
This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

  The poker run was a huge success. The bar was a sea of leather and ink. The local MC, The Iron Warriors, had always brought in good business but the poker runs made the year. Judging by the number of times the cooler had been restocked, the drink sales from this run alone would support her family for at least three months. Kat’s dad would be happier than a bear with a jar of honey.

A pang of jealousy stabbed Kat in the heart as she looked at the claimed women in the group. She would never wear a patch. She was too big and wrapped up in someone who didn’t want her. Someone who laughed every time someone even hinted at the idea.

Not wanting to waste another minute on what would never be, Kat pulled her long dark hair into a messy bun and headed for the bar. She squeezed her amble figure beside Jake and looked for the next customer.

The patch on his chest read Mouse. He looked like every man in the bar with leather, ink, and facial hair. His chest was as massive as the beer belly beneath it. She didn’t recognize the colors he wore but that was nothing new for a poker run. His eyes were black in the dust-covered neon lights and lowered to the river of sweat running through her cleavage.

“You get your card yet?” She shouted over the classic rock pumping out of old speakers. Kat checked the clipboard for a “Mouse” and not seeing one, grabbed the thinned deck of cards sitting next to it. Shuffling the deck she fanned them out for him to pick one. He took a card without moving his eyes from her chest.

“Damn, I’d like to run my dick through your tits.” Kat ignored the crude comment and set the cards down. Thick skin was part of the job.

“What are you drinking?” The corners of his mouth pulled back. The attempt at a smile made her skin crawl.

“You. If your night goes right.”

“You’re not that lucky.” Kat moved on to the next customer. Mouse pushed the customer out of the way. He grabbed her right arm and jerked her around the end of the bar. Kat attempted to wrench herself free but even with her large frame, she couldn’t overpower him. Bar stools clattered to the floor as she stumbled behind him. She tried to get her feet under her but failed as Mouse gave her arm a stiff tug and her shoulder gave a loud pop.

“Hey, asshole!” The bones of the would-be caveman’s nose gave way as a large fist connected with it. Mouse released her as blood poured into his beard. Kat crab-walked away as the two men circled each other. Her shoulder gave out leaving her flat on the floor. Kat looked at the man who had stopped her from being hauled away to some unknown fate.

Of course, it was Wes. He’d always been there when she needed him, like a superhero in black leather. He also had the backing of The Iron Warriors, who were there when Wes wasn’t. She hated herself for being grateful to see him.

Mouse was twice the size of Wes, though he lacked Wes’s speed and muscle tone. Wes ducked a wide swing from Mouse. His fist made contact with Mouse’s chin. Mouse wobbled on his feet and then fell to the floor with a thud. Kat sat on the floor staring at the heap of flesh. A bloody hand reached out to pick her up.

“You okay?”

“Yeah.” Kat was shaking as Wes helped her to her feet. Wes had always told her working at the bar was dangerous but no one had ever gotten physical with her.

“I got you, Baby.” Wes rubbed her back as she tried to free her mind of the fate she would have met if Mouse had gotten her outside. “Mav. Wake him up and get him out of here.” Wes said through clenched teeth.

“You better claim her or it’s bound to happen again,” Maverick said as he walked by. Wes flipped him off.

“Let me see.” Wes grabbed her hand. Shades of blue painted the skin of her wrist. Kat hissed at the pain that came from her shoulder. Questioning caramel-colored eyes met hers.

“My shoulder. He pulled hard.” Wes used his hand to inspect her shoulder. Maverick grabbed a pitcher of beer from a nearby table dumping it over Mouse.

“Try moving it.” Mouse stirred behind Wes. What would he do once he was awake? “Hey, right here, Baby.” Wes lifted her arm. Breathing through the pain, Kat looked around the busy bar. Her family needed this night to work.

“I need to get back to work.” Space, she needed space. Wes stepped beside her cradling her arm. He would always be there but never the way she needed. Space was her best defense but pulling herself away from the one thing she wanted didn’t come without some emotional backlash.

“Mav, have one of the prospects get behind the bar.” Maverick nodded. Mouse gripped the table next to him and shook the cobwebs out. Crimson continued to flow into his beard as his eyes narrowed on Kat and stayed there until he stood. Walking towards her his jaw set as he stood behind Wes.

“Bitch.” Mouse reached for her. Wes stepped between them before Mouse could touch her.

“I’m right here if you want to try your luck again.” Wes’s fist clenched at his side. Mouse’s lip curled.

“I don’t see a patch. She’s not claimed. Free game, motherfucker.” Mouse reached for her again. Wes shoved him back.

“We’re not in the clubhouse. She doesn’t need a patch asshole.” Mouse laughed.

“Club event. Club rules.”

“Different club. Different rules.” Mouse leaned in.

“Before the night is over you’ll be apologizing to me.” Mouse pointed to Kat. “I’ll be taking a different type of apology from you.” Kat stepped back bumping into a customer as Wes used his fist to push Mouse outside. The bar emptied and Jake rushed over to her.

“Kat? Are you okay?” She nodded in a daze. Kat tried not to think about what Mouse had meant or the possibility of Wes getting hurt. She didn’t want to watch the fight but couldn’t sit back and wait for someone to tell her the outcome. Would they even think about telling her? She wasn’t Wes’s old lady. Maverick stood in front of the door.

“Can’t let you out there.” Kat attempted to push past him. “I would be next if you got hurt again.” Kat knew it was useless to argue with him. She paced behind him, jumping when flesh connected with bone and muscle. With each blow, the bloodthirsty crowd cheered. As soon as the bar emptied the tide changed. Mouse didn’t last much longer in the second round. Maverick moved and lifted his chin to the door. Wes found her fighting the flow of people heading into the bar. Blood oozed from his split lip and a gash on his cheek. Kat tried to reach up to his face but her shoulder protested.

“Baby, I think your shoulder is dislocated. Can you ride?” Kat tried to ignore that he’d called her baby, again. Wes sighed. “Come on.” Wes cradled her arm as they worked through the parking lot. They found Logan, President of The Iron Warriors, among the overflow of people. Kat had known him for years and had been one of the rare people to see his soft side, even then she wouldn’t cross him. “I’m taking Kat to the ER.”

“That the reason for that sideshow with the Snake?”

“It was justified.”

“If she’d been claimed that shit wouldn’t have happened in the first place.”

“Doesn’t change anything.” Wes led her to his bike.

Wes helped her onto the back and threaded his leg over the seat. Kat wrapped herself around him willing her heart not to break from touching what she could never have.

The ride to the ER was thankfully short. Kat sat in the bland waiting room while Wes washed Mouse’s blood off his hands and then checked them in. He eventually sat down next to her staring at his bruised knuckles. “Sorry that he got his hands on you.” He flexed his fist, turning it over in the air.

“You warned me.”

“We also brought that asshole on the poker run.” Kat sighed.

“These poker runs do a lot of good and it’s good for business. Oh, shit!” Kat realized the run would end before they were done at the hospital. “Are you still going to be able to play your hand if you’re stuck here with me?” Wes chuckled.

“I didn’t play.”

“Oh. Okay.” She sighed as she tried to ease his guilt. “Even without the run, he could have walked through that door at any time. It’s not your fault.”

“Baby, the bar is Warriors territory.” Kat waited for him to continue. Wes rolled his eyes. “It’s my way of making sure you’re safe.” Before she had time to process the emotions Wes’s words caused, his phone buzzed. “Yeah?” Wes looked over at Kat. “Right here. It’s your dad.” Wes handed the phone to her.

“Hi, Dad.”

“Thank God!”

“I’m fine.”

“I’m just glad Wes was there.” If Wes hadn’t been there who knows what that Neanderthal would have done to her. The thought sent a chill up her spine. It took twenty minutes for Kat to convince her father that she would live. Then he wanted to talk to Wes. Wes took the phone holding it to his ear.

“You have my word. No one will lay a hand on her again. Ever. Yes, sir…Yes, sir.” The yes, sir’s went on for another five minutes. Kat chuckled and Wes stuck his tongue out at her. He snorted as he put his phone back in his pocket. Kat leaned on his shoulder.

“Did you really make the bar Warriors property because of me?” Wes stiffened. His eyes shifted to the side.

“We did.” Kat was playing with the frayed ends of her cut-offs. Wes lifted his arm over her head. “You mean a Hell of a lot to me.” Kat’s heart beat faster. His words ignited that secret fire. Wes pushed the air from his chest. “It’s late. Try and get some rest.” Kat pushed the flames of her secret fire into the pit where she’d kept it for years.

“We’re ready for your wife now, sir.” Her thoughts were interrupted by a nurse.

“Come on, Baby.” The fire erupted again when Wes hadn’t corrected the nurse.

Three hours and a set of x-rays later, Kat’s shoulder wasn’t dislocated just sprained. The doctor handed Wes her aftercare instructions and then put Kat’s arm in a sling.

“You’re going to stay at the clubhouse tonight.” Kat swallowed the lump in her throat at the thought of staying at the clubhouse with him. The early morning chill wasn’t the only thing sending a shiver through her. “You going to be able to hang on that long?”

“I can make it.”

“Here.” Wes took off his kutte, holding it for her to slip her arm into. He zipped it up and tucked the loose arm inside.

“What about you?” Wes pulled her hand to his sweat-slicked chest. Kat felt his heart racing under the thin fabric of his t-shirt. His eyes darkened.

“I’ve been sweating my ass off in there for hours.” Kat’s own heart raced.

“I could’ve called a cab.” Kat’s voice was almost inaudible, hating herself for suggesting it.

“You said you wanted me there?” His voice was full of hurt.

“I always want you with me.” She admitted. “I don’t want you suffering because of me though.” Relief filled his face.

“Baby, any time spent with you isn’t suffering.” Wes kissed her temple, his lips were warm and soft. They lingered long enough to ignite the fire in her again. Her heart was burning to ash every time he touched her.

Wes helped her onto the bike. Kat wrapped her left arm around his waist and laid her head on his warm back. Wes placed his hand over hers and pressed it into his chest. He let go when they turned onto the clubhouse property.

The party had left the bar and landed at the clubhouse. There were a lot of new faces and colors she had never seen. The music was deafening. The pungent smell of pot filled her nostrils. Gunner, one of Wes’s Warrior brothers, came over as Wes killed the engine.

“You finally making it official?” Gunner’s eyes watching me as he tilted his beer back. Wes laughed as he got off the bike.

“She was cold.” Wes helped her off the bike. Kat jerked on the zipper of his kutte, needing the smell of him off of her. She didn’t know how much more her heart could take. Wes pulled the kutte closed around her. “You keep that on.” He leaned down to look her in the eye but Kat turned away, afraid she would burst into tears if she looked at him. “You must be tired.” Wes put his arm around her again and they walked into the clubhouse. Kat needed to put some distance between them and quickened her pace. Wes pulled her back. “You need to stick with me.”

“Wes!” Logan called them over. “Do you know what I had to do to clear that shit?” Wes pulled her closer. “You’ll have to apologize to Mouse.”

“The Hell if I will.” The anger in his voice made her blood run cold.

“She’s not claimed,” Logan said flatly as he sipped on a glass of bourbon.

“Doesn’t matter if she’s claimed or not. She was working.”

“I’m happy to go. Really.” Kat didn’t want to relive being manhandled by Mouse.

“You’re not going anywhere.” Wes kissed her temple, locking his arm around her waist.

“You claiming her?” Wes’s jaw set. Logan shook his head. “You owe Mouse an apology.” Wes’s silence spoke volumes. Her heart was nothing more than a memory.

Wes pulled her along toward the back of the clubhouse and his room. Once the door closed Kat needed to be out of his kutte. She shouldn’t be wearing it. Wes should have let her freeze to death before he let her touch it. It would’ve been better than what she was feeling. The zipper stuck as she fought to pull it down. She was near tears when Wes came over to help.

“You’ll need to stay in here unless I’m with you.” Kat swallowed hard but nodded. He didn’t need to remind her of what happened to an unclaimed woman. Logan was right if she had been claimed none of this would have happened. The way Wes was acting was like a hammer blow to the skull. She could feel the pain but wasn’t quite sure what was happening.

“Wes?” She laid his hand over his.

“Yeah?” Kat looked up into his eyes.

“You said you made the bar Warriors property because it was your way of protecting me?” His Adam’s Apple dipped to his collar. “What other things are you doing to protect me?” Anger leaked into the words. More than once Kat had met some nice guy at the bar. She would give him her number, and then never hear from him. What if Wes had somehow stopped them from calling her? It would mean he felt something more for her, wouldn’t it? That he did want to claim her? The zipper gave, Wes pulled the kutte off, tossing it on the bed. “Wes?” He ran his hand through his hair. “Answer me.”

“Kat I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have…”

“Stop.” The fire was burning out of control. “I dream about being with you. To wake up next to you. But every time anyone says anything you laugh it off like the idea of being with me is a joke. Then you call me Baby and do things like make my father’s bar club property. You’ve blocked every chance I might have had to even think about anyone but you.” Her chin trembled. Kat closed her eyes and then opened them slowly. “Do you want to claim me? Or is this all a joke to you?” Her heart slammed into her chest.

“Baby, I promised your parents that club shit would never touch you!” He flung his arm toward the door.

“Great fucking job.” Kat peeled the sling off. Her arm was covered in purple bruises. “Is Logan right? If you had claimed me? Would Mouse have left me alone?”

“That’s not fair.”

“Not fair?” The room was suddenly claustrophobic. Kat needed to get out. She wouldn’t let him see her cry, not when he had done the damage. He grabbed her around the waist burying his nose in her hair. “Let me go.” She pushed against his chest. Damn the pain.

“Baby, I fucked up. I thought I was keeping you safe.”

“Then you were lying to yourself, ass…” His lips landed on hers stealing her anger along with her words. When he lifted his head Kat blinked up at him.

“I’m sorry, Baby.”

“I need more than words Wes. I can’t live in this in-between anymore. It’s killing me.” Wes kissed her nose and went to the closet. Reaching onto the back he pulled out a denim patch. Kat coughed as Wes shook the dust free and held the back up for her to read. “Property of Wes”. He turned it. Her name was on the chest in red stitches. Wes draped the patch over her shoulders and pulled her in.

“I claim you, Kat.” Tears strangled her words. The embers of her heart flamed to life. She’d asked him for more and he gave her everything.

“I’ve always loved you.” Wes lowered his lips to hers.

“Same, Baby. Same.”

July 19, 2024 23:31

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