Inspirational Romance Fiction

Lacy fixed a loose strand of hair, then gave herself a final look in the mirror. The night was going to be a dream, just like her parent's had all those years ago. She'd convinced her father to do the dinner, but he'd made the special request asking her to let him see to the rest. The doorbell buzzed catching her attention. She pulled herself away from the mirror, but quickly came to a halt at the small nightstand. She couldn't forget the ring. Grabbing the box she opened it slipping the elegant diamond onto her finger. Mother had never lived to see her wear it, or see Steve propose, but surely mom was looking down from heaven with as much joy in her heart as Lacy found in her own. Boy did Steve have perfect taste. the doorbell buzzed again causing her to glance around the hotel room a final time. clutch, ring, the perfect outfit. she had it all, and proceeded from her room, down the large wooden stairwell, and out the front door. 

"Lacy. Wow"

Her face warmed at his loss for words. "Ready for our special night?" She asked. Walking over to the polished black car glistening from the brilliant chandeliers light shining through the large windows in the front of the hotel.

"I've waited twenty years for this moment" he opened the car door. "After you Princess"

She got in the car and they drove around the beautiful gardens filled white Christmas lights. The enchanting gardens surrounded the entire resort. It took twenty minutes before they rolled up to the entrance of the Lover’s Beach resort Restaurant.

At the entrance the chauffeur took the car while he took her arm. The interior of the restaurant was stunning. Her heart skipped a beat when they came to their exclusive table on a beautifully lit patio overlooking a shimmering oceanside lit with soft moonlight. "Dad, it's perfect, and so, beautiful. And there’s the beach where we’ll be holding the ceremony" She leaned slightly over the railing. On the tip on her feet she looked towards the sky closing her eyes. “Listen to that surf, and the stars make this night even more perfect.”

"They still can’t outshine my most beautiful star" He kissed her check.

"Dad, it's just like yours and mom's date back in the day. The time you proposed all those years ago" she placed a hand over her heart to calm herself. She then realized the pictures lining the railing, wound in fairy lights we’re not just any photographs. "These are all your pictures, when you guys we're dating." Lacy let her finger glide over the details in several metal frames. 

"I thought it would be a nice touch"

"It is"

"There's a picture of every date we went on, others of my favorite portraits, then of course our wedding picture"

"And when Steve and I marry tomorrow, we can add ours to the collection. We could make it a family tradition"

"But this one's my favorite" her dad's face grew bittersweet as he took a picture from the wooden railing. "I never imagined her not being here with us, for you, and your big day"

Lacy drew near placing an arm around him. A picture of her mother. young, beautiful and poise. Like royalty. "Dad," she found words at last. "She is here, and in our hearts." she placed a hand over his "Nothing can take away the memories we made together, and tomorrow when you walk me down the aisle she'll be there too, in spirit."

"I know," he gave her hand a soft pat.

Tears filled both their faces. Soft footsteps interrupted, and they both turned.

"Sorry, I can come back if you're not ready yet" The waitress excused herself, backing up a few steps.

"No, I think we're ready," Lacy turned to her dad who nodded in agreement.

The refreshments were served a few minutes later, and they decided to take a seat, and take in the moment while they waited on dinner to arrive. Her father pulled out the seat for her. "For my Princess'' 

She blushed, and toyed with the fabric on her dress while he took a seat and raised a glass. "To new memories!"

She smiled meeting his glass halfway "To new memories"

The following morning. Steve joined her on the Patio wrapping his arms around her. it was the big day. “How did last night go?”

“Wonderful! You wouldn't believe how magical it was”

“Todays the big day you know?” 

“I know,” She smiled. “I’m so nervous though. I just want everything to go as planned”

“Lace, sweetheart don’t worry. This is going to be a great day, our day” He took her hand and kissed it.

Steve. Ever the gentleman. He was certainly raised right. “Can you believe it? In just five hours I’m going to be Mrs. Lacy Newman”

“My wife” he spun her around, leaning in.

“Don’t get any ideas. You know father wants to capture our first kiss”

"Yes, by a professional photographer" Steve smiled. He took her hands in his and stepped back. His gaze took her in. “I can wait, though it’s quite hard. Seeing as you are the most beautiful woman on the face of this earth”

“Steve, you flatter me ” She leaned in kissing his cheek. “But wait until you see the dress” She pulled away. “Speaking of that. We both have lots to get done.”

“Ah," he pulled her back in "Can’t we just elope, I mean who wants to wear a stuffy suit, or a tie anyhow.”

“Steve dad would kill you, he’s waited his whole life to walk me down the aisle. As for the suit and tie, be a rebel, like you said it’s our day. Just family.”

“Alright no suit and tie. You sure you still don’t want to elope?”

“Tempting, but where would we go?”

“We could, just run off in search of an abandoned cave, or shoreline, and make love under the stars”

She laughed. “It’s a romantic thought, but maybe a little impractical”

“We could do it after the ceremony”

“Deal. Now let me go so this wonderful day you promised me can fully commence” 

He released her, but not before placing a final kiss on her forehead.

The ceremony was everything she dreamed it would be. The beach beneath her bare feet, the love of her life waiting for her at the end of the flowered pathway. The small gathering of ten or so close family and friends who witnessed as they shared their vows, and a passionate kiss. Lacy was happy to have finally tied the knot. Her heart was flooded with joy, though there lingered the uncertainty of all that this new chapter would bring. The challenges, the adventures, and the new memories. Yet not long after, the evening brought the most calming radiant sunset that put her every concern for the unknown at ease. More wedding pictures followed, then Steve finally pulled her away so they could retreat from the guests. Steve pulled her into his arms, walking her back up the steps, to the patio still lined with the pictures her dad had placed there for their dinner the previous night. Her dad quickly followed them, waving his phone. "Lacy! you're gonna love this!"

"Dad, slow down," Lacy laughed at the sight of her gray haired father sprinting up creaky the steps. 

 "I know, I know. You lovebirds want time to yourself, but you just have to see this picture." He held out the photographer's camera.

Lacy took it, her eyes beginning to water. Framed by the most stunning sunset she'd ever seen. She in her wedding dress stood with, Steve, and her father; and in her dad's hands was a framed picture of him and her mom on their wedding day. "Dad, it's..." She found herself at a loss for words.

 "I'm gonna have yours framed so it can match ours," He continued. He was still holding his wedding picture "Then picture this," He took the camera from her and set it and her parents wedding photo side by side on the decorative railing. "We can place them side by side as a collection, and like you said it can be our family tradition. We can do it for generations to come" He looked back to her. His gaze softening at her now tear streaked face. "What do you think Princess?"

“I think it’s great Ron” Steve cut in. While holding her in a comforting embrace.

"Dad, I think...it's the best tradition" She took a breath, brushing aside the tears "And the pictures are breathtaking" She pulled the two loves of her life into a tight embrace. The three of them formed a beautiful family. It was a beautiful moment. Unforgettable. “Did I ever tell you, you guys you mean the world to me” Her tearful gaze drifted once again to the wedding pictures, placed side by side. They were memories she would cherish forever, memories she would never forget. Memories she would hold to for eternity.

February 13, 2021 19:37

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