
Whirlpools are dangerously beautiful, centripetal forms. You can't turn your eyes away from one. And you can get so lost in the beauty of it that you never know when you're pulled in.

Actually, just about any shape that water changes into pulls us in.

The endless depth, the high tides that can knock you off, and the shallow waves that fade before they even reach your feet.

And its power is so intense that it doesn’t even require shape.

Even if our eyes are closed, the roar of the water moves us.

Whether it is to take us somewhere bright, to a place like home at the edge of the land, and to help us find a peace that can only be found in long hugs and morning coffees, or to take us somewhere dark, somewhere deep inside our heads, and to cause conflicting centrifugal currents that weep through the ends.

Water can make us feel trapped. Make us feel like our souls are too vast to fill our little bodies, with its enviable nature, free and unyielding, submitting to nothing, and so full, and so passionate. Can make us wish we were at least a weed in it, just to be a part of it.

Every leap reaching the sky, every pirouette an exhilaration.

And it's a waste.

Only a few understand the magic, but most of them don't believe it themselves, and the rest of them are ignorant.

The earth is seventy one percent water, the human body is sixty, and yet, the personification of the fundamental element is unrecognized.

It was assumed that he would lead, wherever he goes, whatever shape he chooses.

As his airpods play in his ears, his moves call to the waves. He blends in with the ocean, commands it from ten feet away, and anyone with eyes should recognize him.

We are appalled by this complete disrespect, and ignorance of the humans that can't see him.

Even his partner. Couldn't understand why he chose them, an oblivious fool, as a partner.

"Humanity has rubbed too much on him", eidon had said, with an amused, nostalgic smile, "Is that what humanity is like?"

We don't know. Is humanity feeling small? Because He's grown up feeling small. Him. Small. He seems to feel small all times except for times like this, that is, when he's in the beach, dancing like this.

We think some part of him still remembers, because he couldn't stay away from the sea.

He was born somewhere far away from any water places, but here we are. Every time he wants to breathe, he comes over.

Its how he was recognized.

He used to sit at the shore, all night long, alone and unafraid of the high tides, taming them and playing with them, like no human could and can ever, because the waves would swallow them in a minute even if they dared, but as he jumped for a split leap, the waves would follow him, and they would match his stoop with a bow to him.

Humans are the most ignorant creatures we've ever seen.

The limitless potential is lost at sea.

And add it to his insecurities and procrastination, it's not even his full self that he shows to people.

He seems scared, unmotivated and insecure most of the times.

And his partner, surely is an addition.

Last week, they showed his brilliant potential to some blind idiot, and together they gave him some stupid tips. They tried to teach HIM! The embodiment of water and dance and geometry, how to dance.

And he got mad, yes, but not as much as he usually would, here. Not even as much as we did.

We were absolutely furious.

And immediately took the anger to eidon, who burst out laughing, and rolled his eyes, which couldn't hide the longingness he felt.

And we confronted about why he wasn't angry, he smiled amusedly, "Well, honestly, I'm just relieved that he's having a hard time finding partners there."

"I was maybe a little worried that someone would come along there that would tame him, which would inturn cause all complications between us, but thanks to his newly found humanity, I don't see that happening anytime soon."

"And if he's struggling to let go of harmful people in his life, he will learn."

We thought about what eidon said, and about all the lonely nights cerulean spent, in his room, tired and longing for people he doesn't know he misses, "what if he doesn't?"

Eidon confidently answered, "He's a human, after all. If he doesn't find a way to express his feelings and issues to his partner or someone, he will end up bursting, and it's been too long since that storm was seen", he smiled fondly.

It's true. Its been too long since anyone saw that storm. And its surprising that we would miss something as deadly, so dearly.

Eidon is right. Hopefully.

The storm should be building.

The storm which would make the bravest cower, with the thunder and the electricity. We haven't seen him show that on another soul through out his life here.

Even in the most emotional times, he would show it here, at the beach, with his moves and his cerulean eyes, and the wind carries it away.

And we are frustrated that we can't do anything about it.

Because we've always thought that, in the end, he would rule every world he set his feet upon.

But now we're not sure. Some worlds just seem to be blind.

But he is going to rise, so tall, and filling the world in his shadow, that half the world looks up at him in stunned wonder, and the other half, in crippling fear.

Then he would conquer every little soul, every nook and corner that is part of the world.

Burning rage is going to melt glaciers and snow filled mountains, create landslides and waves of shock, and maelstroms, wrecks havoc and forces the world to see.

And well, if they don't, even that day, then they're dead.

November 05, 2021 18:36

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