Creative Nonfiction Friendship Inspirational

     Addison rushed back into her room from the bathroom. Deciding to change her outfit a third time. The thrill of not knowing the destination of the date. Only knowing it was going to be outside. She wanted to be comfortable to walk, as well as sit for a picnic. Both which Rocco stated were going to happen. Addison settled on a daisy and sunflower print medium length dress with sand brown flats. Feeling this outfit was the right choice. She merely skipped, strolled through the doorway. Her roommate's room was straight across the dead end hallway. A measly 8 steps in her merry stroll. Addison turned off the stairs cutting off through the living room into the kitchen. 

     She put her purse on the kitchen table from the counter. Searching through it for her keys and wallet. All she had to concern herself with was driving and gas. Rocco already had everything else under control. She checked the time on the microwave. 11am butterflies danced inside her stomach. As her heart fluttered in time. Rocco would be arriving soon. 

“Is he really my dream guy?”

     Putting her wallet and keys back into her purse. Blushing, she shook off the thought. Re centering herself with a few deep breaths. 

“I do reiki and meditate! Rocco’s an interesting guy but I am of value. I will be present and open minded on this adventure date!”

     As she finished her exclamation. Tasha entered the kitchen half asleep and walked straight to the coffee maker. Starting the coffee maker as she grabbed a coffee cup from the cupboard. Tasha holding the empty cup turned to her dear friend.

“Addy I love you but how do you have expectations for Rocco? You haven’t fucked him yet have you?”

     Blushing”No, this is the first date. We’ve been getting to know each other.”

     Tasha rolled her eyes preparing her cup with cream and sugar. As she poured the coffee. Tasha reminded Addsion of her philosophy.

“Babe, I love you. How can you have expectations if you haven’t test drove the car? Rocco’s good looking and not broke. Nor does he appear to be a fuck boy. Meat Loaf called it if he’s bad in bed. 2 outta 3 ain’t bad, right.”

     Addison didn’t yield her feelings. Joining her friend in a cup. Addison conveyed through one voice sipping from her cup.

“You had a prototype for an ideal guy or dream guy, too. Don’t be salty cause I may have found mine. Smash and pass, Netflix and chill are not my vibes. Rocco’s like that also.”

     Unseen as he entered the condo. Rocco stepped in after being  at the door for 3 knocks and a text. Smiling as he heard Addison say, he was like something also. Utilizing context clues as he cut across the living room into the kitchen. Rocco figured Addison was pointing out similarities in their respective personas. Upon entering the threshold of the kitchen Rocco interjected. In a kind tone Rocco spoke through one voice.

Buongiorno belle donne(Good morning beautiful ladies). May I join you for a cup of coffee? My knock and text went unheard. So I took initiative and decided to join.”

     Elated by his directness Addison queried how Rocco took his coffee. 

“Black, grazie(thank you).”

     Addison handed Rocco his and topped off Tasha. Then herself, which killed the pot. Tasha was skeptical of Rocco’s kindness. She was concerned for the well being of her friend. Having just come out of an abusive relationship. Then a thought blossomed. Mark would have thrown a fit if he went unheard at the door.

“So where are you taking my sister?”

     The den mother materialized from the soul of Tasha. She being a open minded alpha female. Tasha willingly sticks up for, protects and defends her friend stable, especially Addison. Rocco unphased by the brash question. Calmly retorted through one voice.

“Tasha, I can't tell you the destination. Not only are you Addison’s best friend. She’s also standing adjacent to you right now. I’m positive you know the details I gave Addison. Maybe change your perception from Addison’s mystery date. Take this into consideration. I’m spontaneous and I meander. Addison likes adventures and surprises. She also is a spiritual foodie. Where as I’m an enlightened chef. I’m the peanut butter to her jelly.” 

     Addison blushed burying herself in her purse. After taking a huge gulp of coffee. Tasha thanked Rocco for his polite suggestion. Turning to her beloved Addison. Began pressing her for thoughts on Rocco’s observation. To which Addison became in a flux state of emotional chaos. Rocco didn’t tune out their banter. Instead he focused on the aesthetic of the kitchen and its wonderful marriage to the aroma. The walls were powder yellow and hardwood floors. Grape vines and assorted flowers were the decoration. A solid chill vibration thought Rocco. Putting his attention on to Addison. The aroma flowed throughout the kitchen entering his nostrils soothing his chill. The smell of Arabica coffee mingling and mixing. In a glorious dance with the lilac, lavender and daffodil flowers in the vase on the center of the table.

    Rocco sipped his coffee without focusing on their banter, still. Choosing not to fall into how the Serpent Mound date will unfold. Rather Rocco walked over to the sink and washed out his cup. Placing it in the drying rack he turned and faced the girls. He finally interjected into their banter. Defending the feelings Addison had already developed for him. 

“I understand why you’re standoffish Tasha. I don’t dwell in my feelings. So it’s daunting for someone to attempt to figure them out. However I am observant of my feelings developing for Addison. My healthy boundaries will prevent her from turning into a fool. I’m also aware of how she feels. To which I’m fertilizing with patience. I think she’s what I’ve been looking for in a day one.”

     Settling in a relaxed position against the sink. Rocco winked at Addison who melted in her blush. The reiki queen went into herself for solace. Her thoughts waged war on her feelings. Not realizing that resistance is her enemy at this present moment. Tasha stood stunned by Rocco’s interjection. Abruptly she closed her mouth and reaffirmed the grip on her coffee cup. Shaking off the bewilderment with a curious response. 

“Elaborate how Addy would be uh day one?”

     Turning his gaze to pear in Tasha's eyes. Rocco realizes Tasha’s guard is down. She’s genuinely interested in knowing how. Unconsciously through one voice Rocco spoke. Not a thought or feeling corrupted the explanation. Turning his attention to the befuddled reiki queen. Speaking as if he was talking to her solely.

“I leave in three days to retrieve my food truck. Which launches my concept. Becoming a conduit in which I return my gift back to the creator. So if we grow as my business grows. Our relationship will become more powerful. Having  spawned at the attainment of my life’s goal. Which reflects my life’s purpose. Regardless how we shake out mama. You’ll forever be etched on my life’s path. This is a pivotal moment in my life’s journey. The memories created from now into the near future. Will be with me as core memories. Also known as a day one.”

June 04, 2024 17:32

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Louisa Muller
00:47 Jun 14, 2024

Hi Stephan, I enjoyed reading your story. It's unique and interesting. Your use of imagery is fantastic, making scenes come to life in the reader's mind. A couple of suggestions would be some of the the main characters' actions and dialogue feel a bit forced or out of character. For instance, Tasha's sudden shift from scepticism to a genuine interest in Rocco could be developed more smoothly. I suggest focusing on the most important details and interactions and cutting out unnecessary descriptions or dialogue that don't move the plot fo...


Stephen Laviera
13:54 Jun 14, 2024

Thank you for your critique. I genuinely agree however the prompt was to write a narrative that spans a few minutes. Without flash backs or flash forwards.


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Alexis Araneta
02:11 Jun 05, 2024

Hi, Stephen ! Quite good bones here. Your gift for descriptions comes through here. Your vivid descriptions of the kitchen and the tastes coming from it (You truly are a chef. LOL!) are impeccable. I suppose the only thing I could suggest is to bring that descriptiveness in narrative and dialogue. For example, in the line about Addison being a spontaneous person, perhaps, give concrete instances of her being a "go with the flow" type ("Remember she once to a train one random to New York to watch a play". That kind of thing). Just a though...


Stephen Laviera
19:36 Jun 05, 2024

Thanks for the constructive criticism. I understand and a agree. It will utilized I'm humbly grateful for your suggestion. As for the complement for my craft. I am what the creator made me to be. I may write but a tiger can't change their stripes. ✌️


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