Horror Thriller

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

Cabin: By Maine V.

The sky was a dark shade of indigo, quickly fading to black. The night sky was a blanket, hiding the most sinister secrets. It was crazy to think that the stars were giant balls of fire that looked so small. It was like一

“Eyes! Jared! Watch the road!” Julie interrupted his thoughts.

“Hm? Oh. Right, sorry.” 

“Yeah yeah.”

Jared’s girlfriend turned the radio on that soon went to a loud static grain-like sound.

“Ugh, stupid radio!”

“We don’t need it.”

“But our drive is sooo boring!”

“Chill. We’re almost there.”

“Good. Because I’m ready to have fun. If you know what I mean.” Julie giggled.

“I know.” Jared chuckled. 

A few minutes passed when he realized they were going in a circle-like pattern. They had passed the same small cabin three or four times. 


“What? What’s wrong baby?”

“We’re going in circles.”

“UGH! I knew that you didn’t know where we were going!”

“CHILL! Let’s turn around and go to the cabin to see if anyone is there. Maybe they’ll give us directions.”

“Oh heck no! Murderers are out here. It’s 3 Am. I’ll check my service…”

“ARGH! No service. Let’s go to the cabin…But we have to keep quiet and bring a weapon of some sort.”

“Geez, you’re paranoid.”

Soon enough they reached the cabin and went to the trunk of Jared’s car and grabbed two wrenches from a red toolbox.

The cabin’s front door creaked with aggression. A foul rotting smell seeped into their noses. Julie couldn’t stand it and almost puked, 

“I’m going to wait outside.”

“Okay.” Jared whispered.

The floorboards yelled under his footsteps. Jared held out his phone’s flashlight and saw a cracked TV. Whispering then came, 

“Jared. Jaredddd, I see you.”

“W-Who’s there!?”






“Yessir. And now you’re going to play a game with me.”

“No! I have to leave.”

Jared raced to the door, which he found was locked. 

“Oh silly, Jared.”


“Do it or else…”


“I’ll kill you.”


“Well, Julie’s already dead.”

“Y-You’re lying!”

“Oh? See for yourself.”

The TV turned on and he saw Julie’s dead and bloody body.

“Why? Beck. Why?”

“Because I loved her first. AND you took her away from me!”

“She’ll be with me now.”

“AH! NO! K-Kill me!”

“Nope. Not yet. Gotta torture you first.”

Jared was thrown into things with such force. An invisible force that almost killed him. The ghostly figure of Beckham appeared and laughed. 

“Why? Beck. We used to be buddies.”

“Yeah. But that was before you TOOK her away from me!” He yelled.

“Just let it go! You died, that wasn’t my fault!”


“Yes…but the other car rammed into us. That wasn’t my fault.” Jared started crying.




“I’m sorry!”

“It’s a bit too late for that JARED!”

The TV shattered and glass pieces flew at Jared’s neck and eyes. He couldn’t see or breathe. Choking on blood, dying. His last words were, 

“I WISH…that…you…never…died…”




Jared’s and Juile’s bodies were never found. They were dumped in the lake in the forest across the road. The sellers of the cabin found no traces of blood or evidence that Jared was there. They only found Julie’s blood in Jared’s Cadillac. They suspect that Jared had killed Julie and ran. Killing himself shortly after. But little did they know.

A new family moved into the cabin, wanting to live off-grid for a while. They fixed it up and lived there for 6 months before they started to get killed. One by one, Beckham killed the family. Even the dog. No one would ever know. 


The end

May 06, 2024 16:09

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Carol Banks
16:28 May 07, 2024

Is this a new one?? Pretty crazy scary story!! Keep up the hard work


Idk Lol
17:14 May 07, 2024

it is a new one. it's kinda bad tho :(


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