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Creative Nonfiction

(Thank you so much for the likes! I figured you guys wanted the non-fiction, and while this has pretty much nothing to do with the prompt, I figured you guys really wanted to read it! There's a whole lot more, this is barely the beginning, so comment below if you want the rest of it. Don't forget to follow and like it! Thank you and I'll stop now.)


Astrophysics is the first main topic under Astronomy. Astrophysics is applying laws of physics in space. Astrophysics has to do with physical processes or properties of stars. Like a certain rotation a star or comet might have. Like the orbiting of the planets. It also has to do with celestial bodies and surrounding space. There are seven branches-the most under any main topic. It also helps us to understand the physics of space and how Earth compares to other planets. This comparison gives us a sense of space. 

Astrophysics is not only important for learning more about space, but also learning more about how intergalactic physics relates to Earth. We can learn about physics on Earth as a resource. Astrophysics can also be a bit hard to study at times because although we have Earth and the Moon that man has touched, we can’t really go to a planet like Jupiter for example. And we can’t have a rover on it, like what we’re doing with Mars because Jupiter is a gas giant. Even if we did put the rover on the planet, it would quite literally fall through the planet all the way to the center. And potentially for that matter, to the other side. 

Living on Mercury, for example would be near impossible. It has no atmosphere. You’d have to wear a space suit. The temperature is 800 degrees fahrenheit on the equator. One day on Mercury is the 176 days on Earth. You would weigh less. On Earth, if you are about 150 pounds, you’re just 57 on Mercury. This is due to the fact there would be less gravity. The best places would be the North and South Poles. They don’t see the sun, so they are colder. Much colder. It is closest to the sun. It’s the smallest major planet. Living on Mercury wouldn’t be very possible.


Astrometry is the second main topic under Astronomy. It focuses on the precise position of the celestial bodies. It is a reference to the movement of objects and stars in space. This study is important because it focuses on the stars themselves/objects in space. If we were to go into space, this would be pretty important to know about, especially when traveling around stars. There are 3 branches underneath it. More of measurement and math, very important for figuring out placement of our galaxy, space, and universe. So many things that really make our universe our universe. 

Astrometry is an easier branch of science because measurement is unchanging. It’s easy to measure things, even from afar. For example, we can look through large telescopes these days and see lots of stars and even planets. And with technology these days, we are able to very easily measure them. Using things like satellites can also be done, but it’s not always necessary. Technology is super advanced these days, making it easier to study than ever. Measurement of the stars is very important really for understanding where we are and galaxies or if there are more universes. (Or even multiverses, but that’s a whole different topic that won’t be covered in this paper.) This branch is by far one of the oldest and studied by people like Galileo Galilei, discovering  galaxies. Galaxies will be explained later in the paper. 


Astrogeology is the next main topic. When Mars became a planet we could access, we began to get some of the rocks from there. Which became the focus of finding out what the other planets are composed of, the rock that they are made up of. Astrogeology is the youngest main branch under Astronomy, because it was only recently that it has been possible to collect rocks from outer space. The other celestial bodies this focuses on are moons, asteroids, meteorites, and comets. There are 4 branches underneath this main study. The physical bodies, like the moons, planets and stars are some of the biggest studies in this topic, are what it’s centered around. The topic has many new developments per day. The most important piece of technology that astrogeology uses is rovers. Although using rockets are also very useful to this study, as they bring back and expedite rocks.  

Astrogeology, although a young study, is indeed important. The fact that it is young means that there are new discoveries about it every day. It can even lead to new methods or talk about how some of the rocks on Earth came from space and how that works. For example, studying rock bases and comparing and contrasting what rocks are like in space or on moons or other planets to Earth’s rock bases. This can help us to understand our own planet. It’s important to also note how if it happened before, perhaps Earth has sent some of its rocks around and is now on different planets. So if we discover Earth rocks on the Moon or Mars, there is a definite possibility that it can happen again. 


Astrobiology is the fourth and final main topic. This is about extraterrestrial life forms. The study of biology beyond Earth. It concerns us only because it gives us hope for life on other celestial bodies that are not our home planet. It is, however, scientific, because it observes molecules so that we can compare these conditions the molecules show to present day Earth conditions. It lets us know if we have a future on any planet other than Earth. If it is even possible. If there are other life forms, like aliens, that show it is possible. There are three different branches underneath this topic. 

Astrobiology is probably the hardest to study because scientists who study this branch can’t really find life on other planets. So, trying to study the non-existent would be pretty difficult indeed. However, part of it is easy, if you study the condition parts of this branch and how molecules are affected by our climate and thus how they are affected on other planets. For that matter, it definitely is the most science-lab based branch to study, combining lots of different kinds of science, which can be a great field to study if interested in biology and space.

September 18, 2023 12:43

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15:45 Sep 18, 2023

If you ever want me to write a story or want more of the research paper, or comment at all, please feel free!


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