The Most Fun Night Ever.

Submitted into Contest #114 in response to: Start your story with the line, “You wanna do something fun?”... view prompt


Coming of Age Contemporary Friendship

You wanna do something fun? Let's get dressed up and go out for a fancy dinner! Can I borrow this skirt and maybe some earrings? Does my hair look okay? We look amazing and so does this champagne. What a beautiful restaurant! We have come such a long way since college-we are officially adults having dinner in a place like this. I pick at my food- preferring to focus on the bottle in the bucket. "Priorities Jenny! Priorities!", I tell myself. LOL. The bill is a little more than I expected but whatever- YOLO! Our friendship knows no bounds- and cannot be limited by financial constraints. It will work out anyway after I work extra hours at the bar this week. Actually I will save my cash and just use my credit card. In times like these a night out is a necessity! The past couple of years has been just horrible and we deserve to let loose. Let's take some pics to post on IG before we get too sloppy- #Girlsnightout. Fast forward a couple of hours and bottles of champs later and we are heavily buzzed and ready to partay. We pop into a crowded spot down the street. The last time I was here I got SO drunk- I hope no one remembers. Different bartender- thank GOD. Mascara rings are forming under my eyes but I still look pretty great- and the drinks are cheaper at this new bar! I need to remember to alternate with a glass of water after every drink. I have the hardest time remembering to do that! Tom S. just came over to me- he's not that cute but his parents are rich and he always has coke at his afterparties. I know he has a huge crush on me. A few drinks later we are walking to Tom's house with a crowd of fun friends that want to keep having fun. I feel too sober all of a sudden- I hope there is extra beer at Tom's house. Vinnie turns and kisses me randomly. He smells like beer and cigarettes like my Dad when I was growing up. I try to pretend it's no big deal and keep walking. But what the hell- I thought he was dating Adriana? We arrive and I run to the bathroom to try to go as fast as possible - I am excited to get out to the party! I don't want to miss out on anything. I hope Tom doesn't play Call of Duty the entire time. He is too slow making lines when he is distracted. In the kitchen the only beer is Miller High Life - my Dad's favorite. Yuck but it will have to do. Boring Tom dumps a bunch of baggies out on the coffee table and everyone's eyes light up. Everyone is having a great time and this party is the best! Tom was so sweet to invite us. He is such a good guy. The coke is good but we run out and start brainstorming ways to get more. Tom says he is done for the night and tells everyone to go home. Thankfully the weird annoying guy in the corner has a connection to get more. It becomes clear that we will cheerfully endure his company in exchange for more coke. We all walk down the road and smoke cigarettes until we arrive at a new location- this one is not as tidy- with exposed pipes and the strong stench of shitty apartment in the air. Someone grabs my ass through my skirt but I don't turn in time to see who it was. Silly guys! The coke gets dumped on an ugly plate- you fall asleep on the bed. How can you sleep at a time like this?! I am the only female that is awake I realize. None of the guys let me get a word in- they just keep talking and talking. The annoying guy is reminiscing about his time in the military and its HELLA boring.I just sit silently and wait for the plate to be passed to me. Any day now fellas! Hahahaha. I am going to punch someone if the plate doesn't head my way now! A few lines later I realize that I need to be more chill - I will work on that more in the future. Just be cool Jenny- these are your buds! The sun comes up and anxiety washes over me as the birds start to chirp. I head to the bathroom and hover over the discolored toilet seat. Eh, may as well just sit on it if I have shared a dollar with these people all night. No toilet paper- figures. I find a washcloth that looks semi clean and wipe. I look in the mirror and wonder if I still look hot. Back in the bedroom the guys all stare at me. I feel nervous - about running out of coke mostly- and about the annoying guy maybe trying to hook up with me later . I book an Uber home as the host searches for the perfect song to play. Raj is talking about his childhood in India again. It is so sad how he clings to that memory of being on stage. He is searching for the video proof on his phone as I shake you awake. We hobble out to the street and get in the "mid sized sedan" I requested. I don't want to be in that room but I don't want to be in this uber - sobering up by the second. I try to reign in the negativity and focus on my mantras. "Mind over matter Jenny. You are too blessed to be stressed. Too blessed to be stressed. Live Laugh Love.".

"You are my ride or die- you know that?", I ask.

"Never ending mimosas at Mix", you suggest, which seems like a great idea. Brunch is always a blast with my bestie. As we head towards the resturaunt it dawns on me that

life is so short - we may as well make the most of it and do something fun!

October 05, 2021 14:48

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