Romance Drama Fiction

Vivian's POV

She pulled the door open, grabbed her purse, and walked out into the hallway. He silently followed her out of the apartment. Her sneakers squeaked against the marble floor as she walked towards the elevator and called it. When the elevator arrived she glanced over her shoulder and stepped in. He stood next to her in the elevator as it descended. She fidgeted nervously with her hands, latching and unlatching her purse. When they arrived at the lobby she held her head high and strided out. He watched as she walked out onto the street.

The café wasn't too far from my apartment so I walked. My mind raced as I approached the small coffee shop. 

I can't do this, I shouldn't. 

My thoughts were all the same. Was I ready? I took a deep breath and pushed the door open, the little bell announcing my arrival.

I glanced around the café before awkwardly sitting at a small table by the window. I ordered my drink and waited.


Atlas's POV

I walked into the café, my eyes immediately on her. I tilted my head slightly as I studied her, but my thoughts were interrupted by the door being pushed open. I silently moved to the side as a tall gentleman entered. I watched as his cold eyes combed through the café. When his eyes landed in her, gently sipping her coffee, his cold eyes softened. 


Vivian's POV

The man who approached my table was tall. His skin was a beautiful honey color and toned with muscles. His black hair was ruffled in a carefree way and slightly covered his vivid blue eyes. I swallowed nervously as he stopped in front of my table.


"Uh, yes, yeah, that's me!"

"Lovely." His smile was sweet and gentle as he sat down across from me. "I'm Atlas, you're blind date."



My blood boiled as the man sat down. I watched as he made her laugh, that sweet contagious laugh. His eyes were glued to her and I could see the blush heating up her face. How could she? I sat in silence, anger radiation off of me as I watched them flirt.

I can't believe she is on a date right now!

As much as I can't stand the sight I refuse to look away. Who knows what might happen. What he might try to do. I stand and walk towards their table. As I approach I hear the man say, "This has been a blast! I didn't know a blind date could go so well!" I watched as she smiled up at him, "Me neither." As I got closer I noticed the man shift, like he was uncomfortable.

"Will there be a second date then?" The man asked, excitement in his eyes. "I think there just might be."

"Wonderful!" The man stands and offers a hand to her as well. "Until next time, Vivian." He quickly kisses her cheek and walks past her. At the door he turns and smiles, "I'll call you." My eyes burn holes into his back as he leaves.


Vivian's POV

As I walked back to my apartment I felt a chill. Once I reached my building I took the elevator to my floor. I walked down the hallway to my apartment. I unlocked the door and stepped in. My apartment was modest but modern. The rent was affordable, with my job, and the neighborhood was good. I was comfortable.

I gently placed my shoes by the door and walked to the couch. Throwing myself down on it I sighed.

That date was amazing.

I spend the rest of my night walking around my apartment doing daily chores. The whole time I'm unable to stop thinking about Atlas. His sky blue eyes, his night-black hair, and the glimpse of a tattoo on his arm.

God, what am I doing? It was just a date...That went really well.

I throw on a nightgown and plop down on my bed. I make myself comfortable under the covers and lay on my side. I close my eyes timidly. After a while, I open them.

I’m not crying.

I sit up.

I’m thinking about him and not crying.

I hug my chest, and the pain I once felt remembering his name is no longer unbearable.

Is this what I think it is...am I moving on?

I don’t know how long I sit there with my knees to my chest, but it feels like days. Atlas has finally filled that void. That empty space left in my heart after he died. I’m moving on.


Vivian's POV

I had seen that cardinal before. It seemed to always be around when something important was happening. When I had gotten my dream job interview, I had seen the little red bird perched on the hood of my car. It seemed to have always been there for me like it knew who I was, and something about it felt familiar. It was even there on the day I met Atlas, sitting outside on the window sill. And again it is here for me as I wait for the music to start its head turns to me. Its small body stills as we lock eyes. What came over me, I never knew but I felt tears prick at the corner of my eyes. Time seems to stop as I hold this little cardinal’s gaze. Then in a moment, it opens its wings in a sort of display before taking off, it circles me once, twice, three times before calling out. A soft loving melody, one I hadn’t heard in a very long time. 

It was his favorite song, the one he would whistle as he walked around the apartment. I knew that song by heart. I slowly pull my lips together and as the cardinals song comes to an end I join in on the last note. My whistle mixing with its song and as the note came to an end I watched as the cardinal soared into the sky, and I knew deep down I had finally let him go free.

I turned as the music started, quickly whipping at my tears, I stepped into the church. My white gown trailing behind me as I approach the massive double doors. They open on cue and I glance up from my bouquet. I took a step onto the aisle, littered with rose petals. My father came up next to me and I smiled. I laced my arm through his and we walk down the aisle towards my new beginning, towards my future husband, towards Atlas.



I watched as the beautiful ceremony unfolded. I watched as they exchanged vows, the rings, and the kiss that sealed it all; and as he swept her off her feet and carried her down the aisle I smiled because I knew she’d have so much to tell me when I saw her again.

August 26, 2021 13:48

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