The Moment of Dilemma

Submitted into Contest #95 in response to: Start your story with someone being presented with a dilemma.... view prompt


American Drama Crime

Alas!!!The most awaited day arrived much more faster than John expected. He woke up hurrily switching off the alarm. He was unable to sleep as there was something awaited him that day. Meet Mr. John Stan, an exceptionally talented middle aged advocate. He was appointed as the judge of the rural court and was awaiting his first day in the court as a judge. According to him life was like a court room where there is objections, witnesses and finally the awaited judgment.

John started his day with his cute little five year old daughter who always loved to be in her Superman's lap. John lost his wife when their daughter Jessica was born. There was a complication while delivery where Anna,his wife decided to give birth to her baby ignoring the danger caused to her. Since then John was Jessica's Dad, mom, Superman and everything. John made Jessica ready for her school and got himself ready for his judging-debut.

John dropped Jessica at school and was driving his way to the court. He was thinking about the case that he was going to judge for the first time. The case file was given to him earlier. He read it many times but wasn't able to make his decision. John was so stressed and confused. Being a judge was John's biggest dream. But when he made into his dream he is unable to make decisions even for the maiden case. The case was so difficult for him to confirm the last word. John's heart was beating so hard that it could be heard with his ears.

The case was a little bit old one. A four year old girl was missing. After three days of investigation the girl was found dead behind bushes. The autopsy reported stated that the girl was brutally raped to death. The police traced the culprit who was sixty and still a pervert. The culprit was brought for the trials and was killed by the girl's dad in front of the court where thousands of policemen and courtmen witnessed. There was strong evidence that the father killed the culprit.

 With reference to the law, John can easily sentence the father to the prison as there was no scarce of witnesses or evidences. But still something drawing him back from that. John reached the court much earlier so that he could have time to think more. He sat on the shade of the huge maple tree. The mapleaves were shedding one over the other. He thought of the incident. He started imaging the incident. He saw the culprit in the middle of the court frontage, on behalf of the policemen and courtmen. John saw a middle-aged man who resembled like him rushing to the culprit, took a gun and shot the guilt into death. The man was arrested on spot. John just kept thinking. The killed girl just one year younger than Jessica. If it happened to Jessica,he would also do the same. He was justifying the father in his thoughts.But he again thought whatever it could be,what the father did is against law and can't be justified by law. John was perplexed. It was about the time and John went to his cabin and took the judge coat. He looked the court with utter dilemma. He was stuck in between the thoughts of a father and of a judge.

The court bell rang and John went to the court and sat in the chair that he longed for years. Sitting on the chair he again thought if he wasn't a judge he would justify the man but he is a judge and his duty is to enforce the law irrespective of personal feelings. It was about to declare the judgement. The judge made his decision,the bitter one to sentence the father to the prison. John was too heartbroken to declare his judgement. He was under a undescribed pressure and wished to skip the moment. He never wanted the father to be in the prison. What the father did is a warning to those who try to molest children and women. But the judge should always be within the law. John started to read his judgement but suddenly a huge cry filled the deep silence in the court. The father fainted with bleeding nose and was taken to the hospital. John was so stressed. He should stand this pressure more as the moment of dilemma isn't yet passed. John was thinking to withdraw himself from the post of a judge. He assessed himself as a talented advocate but never a good judge on behalf of the law but the best in person.

John returned home and spend the day blank. There was no news about the father. The only thing that John had thought after returning from the court was about the father. He portrayed himself as the father. He was even unable to imagine it. It was about time to pick up Jessica from the school. John made himself pleasant so as to hide everything from Jessica and went to pick her up. Jessica was waiting for her Superman to come.

"Hey Superman, you are late today" said Jessica with a naughty smile.

John just gave her a smile. Suddenly the phone rang. John took the phone. It was from his office.John couldn't believe what he heard. Tears dripped from his eyes. The father was dead. The moment that John was afraid of, passed away like a maple leaf. John wiped his eyes and managed unidentified by Jessica. He hugged her tight and kissed her forehead.

While driving back John fell to his thoughts. He was sad for the father but also thankful simultaneously. Maybe God decided to save John for his toughest decision just by sacrificing the father. John kept thinking while Jessica was explaining that day's events. Life is really like a courtroom. There can be justice from one eye and injustice from the other. There can be prosecutions to oneself. There can be rush of mixed feelings. All ends in the last judgement, can be of the human judge or the eternal judge.

The night was peaceful than the one before. John sat on his table after cuddling Jessica to sleep. John had a habit of noting down his weirdest thoughts. He took his pen and looked at his wedding photograph, winked at his wife. He wrote:

"Life is a game of decisions. Sometimes the toughest decision passes like a feather and the easiest one like a stone. The sweetest dreams you had seen can be true but can be bitter and the bitter dreams you had seen can be true but the sweetest ever!!!!"

May 29, 2021 03:58

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