Black Coming of Age Creative Nonfiction

This story contains sensitive content

in the days of olden times back to the school younger days when preferred studying and reading books and didn't have many friends,as one s study and books were important ,and top subject for her was English,this was back in the olden days of the 1980s ,sure she had been bullied at school for her study and books instead of being with the crowd.as time went by and the high school years have started and gone,mum asked 'what are you to do in life ,she only replied 'not sure ,maybe just read in the library,and so her mum worked on getting her working in the bank,,with ber having to do a test,to get the job.and just made herself as wasn't interested for the job as wanted to be more like her cool younger sister who was in the middle of her high school years and a party girl,always sneaking to nig ht clubs with a bad group with fake IDs to get I not clubbing and drink alcohol, so onetime her popular sister took the older nerdy one out one night but never let start on the drink so fine with the good one,and one day the older sister life had changed itself for her loving time envy of her cool sister so she went dressed up to a club herself and taken by a malewith her vulnerable ways well gone were her quieter time with her books ,and until one time after a few years of making out she had been out with an old school friend or boyfriend but I n truth she had been clubbing on her own and when police had to picked her up and taken home to her parents and feeling embarrassed she taken off the back door and escaped to ;live on the streets,burt as many years went by and almost dying in a hospital of a terrible fall at a city train train station of another drink binge,though she d met a really good friends on the street and was a lovely older male and her parents also were notified and all rushed to the hospital ,and a month later seemed to recover fast after a more time in the hospital ,she promised no alcohol any more and been offered a quieter housing one bedroom unit as she regained her best quieter life again with started on being into books again ,even became a writer on a social media app and won a few badges for her stories and book reviews.and still had her only one friend ,the older male who helped her along every step of the line and helped with grocery shopping for her ,but that's all he remained to her ,a good loyal friend which turned out better than forming a full on realation ship ,welk you that way but she and him gotten along more well in a platonic and that friendship lasted a long time and though now both middle aged ,and she still in her quieter one bedroom unit with her lined bookshelves,and some on going support staff if any extra help for shopping and medical appointments,.all was fine of her return to the good old days with books to read and her new work on her social media app of being a writer .and her support sometime helped with her visitation to her parents and back home,her friend had taken to ending up I'll of chronic health,well and died at his old age and though her trauma had not return to alcohol; but just in a different like she did nt like being around people anymore except her support team ,other just isolated and became a recluse on her own home unit with more hoarded books she bought from a local book fair in a public library.well the story is just that good thing s end and regained back of a long bad past of envious and wanting to be like that person,what she learned always best to be yourself .not like another bad influenced person,.and lucky for her had survived her near death in hospital and transformed to more quieter life with books and writing ,though never still qualified for a normal work career but happy receive her support income to live on,. and her parents of now help with her shopping of groceries and her any house hold items,she continues to main her own home and with her lined bookshelves maybe a bit intellectual but don't wanna be put in a home so her on going support help more also with her cleaning and all and lucky she had a unit block with more older people also with ongoing support drop by,and of course there will always be sadness for her of her good friend passing away......but hey that could be another story,..maybe in a more time and years later/ this will end ,

and so on ,at least she had her book life again,with support of help and parents though still preferred to stay clear and not be around other people since losing her one time special friend of so many lasting years ;..the more good time to come though and her neighbours around understanding of her isolation but one older woman of scraggly look but just learnt to ignore that irratable person ,the scraggly looking woman down below her unit who is always babbling for those late night book reading and of she.d chosen to ignore that mad old woman down below her unit,,,,.any way when you end up as a writer ,any thing goes on around her ,she would make it a fiction story on that media app.

and of course the people around her didn't realise most of her stories were about them and there lives ,manly of there funny pandemic and names were changed by her of course like part of her revenge,from other people whoever made fun of her a long time ago and put it all into fiction stories on social media with names changed,she had won herself a scholar ship to write her own book ,.,one day would have her own book launched when the timing would be right with more of her allowances saved to pay for her fee of publishing ,of course.

June 05, 2024 12:01

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