
I tapped my foot impatiently as I waited for the announcement to board my plane. It was the first time I was traveling alone, and I never realized how long the wait was. I was nervous, but bored at the same time. Focusing on the curl that kept falling out of my braids, I started twirling it around my finger. Looking up ever so often, I noticed a girl who was making her way to the seats near me, she looked oddly familiar. She had the same dark hair as mine, but the rest of her face was covered by her hat and sunglasses. I went back to mindlessly twirling my hair when she approached me. “Do I know you from somewhere?” She took a seat beside me and took off her glasses. I smiled and shrugged. “I don’t think I know you,” “You’re cute. Where do I know you from?” Did I know her? I don’t think so. “I remember that face, I wouldn’t forget you, tell me your name!” She persisted. “Gwen.” I said, she held her hand out, her face showing she still couldn’t figure out who I was. “Eve, when do you board? Where are you off too?” “Italy, I’m supposed to meet a friend who models there. And in a while, What about you?” she had a surprised look on her face. “Same-zeys! What if we’re heading to the same place? How cool would that be? We could be like travel buddies!” Eve definitely had a lot of energy. Most of mine was focused on why she looked so similar. My eyes met her blue grey eyes and I was starting to think we had the same hair and eyes. Her dark hair had waves in it, whereas mine was straight, but that was because I straightened it this morning, hoping it would make it more manageable on the plane. 

Noticing I had gone quiet she spoke up again. “So Gwen, what's the first thing you want to do in Italy? I love Italy, I would so hit the historical buildings so I can take some Insta pics, but then I want to head to bed so I'm not jet lagged for tomorrow. I’m going to do my very first meet and greet! Also, I get to meet my cousin for the first time” I smiled again. I bet she was so talkative she wouldn’t have minded if I didn’t talk at all, I’d rather keep to myself anyways. I answered her anyway. “My friend said she knew a really good spa to work off my jet lag, and she has tickets for some famous person she wouldn’t tell me who for the next day, I’m just excited to see her.” She pulled out her phone with one hand and reached around my shoulders with the other. “Oh my god! I figured it out, come take a selfie with me!” She put on the classic sparkle freckles filter and surprised I smiled beside her, trying to copy her face. She looked at the photo and her eyes bounced between me and the photo. Too shocked to say anything, she showed me the picture, pointing at our faces. “Look!” she whispered. I looked down at the photo she snapped and I realized where she looked so familiar from. “I know you from the mirror!” I yelled loudly. I noticed heads turning and I covered my mouth with my hands shrinking after I apologized. “Yea! We’re identical!” she said surprised. “I was not expecting that,” I whispered. “When’s your birthday, on three, one two, three!” 

”January 17th!”

”January 17th!”

I shook my head. “No way!” She was grinning from ear to ear. “I had no idea I had a twin sister, did you?” I asked. “No, but I always imagined,” she responded, still almost fully frozen in place. “Are you adopted? I’m not, so my parents must be your biological parents,” she shrugged, “they never told me but I thought about it a lot, I don’t have brown eyes like my parents, or moms blonde hair or even dad’s sandy dirty brown blonde hair, and one say I was snooping around and I found this note from my adoption agency, that's how I found my real cousin. She said my parents were dead but I could go see her. She sent me a picture of her, she’s really pretty too.” I laughed, she was saying so much at once. She dropped her phone on the side and then pulled me in a tight hug. When we pulled apart, I spoke up first. “So meet and greet huh?” she smiled down at the floor, nervously swirling some of her hair around her finger. I guess it’s not just me then. “Cheerleading, my team got famous a few years back and now i’m kind of boosting my career, and my angency got me a world tour meet and greet thing, I start in Italy, and we once we see how the first few go I might get to form my own team, Oh my god, do you want to join?” I made a slight face and switched it to a smile, but she caught it right away, “sports aren't your thing?” I shrugged, “I like water sports, not highschool sports.”  

“Can we exchange numbers? I would totally love to hang when we both have a moment.” I held my hand out and she passed me her phone, I typed in my number and snapped a picture of myself. In the company section I wrote “Airport twin:p” I called myself, and hung up. “Perfect, now I have your number too,”  I took my phone and saved her contact the same as mine, “Eve, Airport twin:p” We spent time talking, getting to know each other better, cracking jokes every time someone passed a comment about how alike we looked. Time was ticking by and eventually the announcement went off to signal it was time to board the plane. This was the moment We realized we looked at the tickets wrong and we were on separate planes. Eve left on the next plane, so we both stood up and hugged for the last time and I rushed over to the gate to leave for my flight.

July 09, 2020 21:53

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We made a writing app for you

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