Crime Fiction

"You can't run forever." My sweet girl. No matter where you go, I will always find you. Hiding from me only makes things worse. My sweet Sadie, I'm coming for you.

I've been running for so long I don't know what day of the month it is or even the year. Is it Monday or Friday? I just don't know. I don't even know where I am. It's been so long since I stayed in one place. I'm scared.

I witness something horrible. Something that has haunted my memory for the last two years. Do you want to know the worst part? I knew them. Oh God! I knew them. I can't even talk about them. Tears are coming down my face.

They were my friends, like my family since I had no family. They took me in, accepted me as one of their own. I loved them. In an instant they were gone and I was left all alone and on the run for my life.

I can't even say their names. More tears are coming down. The tears won't stop. I can't make them stop. My life is shattered. Everyone is looking for me including him. The one responsible, the reason why I'm running.

Two years ago, I witness the people I love the most get butchered by their own son. More tears are coming down my face as I say their name. The Henderson family was the most loving and caring family in Newport. They were a selfless people, always doing good, always caring about the community. They loved life.

Amy Henderson was the most selfless person, an undeniable beauty who put a smile on everyone's face. Her parents Hank and Marie were the kinds of people who would give you the clothes off their backs. They were loved by everyone. No one hated them.

Their son Caleb was different, so very different from his family. He is dark and uncaring. He is vicious and cruel even to his own family. I was always scared of Caleb. Hank, Marie and Amy tried to get Caleb help but it never worked.

One night, two years ago Caleb snapped and butchered his parents and sister. I saw everything. I heard there screams. I felt their pain. I wish I done something to help them. I was too scared. After he murder Hank, Marie and Amy, Caleb sat in the dinning room chair drinking beer.

I quietly got out of my hiding place and quietly packed my bags. I open the door and left. The mistake I made is going out the back door. Caleb saw me. I began to run. I ran as fast as my legs took me.

For two years me and Caleb have been playing a game of hide and seek. I hide and he finds me. I change my appearance. He always finds me. I change my name. He finds me. Caleb leaves me presents taunting me.

I leave under the cover of darkness with a new name, different look and to a new place somewhere far away where no one knows me and Caleb always finds me. I never let my guard down. I never let anyone in yet Caleb always finds me. I left all my precious belongings at the Henderson home like my butterfly pendant.

I have nothing left. I left no breadcrumbs. How does Caleb find me? The police can't even find me but Caleb does. Is he as smart as the police or just better? I can't think right now. I need to find another safe place. Caleb found me again.

I thought I was in a place I could be safe. I was so very wrong. Caleb found me again. I don't know where I'm going but I hope Caleb won't find me this time. Only in my dreams.

I miss Hank, Marie and Amy so much. I think about them all the time. I miss Amy's smile. I miss Marie's hugs and cooking. I miss Hank's dad jokes. He always thought he was funny. To me he will always be the funniest guy in the room. I hope they are together in heaven. I close my eyes and dream of the good old days.

My sweet Sadie, you're running again. Don't you know, I will find then I will make you pay for running from me. My sweet Sadie don't cover yourself. Don't hide your true self from me. I love the way you look.

I love your brown curls. I love your hazel eyes. I love the way you laugh. Your laugh melts my heart. Don't you know Sadie how much you mean to me. The first time I saw you, you were mine. My family were getting in our way. They told me to stay away from you. I had to get rid of them.

I did all this for you. What do you do? You run from me, from my love. I had to get rid of my family so we can be together. Where ever you go my sweet Sadie, I will find you and you will pay.

I open my eyes. The sunlight is hitting me. How long have I been asleep? I look at my watch. It's noon the next day. I get off the bus and walk to someplace new and different. What town is this? It's a beautiful town. Now I'm hungry.

That was the best burger I ate in a long time. I pay and leave. I don't know what to do. I'm tired of running. Two years is a long time to be on the run. I'm tired of not looking at the real me. I'm tired of changing my name. I don't want to be afraid anymore.

I look up at the sky praying for a sign. Hank, Marie, Amy, my angels in heaven, please give me a sign. I need you so much now. I close my eyes breathing in the beautiful warm weather. Then I open my eyes. Three beautiful butterflies fly in front of me.

Thank you, my three angels. I know what I need to do. First, I need to change out of these clothes and be me. I walk to the nearest hotel and check-in. I go to my room. I open the door and walk-in. I put my bag on the bed and open it.

I begin taking off my wig, fake eye lashes, contacts and change into my real clothes. I look at myself in the mirror. Wow, Sadie you look beautiful again just like you use too. Now time to get justice.

I leave the hotel and walk to Fall River (that's the town I'm in) police station. I walk up the stairs, open the door and walk-in. I walk to the front desk. I tell the officer who I am and that I witness a murder.

The officer leads me to another officer. He introduces me to a Detective Ryder. I sit down. I introduce myself and begin telling my story.

January 31, 2024 22:05

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Lisa Smitten
21:15 Feb 07, 2024

Melinda, this was a really great story that had me hooked from the beginning. I loved reading the inner dialogue and creepy dream recollection of Caleb's voice. I know there may be some restrictions on writing gore but I would like to see more into the moment of the murder and maybe focus more on the feelings she had during her escape. How did she manage to leave quietly? What feeling did she have when she discovered Caleb found her? How did she know to run so he can't catch her? Really well-written, looking forward to reading more if you re...


Melinda Madrigal
03:31 Feb 09, 2024

Thanks for the review.


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