Science Fiction

I remember when there were lots of people. So many people, beyond your imaginings my darling little one. Streets crammed with people. People getting in each other's way, pushing and shoving just to get where they wanted to go. People losing their temper, lashing out, arguing, fighting even. You couldn’t ever get away from their stink. And the noise! A constant battering as they shouted to be heard over everyone else. No, little one, you wouldn't believe how so many people could live crammed so tightly together and not go mad. Some actually did go mad, but that’s a story for another time.

Here, come and sit, eat your dinner and I'll tell you more about that time. Comfortable? Good, now eat your vegetable. The people in those days ate, such huge amounts, but then they had huge appetites to match. Food was everywhere; so many shops selling all kinds of food from all over the world, things you’ve never even seen, let alone tasted. The constant adverts on the TV (I'll tell you about that, but that will also have to be some other time), you could not get away from it. So they ate, and they ate. Then they ate some more. Little one, four of you would not have made one of them – but don't let that put you off your dinner. Please do try one bite, it's your favourite.

As I was saying, they ate and they ate and they got bigger and bigger and bigger. As they got older, they continued to get bigger. Some got so large they could not walk. Could not even get out of their bed. They were trapped inside their home. It was so sad. No matter how hard they tried, no matter how much they wanted to stop, they could not –  no, dearest one, it is safe for you to take another bite. Go on, you know you like it. You are not like them. There, that was easy wasn’t it! You are so good, let me give you a hug, I’m so proud of you, I know how difficult that was. Could you manage another bite? Yes? Well done! Now, what was your question? What happened to them when they kept on eating? A good question, little one. It is not a happy story, no happy ending like in Snow White. I'm sad to say that they could not stop no matter how hard they tried, it was just too easy to get the food which was all around them, in magazines and on the TV. The trouble was, it was the wrong kind of food. I don’t know how that could be, but it was. The more they ate, the more they wanted and the bigger they got. The got so big they just died....

No, little one, you won't die if you have another bite. Just the opposite really. You, my dearest darling, must eat, so here, try another bite. What's that? You're not hungry? But it’s your favourite. Maybe a little rest and you can try again...what's that? You want to know what happened next?

Well....OK. I'll tell you some more but only if you promise to take a few more bites. That's a promise? You are so good. OK. Well, things got so bad, more and more were eating and eating, more and more were getting ill and dying. Then one day some clever person found an answer. What was it? Another bite and I’ll tell you. Well done! That’s very good indeed. Well, this clever person invented a pill. They gave it to the people who could not stop eating and, as if by magic, ta-da!!! They stopped eating. They started to get thinner, were able to get out of their beds, walk out of their homes. They had been freed by this clever inventor! How did it work? I don't really know. I think it stopped them wanting to eat. What's that little one? A bit like you, you say? Hmmmm....you are very clever. A lot like you, I think. There, can you manage another bite? I don't want you to fade away like… like…

I’m not crying little one, no, just something in my eyes dearest, nothing to worry about. Fade away like what? Did I say that? I can see that there’s no fooling you. Perhaps I am crying. Just give me a moment to blow my nose and dry my eyes.

There, that’s better. I don’t want you to fade away like they did. After they’d taken the pill. You see, once they’d taken it, they stopped eating. At first people thought it was a good thing, and it was. They got thinner. And thinner. And thinner. They got so thin they got weaker and weaker. They could not walk. Could not get out of bed…Yes, you’ve got it, you understand. You are so clever. The streets started to empty. The noise died, the stink went away. It was quite nice at first. Space to walk in a straight line, quiet to think. Yes, my dearest little one. At first it was good. No-one saw it for what it really was.

What’s that? Why am I crying again dearest? It’s just that you are so thin. My little one. If you don't eat you'll end up like the ones who could not stop eating. Then you’ll fade away, and we would not want that to happen would we? No, that’s right, we wouldn't. Why am I crying again little one? It’s because you are so thin and getting thinner. You see, the stuff in the pill, that took away the people's appetite, well it took away a lot more. Then it got into the water, oh, I don't know how, but it did. And everyone started to fade away.

I had to do something, so I grew this vegetable for you with water from the rain, so you won't lose your appetite for life, like all those other people did. So have another bite dearest, please.

Please have another bite.

January 17, 2025 11:14

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Pooja Kapadia
11:38 Jan 24, 2025

This thought-provoking piece of writing reads like a dystopian monologue. Is the struggle to make the child eat the central idea of the piece? Or is it something else? Defining it would have given the piece more clarity, maybe. Adding a bit of dialogue and a clear narrative could make it more immersive. This piece has the potential to be a compelling dystopian short story. Its strength lies in its emotional resonance and the chilling parallels it draws to real-world issues of consumption, scarcity, and unintended consequences of technology.


Andrew Parrock
22:03 Jan 24, 2025

Thanks Pooja, 'thought-provoking' is praise indeed, thank you! The spine of this story is the idea of coaxing the child to eat, as a consequence of their suffering the awful side effect ofv'the pill'. 'Emotional resonance': wow, cloud nine for me! I wrote this as a monologue because I wanted to focus exclusively on the narrator, but I do agree this makes it more difficult to read. You are correct. The idea came when I asked myself, what if these weight-loss drugs had an awful side effect. The issues of over consumption, scarcity and uninten...


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