
It all started one months ago when I met her. I'm James and let me catch you up...

I walked into class and sat down at my new desk. New school, another restart I thought. Nobody knows I told myself once again. The bell rang and the teacher, Mrs. Morrison walked in.

Then Mrs. Morrison said a little to enthusiastically, "Class we have a new student joining us today! James would you please stand up and introduce yourself? Tell us a little about yourself and where your from."

"Hi, I'm James and I'm from California and my parents wanted to move because of-" I stopped short unsure of what to say next..."- a family incident." Of course this wasn't the truth, but what was I supposed to say? "My parents always loved the mountains so we moved here, to Colorado. I'm 15 years old and my favorite color's red."

"Well it's nice to meet you Jame's, and welcome to Babin High School, and feel free to come to me if you need anything." Mrs. Morrison finished.

"Now class pull out your textbooks and turn to page 175 please" said Mrs. Morrison.

I blindly followed her instructions and pulled out my textbook. And before I knew it the bell rang.

"Don't forget to read chapters 3 and 4 in Divergent tonight," Mrs. Morrison shouted as we all rushed to the door.

The process repeated of me standing up and introducing myself multiple times before the bell finally released us to lunch. I was relieved that nobody had tried to talk to me yet besides the teachers, and I was starving.

I got my food and scanned the lunch room before spotting an empty table near the back so I quickly stumbled to it. I sat down and opened my chocolate milk cartoon, the one thing that stays the same no matter where I am. Then a bouncy, bubbly girl sat down next to me and said, "What's your name?"

"I'm James," I said confused why this girl, of all people, would sit next to me and what she wanted. She looked like she belonged to group of popular girls who had their table claimed near the front (I noticed it when I was looking for a place to sit).

"I'm Harley, Nice to meet ya!" she said in her strong accented voice. I couldn't place where it was from though.

"Nice to meet you to, I guess," I was still confused of what this girl wanted from me, I mean I'm not that good looking. I'm not hideous of course, but with my shagging brown hair, green eyes, and semi-muscular body I couldn't pass as a football player or anything of that importance.

Then she asked me the question I'd been dreading all day. "So what caused you to move? I mean, with the family incident you're telling everybody about," she said trying to hold eye contact so I couldn't lie.

" I- It's personal," I muttered looking down.

"Oh so that's how it is? Ok just wait." she said in a sort of know it all voice.

Then she stated to ask me questions about myself and where I'm from. And soon I was doing the same and we were just talking. I soon forgot about the all the questions she asked. Soon the bell interrupted our conversation, so I hurried and dumped my tray and ran back to my new friend and said, "So I have to go to gym now, but maybe you wanted hang out after school? I mean you don't have to, but we could talk more and get to know each other better-"

"Of course meet me by the buses!" she interrupted.

"Alright see you then," when I turned around I blushed and quickly walked away.

Stupid stupid I told myself. But, maybe it could be something more I thought. No no quit being stupid she's just a friend I convinced myself. But, maybe just maybe and this time I let the thought stay. The rest of the day passed by as slowly as humanly possible. The when the final bell rang I sprinted to the door and ran out the school doors, and for once I didn't care about how many people were staring. Then I saw her so I brought it down and tried to catch my breath. I took a few steps toward this girl, this girl that even though they'd only known each other for a few hours had a grasp over his heart.

"Hi," I said when I finally reached her.

"Hi! Sooo, what do you want to do?" she asked

" Whatever you want," I said.

"Good cause there's something I want to show you. Follow me," she said as she walk off.

By this time almost everybody had cleared off the school grounds. I took a few quick steps to catch up to her. She turn around the corner of the build and went to the back of the school. That's when I saw it. A giant spray paint mural that looked about 75% done.

"Wow," I said my words barely audible,"It's beautiful... Whoever made this must have some talent."

"Aww thanks," she said looking over at me.

"Wait," I said,"You made this?"

"Yep, and your gonna help me finish it," she said. The she unzipped her red and blue jacket revealing spray paint pockets on the lining the inside. She took them all out and set them down in front of us. Then she pulled off her backpack and dumped out even more cans and lined those cans as well. Then she grabbed a notebook that had fallen when she dumped out the back pack sat down and patted the ground next to her. I sat down and she grabbed the pencil from behind my ear.

"Alright look," she said. She explained the entire plan and the layout of the piece. When she finished she stood up and I followed.

"You think you got it?" she asked

"Yah, I think so, but I can't get over the fact that you made this! And now I get to help you finish it," I said still in shock.

"Well thank you, but we have work to do," she said as she took a few steps forward, picked up, a can glanced at the label, and threw it to me. I caught and she bent down to pick up another can and start to walk over to the wall. I walked over and we got to work.

Two hours later I set down another empty can. She walk over to me and we looked at the finished piece of work. It was beautiful. I loved it.

She looked at me and said," Thank you, but please don't tell anyone."

"Of course," I replied. Then I looked at her and knew I loved this girl.

"Harley," I said looking up at the mural.

"Yes," she said looking at me. Then I looked at her and kissed her. When the kiss finally broke I said, "I have to tell you something... about why I'm here. Can you keep a secret?"

August 21, 2020 21:20

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