Trees and their apples

Submitted into Contest #63 in response to: Write about two characters going apple picking.... view prompt

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Romance LGBTQ+ Adventure

It was a crisp afternoon in September.  Gabriella was busy at work at her clinic, when all of a sudden a person walked in.  Normally, this wouldn’t surprise her.  Many people walk in all the time, but this person was different.  Their hazel eyes sparkled, looking directly at her.  Their black hair shone under the fluorescent lights.  She looked down shyly, trying to get back to work. 

“Hey Gabriella” they said, pushing their hair back. 

“H-hi..” she said, tucking her hair behind her ear, wondering how they knew her name.

“Your name tag.  It says Gabriella.  That’s how I knew your name if you were wondering.”  They laughed shyly.

She giggled. 

“So what are you here for?” She asked

“You.”  They looked up at her.

“Me?” She questioned, blushing.

“I’ve been to this clinic before and saw you and wow I just needed to see you again.”  They said, eyes sparkling.

“Why me?” She wondered at them. 

“You’re so incredibly beautiful and I’ve seen how you treat patients.  You’re so kind.  My name is Joey.  I was actually wondering if you’d go on a date with me?” They now stared at the floor. 

“You’re so handsome and I can tell you’re sweet. I’m free tomorrow Joey!” She said excitedly blushing.

She started writing down her number on a blank orange post-it note.  She passed it to them. “I have to get back to work now, but see you tomorrow?”

Joey nodded 

enthusiastically. “Bye beautiful.”

They smiled brightly at her and walked out.

The next day Joey grabbed their phone in excitement.  They dialed the number Gabriella gave them.

“Hey it’s Joey!”

“Hi Joey!  So what’re the plans for today?” 

“Hmm I haven’t decided yet.  Since it’s almost spooky season we could watch horror movies?  Or carve pumpkins?  Or maybe we could go apple picking?”

“I’ve never been apple picking!  Maybe you can take me.¨ 

“Sounds perfect!  There’s an orchard a couple blocks down from the clinic.  Let’s meet there!”

“Sounds good to me!”

“Perfect! See you soon, beautiful.” 

They hung up excitedly and started getting ready.

Joey arrived at the orchard and walked towards the main barn.  “Hm I wonder where she is?” They wondered.

When all of a sudden they heard their name being called.

“Joey!” They turned around excitedly.

“Gabriella!” They saw her and their jaw dropped. 

Her curls shone in the sun and she was wearing a cream knitted top and brown pleated pants. She looked beautiful, Joey thought to themself. 

She ran up to embrace them; immediately causing Joey to blush. 

“Ready to pick some apples?” They asked.

“Well duh!” Gabriella said with a big smile that made Joey melt. “I’ll let you lead the way.”  She said. 

Joey grabbed her hand and together they walked into the barn to grab their baskets. 

Holding a basket in one hand and Gabriella’s hand in the other, they walked together past other people picking, until they reached a small clearing surrounded by tall, beautiful trees with large crimson red apples hanging, ready to be picked. 

They were far from the barn and Joey looked around, slowly starting to grow nervous. 

“Doesn’t this look a bit suspicious?”  They wondered out loud.  “Why are the trees not in rows and why do they look like they have faces?”

“I think you’re just nervous for no reason,” Gabriella said with a reassuring smile. 

“I guess you’re right,” Joey said, still looking suspiciously around them. 

There was a tall, mahogany ladder propped on one of the trees closer to the center. 

“Let’s go!” Gabriella excitedly said.  She started climbing the ladder.  Once at the top, near the best apples, she grabbed a gorgeous, big red apple.

After picking a few, she noticed the ladder starting to shake.  “Hey that’s not funny!”  She yelled down at Joey. 

“What are you talking about?” They said in confusion.  Gabriella looked down and screamed. Joey was at a different tree and the roots of her tree were holding the base of the ladder, shaking it hard.  

Gabriella held onto a branch and tried grabbing another apple when all of a sudden she felt herself falling.  Her eyes closed, bracing for impact on the hard, grassy ground, she felt herself embraced by two arms.  She looked up and saw Joey. 

“Don’t worry! I got you love!” They said.  They placed her on the ground and brushed her hair behind her ear. “I’ll always protect you.” 

As Gabriella was about to say something, she screamed again.  The trees were all becoming uprooted and leering faces started to form in the bark. 

The trees huddled around Gabriella and Joey, ready to attack.  Joey grabbed an axe from nearby; at the ready.  One tree the leader, Joey assumed, threw an apple; hitting Gabriella in the shoulder.  Gabriella crumpled to the ground.  Joey threw down their axe and rushed to her side. 

“Are you okay??” Joey exclaimed in worry.

“I guess trees throw harder than I assumed,” laughed Gabriella.

“How are you laughing right now?  We’re in danger!” Said Joey. 

“I’m not in danger when I’m with you.  I know you’ll protect me.” She said.

Joey’s eyes spiked with joyful tears. 

“I’ll always protect you baby.”

They leaned in for a kiss.  Gabriella met their lips, when all of a sudden she noticed something. 

“LOOK!” She exclaimed.

Joey opened their eyes and gasped.  The trees were back in their spots, roots grounded, leering faces gone.

“What happened?”  They wondered aloud. 

“They must have seen our love and known we’re not here to hurt them.” Gabriella laughed. 

“Maybe.”  Joey looked at the trees in suspicion, then laughed too. 

Gabriella got up and brushed off her pants, then reached out her hand for Joey to grab.  They grabbed her hand and kissed her.

“Well this was an interesting trip to the orchard.” They said.

“Sure was.” Gabriella laughed. 

She grabbed their hand and her basket of apples and together they walked back to the barn to pay. 

Joey knew in their heart that they would never forget this day. 

The end!

October 16, 2020 19:31

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1 comment

05:40 Oct 22, 2020

Hi there, a good story you have advice though is use a third person pronoun when write instead of saying hey Gaberial they said pushing their hair back. You can say hey Gaberial he said pushing his hair back.


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