Not have to be afraid of being forgotten.

Written in response to: Center your story around a character who’s afraid of being forgotten.... view prompt


Christmas Happy Sad

I don’t have a son like you. Mom said angrily.

Mic was sad and drove from home at high speed and had a car accident. Right now, he was in a vegetative state: no consciousness or intentional movement. His soul was separating from the physical body but he was also alive. The soul traveled to his home, friends’ homes, and other people's homes he knew. He would like to know how they felt toward him because he was afraid of being forgotten. 


At the hospital, his mom, dad, and relatives took shifts to look after him. They talked to him and tried to call him back and Mom was sorry that she had spoken to him badly and asked for an opportunity to meet each other again. She thought about the past, Mic is a kind boy who doesn’t know how to express love. He often offered gifts to his friends when it was their birthday or sometimes only they didn’t meet each other for some time, he often looked for something to give them. But this is extravagant and makes the economic status of his home worse. He didn’t realize that he couldn’t pay so much like this so his mom was angry at him. 


At a party in the past, Mic offered to cut a cake for a party. He gave the biggest piece to girls but he didn’t know that they were on a diet and would like only the small one. He thought he gave them the biggest one to express love but he didn’t ask what they really wanted. Sometimes, when he ate some bread with his girlfriend, he gave the crust of the bread to his girlfriend because he liked it and thought he gave the best part to her. But she didn’t like it, she loved the soft part of the bread more. She was angry at him for giving him the crust bread all the time, did you know that I didn’t like it. Sometimes each person is not the same, the best way is to ask what she wants and let her choose by herself. 


Right now, Mic’s soul wanders from the hospital thinking his mom and relatives love him. He went to his girlfriend’s room and saw her looking at his picture and cried. She talked to the picture that she would not be concerned only her needs and desires. She would pay more attention to Mic’s feelings. 


He went to his friends’ homes and learned that some friend is only a freeloader, he’s only around when there is something to gain, typically food, drink, or other benefits, but isn't reliable in times of need. When he’s ill at this time, none of them visit him at the hospital. But there’s some friend who’s interested in him, talking to his family to make them comfortable. So when he’s in a vegetative state like this, it is a good time to test someone’s sincerity. He could see the behavior of each person and could select who would be in his life. 


After realizing this, the soul traveled back to the hospital and returned to his body. He woke up from a vegetative state like a miracle. But what he saw was his mom looking sad and stressed. She has Alzheimer’s already. He talked to her to make him better. He asked her how she had been. But she answered only that she was fine and waited for her son to have dinner together again but the truth is she didn’t realize that he is his son. She told his son that she remembered what he loved to eat and did it for him but she didn’t realize that he is here with her.


He is sad a lot. He thought that it was lucky that he wasn’t left behind but he was forgotten physically. Her mom forgot his face and voice but remembered what he loved to do and eat. She always loves him. 


He took care of her at best. He told her that he is his son looking after her every day, he told him that he recovered already and when she would come back as well. And he did it every day, talked with her about old stuff and sang for her. He made her laugh by telling the funny story. He managed time to take care of her. He expressed his love by buying food and fruit she loves to eat to indulge her. But it would not be enough, he told her every day that he loves her.


One day, she is better. She realized that his son coming back and returned to be normal. She said she loves Mic and she told the story about him and his girlfriend and this made him come to visit his girlfriend. She is at the time deciding to refuse of going to a blind date. When Mic came to her house, she hugged him and said that it was lucky that she waited and didn’t decide to go on the blind date. Because the one who she loves all the time is Mic. And they had dinner together and watched the city at night. The road is decorated with lights and Christmas trees. There is the Christmas song “All I want for Christmas is you”. And this made the vibe romantic. 

For his friends, he maintained good relationships with the good friends but avoided making friends with the insincere ones. He used the experience of testing how his friend is genuine to select who would be in his life and keep the best friend and he would not offer things to friends much like before but give the good feeling and support instead. He knows how to express love in a way that doesn’t have to use money and this made her mom happy.  


Don’t be afraid to be forgotten. Everybody would be loved by someone as long as you care and take care of that person with sincerity. That love would return at the same level. 

January 19, 2025 16:29

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