Coming of Age Drama High School

The phone rings. I am assuming on the other end my Dad is calling to wish me a happy birthday. “Hey Gram!”. “ Thank you!”. “Mom is throwing me a party later, are you able to come?”. “Awesome! I cannot wait to see you Gram, we are going to have so much fun! I hope you like cake because mom got a big one!” “Okay Gram, I will see you later, love you bye!”. The phone rings again, I am sure it is Dad this time. “Hey Mike and Mrs. Baker!”. “Thank you, it’s too bad you cannot come to my party later Mike, it is going to be so much fun!”. “A gift?! Wow Mike, thank you! I cannot wait to see what it is!”. “Talk to you later!”. That was really nice of Mike and Mrs. Baker to call while they are on vacation. T-minus two hours before the party. I cannot wait! 

   Mom and I have just finished eating dinner, when I notice she has stepped away to make a phone call. She sounds a little upset with whoever is on the other end of that call. She is letting them know that I have an award ceremony at school next week because I made honor roll.

“Okay, bye.” “Hey sweetie, that was your Dad on the phone. He was not able to talk because he is very busy at work, but he said he is proud of you and will do his best to make the ceremony next week.” “He asked for me to say hi from him and he loves you.” My dad is always so busy. I do not look forward to having to work that much when I am older, especially if it means that I cannot spend time with people I love.

“Hey Dad.” “Yeah, the ceremony went great! I got three awards and a ribbon!” “That is okay, I know you are busy, maybe you can go to the next one!” “Okay, love you too, bye.”

Nate: Hey Dad, I tried calling but you were not able to answer. Just wanted to let you know that I have a game on Saturday. I really hope you can make it because my coach assigned me to be the starting pitcher and said if I do as well as I have been during practice, then I could pitch the entire game!

Dad: I would not miss it for anything Bud!

Nate: I think you will be surprised at how well I have improved this season!

   [Your call has been forwarded to a voice messaging system. Please leave a message after the tone. (Beep).] “Hey dad it's Nate, I was just calling to see if you were almost here for my game because it is about to start. If you call back and I do not answer, it’s because Coach has us doing warmups before we start, see you soon! Bye!” It’s the end of the ninth inning. I have been doing so well in this game. All I have to do now is make this batter strike out one more time and we win. I take one more look in the stands, guess Dad got stuck in traffic, this one's for him. I see Mom recording, so at least he will be able to see me on video. (Takes deep breath in and exhales out.) “Striiiiiikkkkeeee three, You’re out!” 

   Nate: Hey Dad, just letting you know my team won the championship game. Coach is hosting a cookout for us and the parents on Sunday, and he will also be giving out trophies. Hope you can make it!

Nate: Hey Dad, I haven’t heard back from you. You have probably been busy at work. Just reminding you that the team cookout is tomorrow at Coaches house. The address is 123 sycamore lane. Let me know if you can make it.

Nate: Sorry you were not able to make it, but I have great news! I got voted the team's MVP!

Dad: Wow son, I am so proud of you! Keep up the great work!

   My school just announced that senior prom is coming up and reminded us to start submitting our college applications. I have a lot on my plate in the next few months, but I am excited for what the future brings me.

Nate: Hey, just wanted to let you know about the colleges I applied to in case you had any advice for me. I have been doing really well in school, my GPA is a 3.9. So far, I have applied to Harvard, Brown, Cornell, and Princeton. I am really hoping to get into Princeton to major in Molecular Biology. I love science, I think I get that from you.

Nate: I do not know if you remember that girl I texted you about a while ago, but she and I have been talking for a while and we get along well. I finally mustered up the courage to ask her to prom and she said yes. Any advice on how not to be a nervous wreck?

Nate: Prom was great, Mom gave me some advice on how to be a gentleman without it reaching the point of cringy. Pretty sure mom has already sent you all of the pictures she took of us tonight. There was a point where I thought she would never stop and we would miss prom all together (chuckles out loud). 

   “Hey sweetie, could you come downstairs for a minute, you have some mail.” I go downstairs with hopes that I received at least one acceptance letter. To my surprise, all four schools sent back a reply. I instantly start sweating and the room begins to feel smaller. I take a deep breath in and exhale. “Do you want me to read you the response out loud, or do you want to read them?” “Could you do it for me please?” “Sure thing sweets.” Mom begins to open the first envelope. “ The Harvard Admissions Committee thanks you for your interest, and after careful consideration...regrets to inform you that your application has been denied at this time, thank you for your submission, and please consider applying again in the future.” My heart sinks. Hope starts to dwindle. “ The Brown Admissions Committee thanks you for your interest, and after careful consideration… regrets to inform you that your application has been denied. We…” “Just skip the rest please Mom.” “The Cornell Admissions Committee thanks you for your interest, and after careful consideration, we have decided that at this time it would be best if we put you onto our waiting list for next semester. We hope to hear back from you soon, best wishes…” Not bad news completely, but definitely not any news I wanted to hear. Mom opens the last envelope. Princeton. In my head I am thinking that I need to apply to other colleges fast, before they stop accepting applications. “The Princeton Admissions Committee thanks you for your interest, and after careful consideration…” I brace for terrible news. “We are pleased to announce that we have decided for you to start your education with us this semester!” I look up at my mom in utter shock. The one college I have dreamed of getting into, after all the others turned me down, and I made it into Princeton. I have to tell Dad.

   Nate: Hey Dad! I GOT INTO PRINCETON!!

Nate: The other three schools I applied to denied me, but PRINCETON accepted me. THIS IS A DREAM COME TRUE!

   Nate: Hey my graduation is on Friday at 12pm at my school. I got you two tickets, so you and your girlfriend can come, if she would like, but either way I am excited for you to see me walk the stage.

Nate: Just reminding you to be at my school tomorrow at 12pm, love you.

   “Graduating with a GPA of 3.9 and future student of Princeton University, Nate Davis!” I smile and shake my Principal's hand as I accept my diploma with the other. I grab my tassle and move it to the other side of my cap. I see Mom and Gram crying in the crowd, I smile and wave at them as I exit the stage.

Dad: Hey Nate. Sorry I could not make it to your graduation. Jessica and I got stuck in Hawaii because our flight got postponed. I sent you a postcard in the mail. You should be getting it soon. Hope you like it.

Nate: Hey Dad. I am sorry you couldn't make it to my graduation as well. You missed one of the most important days of my life. I have tried to understand your work life, and make an effort to make time for us, but it is clear you seem uninterested in anything that concerns me. So, thank you for the postcard. I will be sure to frame it, as it is the only thing you have sent me in my eighteen years of living. Afterall, it's the thought that counts.

Dad: Nate, I had no idea you felt this way. What can I do to make this right?

[Message failed to send.]

April 11, 2023 02:24

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Wally Schmidt
03:52 Apr 17, 2023

I am sure that some people experience their parents this way and you portrayed that really well in your story, sad as it is. The story reminds me of the old Cat Stevens song Cats in the Cradle, so it was a bit of a trip down memory lane. To make the conversations easier to read, start a new paragraph everytime there is a different speaker, it will make it easier to read. But good storytelling Sabrina.


Sabrina Redden
16:26 Apr 18, 2023

Thank you for your kind thoughts. I find myself grateful that in no way, do I relate to this story, I am more intrigued that I was able to put myself into an unrelated head space. I hope this is able to give some people inspiration to feel powerful and know that sometimes family is not blood.


Wally Schmidt
17:31 Apr 18, 2023

Agreed. You did a fine job with this


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