“Hachoo!” Surreptitious Superficiality

Written in response to: Start your story with your character(s) going to buy some flowers.... view prompt



Bless you.


Is it allergies?

Seasonal allergies?



A bug?

A virus.

Does it even matter at this point?

Looks good. Good looks.

Will it ever end—the bug-being-excuse. The excused excuse of all the excuses of our modern times.

Haven’t we all been through enough?

Apparently not.

So we are continued and continually pursued in order to be put through the ringer.

Bring it On.

Be careful of the quiet ones. The ones tiny enough to get by.







Wreaking of the havoc they continue to quietly spew. Distractions are meant to do just that. Distract.

Ice is cold.

Water is wet.

Fire is hot.

Needles are sharp.

A square peg in a round hole. Fits better than imagined.

Shifting responsibilities require of us to stay the course.

Require of us to exercise our personal efficacy and responsibility.

No matter what.

Be careful what you wish for.

Be careful of your worst impulses.

No matter what.

It DOES matter who is holding the cards.

My apologies for divulging that needed and necessary info.

One does not have to be lazy and feckless (ac,hm). Boots on the ground is an awareness. Looking in the eyes of another and NOT looking away.


No matter what picture, number, or signal is on your card. The difference between the deserving and the undeserved require of us to keep the conversation loud and clear. Honest. Steadfast. Non-BS.

Expressively. Implicitly. Explicitly. Any which way. But loose.

Socially, systemic breakdown is a problem of us all. Yet. So is personal responsibility. Passing the buck is the same as passing the bouquet. Of beautiful, of large or tiny or promises of love. Promises of a life.

Settle the score?

Even the score?

What is the score?

I do not keep score.

Do you?

May the best person win.

May the best person be able to stand the heat.

Without getting all hopped up.





Living in any kind of excess leaves us all in a state of distortion.

Who will you call when the card is denied, the chips are down and the car breaks down in the middle of the road.

Best be ok with looking bad. Real Bad. Sometimes.

Never accept sugar coated violence or in your face violence.

It is: “Not the normal condition for human life.”(hm).

Stare ‘em down with the self governance of a steadfast and steward-like individual. Be not blind to the extracurricular activities around you. Fathers are never allowed to be booted out or drawn out of anywhere, anytime any way. Our Father. Who art in heaven. Your Father who art in home.


It happens.

Enticement can be a powerful aphrodisiac and if serious about the family unit. Some persons better be the ones to take the step back.

Otherwise. Be prepared when they:

Bring it on.

Take a deep breath.

Take a long walk.

Take a long walk among the beautiful flowers.

Be prepared for the


Superficiality, like a bank that chases, is more concerned with meaningless things, material,objects, money, status, gossip. In the meantime, there are boatloads of persons hurting, really hurting. Waiting for the beautiful bouquets to come their way.🍇🍷🧩💐🌷🌹🪷🌺🌸🌼

Most of us will be waiting. The majority of us were not present when the drinks were being passed out and the participants became passed out. It is very, very difficult to build honest connections, friendships with superficial-minded persons. Leaves the rest of us standing against the wall, hoping, praying even to be called.

Our physical appearance did not “Look good”. Our “good look” was not good enough. The mug 🍺 shot of all mug shots. 😳 The glamour shot of all class and sophistication.🐴

Siri and their moral compass tandem and press to be on the same page. At your and everyone else’s expense. Best not to jump the shallow end with ‘em and swim amongst their “peeps”.


May not be enough water to go around. And swallowing a pill without water can hurt. Ouch.

Important people are the first in line and do not bother to look at those at the back of the line. Too busy. By the time the bouquet is passed back to the. The beautiful flowers are










Best or better to say a word, or words, off the cuff or in the cuffs?

When you have the answer it might be nice to share with us peons, the other others.

Surreptiously speaking or not speaking is really the same difference. Furtively. Secretively. Sneakily. Stealthily. Undercover. Underhanded.

Clandestine flowers of non stop “Hachoo, Hachoo, Hachoo, Hachoo, Hachoo, Hachoo, Hachoo, Hachoo,Hachoo, Hachoo.”

No shot in the whole wide world will make the bug come off the beautiful flower. Even a dose of honey can’t help. The bug of all bugs appears, wherever, whenever and the beautiful bouquet just ends up wreaking. Surreptitious relationships are the weeds of the weeds and the roots of the rots of the weed. Flaunt whatever you think you need to flaunt. Surreptiousness spreads like a wildfire and burn the beauty of a beautiful landscape. A beautiful existence.

Rocks and all.

Best to be open. Blatant even when asking for the best of the best. The elite of all elite. That way you may end up with a nice little bouquet of your very own—and not that of another’s steadfast commitment to another. That would be considered stealing.

And. Stealing anyone or anything from a committed ‘nother is a crime. Who needs to step back now? Ask yourself. Self-governance is not for the weak.

Sneaking cookies before dinner.

This or that under the table.

Squiging a sip of this or that.

Passing the note.

Behind someone’s back.



Please give credit where credit is due and consider the majority of people not to be idiots. But to have a core and soul that likes to be liked just for who they are.

Sidewards glances are impolite.

False billing on a statement is too.

The hack of all hacks.

After the “Hachoo, Hachoo, Hachoo”.

Thank you for the lovely and beautiful flowers.

They made my day.

March 24, 2023 17:41

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