Falling out of the dark, into the glass

Submitted into Contest #92 in response to: Write a story that begins in the light and ends in darkness, or the other way around.... view prompt


Fiction Suspense Contemporary

I opened my eyes, bending my legs against my abdomen and trying to reach out the blanket. Surprisingly, I realized it wasn’t my room. ‘M-mom Dad, is anyone there?’ my voice broke. It was completely dark. Running in different directions with tears rolling out of my eyes, I realized the room was endless. It felt like being stuck in the worst of your nightmares, but I had no choice but to accept the reality. I was crying louder for help when a bright light emerged before me. I ran faster to my escape and found myself amid a room full of mirrors. It was horrifying realization that I couldn’t see my reflection. Fearfully, I touched one of the mirrors, which set up vigorous ripples on its surface. I pulled my hand away instantly, but a tremendous force pulled me inside, penetrating through the glass. On the other side, ghostly-grey fog covered the room, slowly creeping towards me; tendril-like fingers, clawed their way close to me. Suddenly, the fog dissipated, and I found myself inside a glass room. Falling through the dark into the glass.


‘Can I play with you guys?’ a squeaky voice reached my ears. ‘No, go away, freak. Let us play peacefully,’ came the reply. It was relief to hear someone's voice amid that trap hole. I followed the sound’s direction. In front of me was a boy sitting alone near a group of children playing together. 


 Suddenly the playground disappeared. The same boy emerged to be lying on a familiar bed. ‘That's my bed!’ I gasped. I furrowed my brow, trying to make sense of this scene. However, my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the little boys voice. ‘I will prove to them that I am worthy. I’ll be their best friend. It would be amazing to be friends with Raza.’ the boy spoke determinedly.


 The bed faded out, and the boy appeared once again, cracking jokes in his classroom. ‘Oh, be quiet, Landon. Do you think your prudish jokes are funny?’ someone sneered at him, causing the whole class to burst into laughter. Landon hunched down his shoulders, his ears growing red. He gave a heart hearted chuckle, tears welling up in his eyes .


Suddenly the bodies of students began to rip apart, floating in pieces just like carded wool. The furniture tore apart, launching splinters into the air. Millions of the fragments of things present in the classroom started to mingle with each other. An enormous ball formed, produced by a massive amalgamation. It was scary to watch everything dissolve into it. I began to step back when the ‘Ball’ made a slight movement forward. In an instant, it shot towards me, breaking the glass barrier and rolling over me. I did not lose consciousness, which I should have in the first place, but instead, my body felt paralyzed. I felt no pain and was stuck with the sticky fluid lingering over the ball. Slowly, I began to sink in the fluid. I barely had floated inside the center of the ball when it all exploded. A massive explosion, tossing away all the fragments it contained, including me.


I felt myself thrown onto a green plain. It was terrifying- realizing that I couldn't feel any pain. I stood up and was dusting myself off while examining my surroundings when my eyes met hers. My heart melted away instantly, and tears spilled out of my eyes. I was stunned to find Zainab standing in that plain; the green plain extending all around us. I ran towards her. ‘Zainab, where are we?’ Tears rolled out of my eyes as I held her hands in mine. She did not respond but stood there. ‘Why are you not speaking? Why are we here, Zainab?’ I grabbed and shook her shoulders. Suddenly her body began to tear apart and float in the air. ‘Zainab! Don’t leave me!’ I shouted. Fragments of her body started disappearing, and the darkness began to fall again around me once again. 


I fell to my knees. Zainab was the love of my life. We studied together since kindergarten and became best friends. Every time her beautiful voice chimes into my ears, I used to get goosebumps. My feelings for her deepened as time passed. Despite being her closest friend, I didn't learn about her heart. She always hid her feelings for anyone. I always feared to express my love for her. I did not want to ruin our friendship. 


 My life fell apart when she died during a car accident; a couple of years ago. Her death came as a tremendous shock to me, and I could not get myself to accept the reality. I repented all my life for not confessing my love for her. At that moment, losing her again in front of me extracted my wounds.


Soon the light fell again, and I found myself in the same glass room, presenting additional scenes from Landon’s life. 


Loads of scenes appeared, showing Landon trying desperately to impress the people around him. He was always pretending to be the "cool guy", seeking attention, but ended up being humiliated in the end. He was always seen crying every night in his bed. He longed for money, things, friends, and love. My heart went out to him. ‘Who is this boy? I don't want to watch his life story!" I shouted, my voice breaking. I was judging the life of Landon when another scene appeared. It was a dark room with Landon lying in the corner, crimson blood pooled around his stiff body. There was a knife in his hand, covered in blood. He had cut his veins. The door broke open suddenly, and a woman ran inside. 'Oh Landon, what have you done!" the woman broke into tears. 


To my surprise, the woman was my mother. It all hit me up. I was dead. Langdon was me. I wasted my entire life in search of happiness without realizing that I have to create it. I had lost my identity; which is why the mirror showed no reflection. I ran after people to receive love but was greeted with hatred and rejection. I never stopped giving up on people, and that’s why I always repented in my life; why I never remained happy. I didn’t confess to Zainab. I chose my life. I ruined my life.


Now, I was left alone in the grave, repenting of choosing my fate.

May 07, 2021 12:46

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Muhammad Wattoo
04:39 May 14, 2021

Such a wonderful piece of art from you side ❤❤really enjoy it ,keep on writing want to read your work more and more👏


08:11 May 14, 2021

It means a lot! thank u so much. It really has boost up my confidence. :)


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Saniya Khakwany
04:23 May 14, 2021

Very well written👍🏻


08:11 May 14, 2021

thank you so much :)


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Jahangir Ali
22:40 May 08, 2021

Beautiful writing style. Really appreciated. But the ending was 😑


07:26 May 09, 2021

thank u so much, it really means a lot to me :)


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Anas Razzaq
15:32 May 08, 2021

Its ending bro😭😭😭😭😭😭


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Anas Razzaq
15:31 May 08, 2021

This story gave me goosebumps


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Anas Razzaq
15:31 May 08, 2021

Wow what an amazing story🔥💔


07:29 May 09, 2021

thanks bro


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