
23:20 Sep 30, 2020

Some good ideas here, and story flows well. Just keep an eye on your English, and keep writing.


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