P.S. I love you too

Written in response to: Write a story about two people falling in love via email.... view prompt


Fiction Romance

Monday two years ago


Sent at 9:30 am 9/6/21

Dear Melanie,

How are you? I noticed you were in a rush to get into work this morning, and I saw you left the carpark and forgot to get a ticket for your car. I got you one, and I'm just

letting you know in case you remembered to get one and then thought you might've been going crazy if there was one there when you hadn't got one :)

Have a nice day,

Jack (from two desks behind you)

P.S. I thought your hair looked really nice today.


Sent at 9:37 am 9/6/21

Dear Jack,

Thank you so much!!

You're right, I was late for a meeting this morning and completely forgot about getting a ticket! I really appreciate it; it saves me a lot of frustration over getting a fine. I don't have any spare change on me now, but I will bring you the money for the ticket tomorrow.

Thank you again,

Melanie (from two desks ahead of you)

P.S. Thank you for complimenting my hair, I was worried it looked a mess because I was rushing.


Sent at 9:41 am 9/6/21

Dear Melanie,

No worries! You don't need to pay me back; I was more than happy to do it. There's nothing worse than being in a rush and ending up with a parking fine.


Jack (the colleague who keeps sending you emails)


Sent at 9:45 am 9/6/21

Dear Jack,

I insist on paying you back. Or, if you won't accept it, let me at least take you for some coffee. The new cafe down the road looks nice; I think it's called Cafe Joli. Shall we go at eleven? I won't take no for an answer.


Melanie (the colleague who keeps replying to your emails)


Sent at 9:48 am 9/6/21

Dear Melanie,

If no isn't an option, I guess I'll have to say yes. See you at eleven!


Jack (the guy you're getting coffee with)


Sent at 9:52 am 9/6/21

Dear Jack,

Great 👍


Melanie (the girl you're getting coffee with)

Thursday one and a half years ago


Sent at 11:57 am 18/12/21

Dear Jack,

My meeting tonight finishes at 6, did you want to go out for dinner after? I was thinking we could book a reservation for the restaurant across the road from the gym? It's old, but it has the best pasta, and I think I'm going to need a massive bowl of pasta after the meeting. We could go rent a movie and go back to mine as well. What

do you say?


Melanie (you girlfriend as of exactly two months ago)

P.S. You look hot in that blue shirt.


Sent at 12:01 pm 18/12/21

Dear Melanie,

Dinner and a movie sounds great. I'll make the reservation on my break. Say for 7:30? Gives you time to go home and wash up if you want. It's called Silver Spoons, right?

You're right about it being old, I think Mum took me and my sister there when I was twelve. From what I can remember, it was great.


Jack (your boyfriend as of exactly two months ago)

P.S. I always look hot in this shirt. Just like how you look hot every day.


Sent at 12:05 pm 18/12/21

Dear Jack,

7:30 is perfect for me. I'm pretty sure it's Silver Spoons - you can probably search it up. And I didn't realise it had been around for that long. Did you have any movies in mind?


Melanie (Jack's hot date)

P.S. You're full of shit, you are.


Sent at 12:09 pm 18/12/21

Dear Melanie,

How about something Christmas-sy? 'Tis the season after all!


Jack (Melanie's hot date)

P.S. I know I am, that's what makes me special.


Sent at 12:12 pm 18/12/21

Dear Jack,

What about The Holiday? I love that movie; I haven't seen it in ages. It has Kate Winslet and Jack Black and Cameron Diaz. Classic. You down for it? I can pick it up from the rental store on my way home.


Melanie (The person who loves romantic Christmas movies)

P.S. Good special or bad special?


Sent at 12:17 pm 18/12/21

Dear Melanie,

I'm ashamed to say I haven't seen The Holiday. But judging by that fact that it has Jack Black, it must be great. I'm 100% down for it.

See you tonight,

Jack (The boyfriend of the person who loves romantic Christmas movies)

P.S. Good. Is there such thing as bad special?

Saturday one year ago


Sent at 3:26 pm 23/5/22

Dear Melanie,

I just got off the phone with my parents! Mum and Dad said they're happy to have us stay at their place, or my sister Laura said she's happy for us to stay with her. Laura's

place is a bit bigger, and it's closer to the city, but with her baby coming it might be a little hectic. The baby is due in a week, so prepare for Mum to be a tad crazy. Where did you want to stay? Dad said he'll pick us up from the airport in London at 2 on Wednesday morning and drive us either to Laura's or back to theirs. Mum would come to meet us, but she wants to be ready to babysit George in case Laura goes into labor. I hope you're feeling better, I'll see if I can get off a little early to make dinner and see how you're doing.

Love you,

Jack (your nurse for the next day or two)

P.S. Dad's made a bet on the sex of the baby. Mum and Laura's husband James said girl, but Dad and Laura bet on boy. I'm going girl, want me to put in a bet for you?


Sent at 3:37 pm 23/5/22

Dear Jack,

Should we stay at your parents place? As much as I would love to stay at Laura's, it's probably best if we give them some space. Guests aren't exactly the kind of thing you want around when you have a newborn baby. Also, what was your Dad's name again? I'm so sorry, I'm trying to send him an email about coming over but this cold has fogged my brain. When you swing by could you pick me up some more Panadol? I'm

all out.

Thanks Baby,

Melanie (your patient for the next day or two)

P.S. Put three bucks on girl for me.


Sent at 3:44 pm 23/5/22

Dear Melanie,

I think staying at Mum's and Dad's is a good idea as well. We'll probably see plenty of Laura and James and George anyways. And Dad's name is Michael :) I'll make sure to grab you some Panadol on the way home. What do you feel like for dinner?

Hope you're feeling better,

Jack (your nurse AND chef for the next day or two)

P.S. Sure thing.


Sent at 3:49 pm 23/5/22

Dear Jack,

I'd kill for some chicken tonight. I'm sick, but I haven't lost my appetite. How about creamy chicken pasta?


Melanie (your extremely lucky and grateful girlfriend to have a boyfriend like you)


Sent at 3:51 pm 23/5/22

Dear Melanie,

I spoke to Dylan; he said it was fine if I wanted to leave a bit earlier to take care of you. I think a few things went slightly pear shaped today, he seemed kinda desperate

to get you back up and running. He even told me I could leave now if I wanted! I just have a few documents to send off, I should be home in about an hour, I'll pop to the shops to get stuff for dinner. Chicken creamy pasta sounds awesome.

See you soon,

Jack (your heroic boyfriend coming to save you with chicken creamy pasta)

Friday six months ago


Sent at 10:43 am 16/11/22

Dear Jack,

I was looking for houses (I know, I should be working) and I found this one:


I thought it was perfect. It's beautiful, reasonable price, and only 20 minutes from work. Dylan was asking me about the spreadsheet we did up, I couldn't find it on my computer, then I remembered we did it on yours. Could you send it to him ASAP? He seemed pretty on edge about it.

Love you to the moon and back,

Melanie (the slacker browsing houses rather than working)


Sent at 10:47 am 16/11/22

Dear Melanie,

Found the spreadsheet, I'll send it to Dylan in a minute. Also, that house looks great! It looks big enough for us, and the location is amazing. It's a great find. And I'm more

than happy with the price. Did you want to talk about putting an offer in at lunch?

Love you more,

Jack (the other slacker looking at houses his girlfriend sends him rather than working)

P.S. I forgot my leftovers for lunch at home. Can I share yours?


Sent at 10:52 am 16/11/22

Dear Jack,

I think we should talk about putting an offer in. It looks great, it can't just be us with our eye on it. Although, we could...you know...'take care' of the competition our own way.

Love you most,

Melanie (your possible partner in crime)

P.S. But...it's my leftovers.


Sent at 10:55 am 16/11/22

Dear Melanie,

That's illegal.

I'm in.

Already scheming up ideas,

Jack (your partner in crime)

P.S. Please?


Sent at 10:57 am 16/11/22

Dear Jack,

Great. We can discuss methods over lunch.

Scheming up more ideas because I'm better than you,

Melanie (The chick you're going to plot murder with)

P.S. Fine.



Sent at 9:30 am 3/7/23

Dear Melanie,

The past two years of my life have been amazing. You have brought a meaning to my life I didn't know I had. And for the past few nights, I've been thinking; I want to spend the rest of my life with this woman. Without a single doubt, I know I want to grow old with you. I want to build a life with you. And once I was 100% sure I wanted to do this, I then found myself asking; where and how do I ask someone this important to me to spend the rest of her life with me? And after careful thought, I decided I wanted to do it where I first fell in love with you. I thought it over and over. At first, I thought it was our first proper date, at the movies, then I thought it was at the coffee shop you took me to after I paid your parking ticket. And I was going to do it there, at the same table at the same time, when I realised I didn't fall in love with you at a coffee shop. I fell in love with you somewhere else, even if I didn't know it at the time.

I fell in love with you in an email.

I fell in love with you when you responded to my first email two years ago.

And that answered all my questions.

So, to check;

Where and how am I going to ask you? In an office, in an email, sitting at the same desk I sat at when I fell in love with you.

Now all I have to do is ask.

Melanie Rowe, will you marry me?


Jack (the madly in love guy from two desks behind)


Sent at 9:32 am 3/7/23

Dear Jack,

I've never loved anyone as much as you. You make me smile every day. You make me laugh every day. You have cared for me and loved me as no one else ever has, and to spend the rest of my life with you would fulfill all my wishes, all my dreams.

So, there's really only one answer.


Loving you more than life itself,

Melanie (the girl as equally in love as you from two desks ahead)

P.S. I love you.


Sent at 9:34 am 3/7/23

Dear Melanie,



P.S. I love you too.

February 10, 2024 08:32

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