High School Kids Friendship

“You wanna do something fun,”suggested Lizzy. “Yes,” the girls all cheered but the cheering stopped all of a sudden when a new girl burst through the door wearing cut jeans, the latest purple shirt and a black and white hat covering one of her beautiful emerald eyes. I looked at her in shock as she came over to me, stepped on my foot with her spiky grey shoe and told me “I am the leader now,” as she sashayed passed me. Then the next morning when I walked in the cold astounding classroom I stood still in shock. The classroom was all gloomy and grey instead of bright and colourful colors and enormous black dots instead of stripes. Now I was really angry. Furious, I stormed off to find her. Near the school lake I found her sitting with my best friends Sandy and Stormy. I marched over to them and pulled her dark black hand and let my anger out on her. She then looked at me with her emerald eyes and said that the classroom looks way better now then she sashayed past me with a triumphant smirk once again leaving the smell of her fury red hair.

“One, two, three I counted in my head it hit eight o’clock. I got out of bed, brushed my long brown hair, put my lipstick on, put on my lavender evening dress, packed my bags, put on my shoes then opened the door and screamed “It is time to go, we're going on a holiday!” I ate my breakfast and ran out of the door into the car, I was super excited. I picked up my cousin, Jenna and we were off. After a few hours instead of noise and chaos all you could hear was the beating of your heart. When we saw the place we started screaming and shouting, pushed our way out, changed and dived into the pool. A few days later the holiday ended and she went back home. I felt lonely and rejected once the holiday ended. The next morning my mum dropped me off in front of the school and when I looked I did not recognize it until I saw the address. It was getting painted grey instead of black my head was on fire. I knew the new girl did it. I marched up to Juile and screamed my head off but she just rolled her eyes and strode back to the group. I knew I couldn’t do anything so I trudged back home not knowing this was just the beginning and that she had more plans for me. 

“COME ON YOU’RE GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOl!” I heard a voice shout. I opened my eyes and saw an angry mum in front of me which made me jump up. She threw my clothes on top of my hair which made it askew then stomped out of the room. When I entered the car I was glum. "I knew it would be a day over the top," I said in my head sarcastically. When I finally arrived at school, I saw everyone crowded outside instead of being inside the classroom learning. I pushed myself into the crowd and was surprised to see Julie getting the badge for class president instead of me. Which made me irritated by her. The next few weeks was the worst (for me) she painted every single class grey, made the floorboards pink, disturbed everyone's learning, made a clique group without me, excluded me in everything, annihilated and vanquished my dreams for the school like a flat pancake, cancelled all the camps and excursions and made it a trip to a boutique because she said it will ruin her new hairdo. I kept on getting in detention because of my reaction, she even changed everyone school clothes to ripped jeans and a shirt and worst of all made us wear black nail polish and made the school gates say her name. Soon the school was completely unrecognisable. So now most of the girls were not as enthusiastic as they used to be before she came; they were like raindrops on a grave. The school was not the same, it was as dull as dishwater and I knew she would strike again…

So that night I went into my mum’s blue and white stripy room and told her why I did not want to go to school. She listened to me carefully then responded saying “You need to do something, you can’t stay like that forever.” I knew she was right but I did not know what to do. I asked my mum and she told me to go and confront her. “I would do that if I was not so nervous.” I thought in my head. Then I started weeping. I knew I could never confront her. My mum stared at me blankly then said “You can stay home tomorrow but have to go the day after.” I nodded. 

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. I quickly got dressed then headed to answer the door but to my surprise it was BFF’s Stormy and Sandy, my other friends and the rest of the girls in my class. I talked to them and they said that Julie is being mean and bossy. We can't take it anymore. Then Stormy came up with an idea: we don't have to listen to her and we will show her the way we feel by making her feel the way we feel. The next day they went to school. I presented a speech to be class president and now I was the new class president. I fixed the school to make it back to normal, painted it the color it was before, changed the uniform and let everyone go on excursions, allowed them not to wear black nail polish and fixed the gates. The next day at school Julie walked up to me and apologised because now she realized how mean she was being. We forgave her and now school was the best place ever and I could never say no.

October 08, 2021 07:31

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Anthony Salama
00:35 Oct 19, 2021



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Candy Abdelsayed
22:45 Apr 26, 2023

really interesting


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Anthony Salama
09:05 May 09, 2022

No no no i love the story it is saying girls are bad


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Anthony Salama
09:05 May 09, 2022

No no no i love the story it is saying girls are bad


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Anthony Salama
09:05 May 09, 2022

No no no i love the story it is saying girls are bad


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Anthony Salama
05:29 Nov 01, 2021

good good good (x 1000000000000000000000000000000000)


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00:42 Oct 19, 2021

its very good


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00:35 Oct 19, 2021



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Karass Danial
00:35 Oct 19, 2021



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Lyssandra M
12:54 Oct 14, 2021

Good job it really relates to real life


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00:35 Oct 19, 2021



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Candy Abdelsayed
09:25 Oct 14, 2021

Soooooo good love the adventure!


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Lego World Genius
07:49 Oct 14, 2021

This is good but it needs to be longer


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