Fiction Horror

Saturday night in a club, Han is currently dancing and drinking with his friends like every weekend, girls, drink, smoke everything for us to have fun, dance without thinking any burden you have in your life.

The DJ is busy dancing around while he tunes the music a few times, everyone is having fun until suddenly.


The light goes out, the music stops, the club was dead silent except for the noise of people's breath as they were startled by the sudden darkness.

"Where is the manager, how can he ruin my weekend!" Han broke the silence as he irritatedly called out the manager, he is a regular in here as he needs some form of stress-relieving activity every weekend from all the quarrel he had with his parents about why he didn't have a job yet.

Seeing that there is no answer from the manager, Han clicks his tongue before he mindlessly moves to look for him.

"Hey watch it!" 

"It's pitch dark in here so can you stop moving!"

The people in the club were irritated by Han as he keeps on moving despite their warning, seriously you can't even look at your own finger, how do you expect to find someone in this situation, but Han doesn't have that thought in his mind or he just did not care as he really needs the party to continues lest he kills himself for having too much stress.

As Han moves while pushing the people around him and shouting for the manager while he's at it, the ground suddenly shakes, Han was lost his balance and falls to his palm.

The earth was calm again while Han stands to his feet in anger.

"Goddammit!, can I just have my party in peace?" Han was increasingly irritated by the sudden vibration.

Suddenly another earthquake occurs, making everyone fall to their butts while they shout in alarm.

"Run for your life!"

Everybody runs after that shout and they all headed towards the exit, Hans included with fear planted on his face.

When they were able to exit the club, they continue to distance themself from buildings as they are scared that the buildings will crash on them, but they realize that they couldn't see anything except the stars and moon in the sky as they give their faint and soft light.

There are still some people running around the club looking for the exit but to no avail as the darkness blinds them out of their sight.

The people outside the club are a little fortunate as they at least could gaze at the stars and the far away galaxy that is filled with countless stars that it makes the sky looks like a painting from an artist.


Once again the earth vibrates as a loud stomping noise resonates around the city, everyone spread out their hands to balance themself as their legs were wobbling from the vibration.

Han was in a panic just like everyone, but he or anyone can't see anything but the stars in the sky, and using that to catch a glimpse of everything around is tough luck.

So everyone decided to stand still in place to avoid hitting other people or something that wouldn't be comfortable to hit into.

Han turned his head to the stars and sigh, he had enough problem to handle every other day, and Saturday is the best day for him as it is the only day he can be free from all the sufferings, yet it all be ruined by a city blackout.

Then suddenly Han was in shock as his eyes widen and his body trembled in fear, The stars in the sky suddenly move and a giant creature suddenly appears with little light on his body that looks like stars and galaxies.

Han can see countless giant tentacles slithering in the air as the creature starts to glow in the darkness, he can see its sinister face as it grins sinisterly towards him.

Everyone shudder in fear as they could discern that sinister grin faced towards them, the creatures inch closer as it grins towards them, stomping the ground with its tentacle as it slowly approaches.

Han was shaking uncontrollably from fear, his body turns cold and he didn't know what to do as that red-eyed giant creature stare at him with his malicious grin.

"Monster!" a scream started everything as everyone shout and run as fast as they can and as far as they can from the monster, but with darkness engulfing them it is unavoidable that some of them will run to each other and fell, yet it did not stop them from running as their flight response kicks in at the maximum.

Han was extremely terrified, his face was dark and horrified when he recalls that sinister grin while he ran for his life, he ran and ran before he hit someone and fell but even so he quickly gets up and runs for his life.

ahh! Agh!

countless tentacle shoots out from the monster as it stabs its victim mercilessly before it ate them raw, its saw-like teeth effortlessly cut the soft human bone like it was a cake.

Han can clearly hear it, it was the crunching sound of humans as they get eaten by the monster, but nobody had time to turn around and take a glimpse of what it looks like for a human to be eaten alive by a giant monster.

Han keep praying in his head while he was running, he was praying that this was all but a nightmare, he was praying that he would wake up in the morning while his mother would call him out for breakfast while yelling at him to get a job, and after that, he would wake up and pretending to be asleep as he did not want to be lectured.

But Han would willingly go downstairs to be lectured and compared to his brothers, he would willingly listen to his father's advice and would clean his own room without complaining, because it was much better than the terror that he experiences today.

"Please let it just be a dream!" tears flowed out of his eyes as he ran, hoping it all would end with a simple wake up call from his mother.

May 02, 2021 19:11

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