The Forgotten Love Interest

Submitted into Contest #105 in response to: Write your story from the perspective of a side character.... view prompt


Fiction Romance Contemporary

I look over at Emily, the main character of this story. At this time in the story, everything seems to be going well for her. She is in her last year of college and will graduate with a degree in history at the elite university she attends. She is in a serious relationship with her boyfriend of three years and I wouldn't be surprised if they got engaged soon. Life has been handed to her.

My connection to Emily is nothing significant. I am her best friend's younger brother. I grew up being around my sister Charlie and Emily and hanging out with them but Emily has always considered me as the younger brother she never had.

"Danny, have you been paying attention? It is your turn."

I snap back to reality upon hearing Charlie's voice. I glanced down at my UNO cards and played a card to continue the game.

See the problem with Emily thinking of me as her brother is that I have been in love with her since junior year of high school. I have never mentioned it because I don't want to ruin the friendship that I have with her. Besides, she is practically engaged to be engaged, so me being in love with her won't matter anyway.

"Danny, are you sure you are alright? You keep spacing out."

I groan, "I'm sorry everyone. I guess my head is not into this game. What is happening?"

"Andrew has an uno and I skipped Charlie. So now it is your turn again. Also, the color is blue," Emily informs me with her dazzling smile.

I give a small smile in return and study my cards. I placed down a reverse card and allow Charlie to have a turn. A couple more turns and the game ended when Andrew played his last card.

Andrew smiled, "One more game?"

Everyone including me answered no. We handed our cards to Emily who brought the game and helped clean up the table. After the clean-up was done, Charlie and Emily said their goodbyes before leaving Andrew and I's apartment.

The front door was barely closed when Andrew spoke up about Emily, "Hey, I saw those looks you were giving Emily across the table during UNO. It is a wonder how the girls haven't realized your feelings towards her."

I gave him a side glare before sighing, "I know, I can't help it."

"You need to get over her. She is dating Miguel and I doubt they are going to break up."

I knew this and still believed it when I got a call from Charlie three weeks later.

"Hey Danny, I wanted to let you know before you hear about this from someone else. Miguel has been cheating on Emily for a couple of months now. Emily found out last night and broke it off. She is in the process of moving out of his apartment and will stay with me for a little bit."

"What! I thought they were endgame."

"We all did Danny, especially Emily. So when you see her, go easy on her."

"Of course. Do you think it would be alright if I called her?"

"I don't think it should hurt, she does see you as a little brother."

That hurt.

"Alright, well then, thanks for filling me in. Love you, bye."

"Love you too, bye Danny."

I hung up. I take a minute to process what just happened. Emily broke up with Miguel. Miguel cheated on her. Emily isn't dating anymore.!

I nearly jumped with excitement before I remembered that now is not the time to be celebrating. I am glad she broke it off with him when he cheated on her. As much as I want to run to her and declare my love to her, I know I should wait.

And wait I did. I waited six months. By now Emily has graduated and is working on her Master's online. She works at a museum as a museum curator. She's mighty good at it too. I've been to a couple of the exhibits she has designed and I learned something every time.

She has been doing better since the breakup. She is not bitter and angry like she was at the beginning. I think for the first time in six months, she seems happy. She looks free and content.

It is now that I begin to plan out my declaration. I have been affectionate these last few months as Charlie and I helped comfort her and get her through the aftermath of the breakup. There have been times when I feel like she has warmed up to my attention and even slight flirting in some cases. Because of this, I grow confident that she might feel something towards me beyond friendship.

I asked to have a coffee with her on this beautiful Saturday morning. She agreed and told me to meet up at our local cafe. When I arrived, she was already there with our coffee already purchased and made.

"Emily, it was my turn to buy," I gently chide even though I don't mind. I even think it was cute of her to buy my regular drink.

"I know Danny but I wanted to tell you the news right away."

I lift one brow up, "News?"

She nodded as her dazzling smile came full force. "Last week I was in the middle of inspecting a room for a new exhibit when this handsome guy comes in with a bunch of high schoolers. I assume he was their teacher. Anyway, they were lost and wanted to know where to find a certain exhibit. I helped them out and thought nothing of it afterward. A little bit later, I was helping at the information desk when the group came back. While the teens checked out the gift shop, the guy came over and introduced himself to me."

"Oh, how was that?"

"It was very interesting. He told me his name was Tyler and that he teaches high school history at one of the public schools. He said that he thought I looked beautiful in my vintage outfit and gave his number."

I did not like this. "Wow, he just went for it."

She blushed a little, "Yeah and now we have been texting for a few days. We're going on a date this coming up Friday night."

Well, now I see that this time would not be appropriate to make my feelings known to Emily. Okay, I'll give her a couple weeks to see how things go with this Tyler dude.

I should have told her I loved her that day. Tyler and Emily have been dating for eight months now and are recently engaged. I seem to always have poor timing.

It was getting hard to be around Emily. I started to avoid her which she called me out on a couple of times. One night I couldn't take it and I drove to her house that she recently bought.

I remember it was raining but I didn't care. I had to tell her, get it off my chest so I could move on. I ran to the roofed porch and rang the doorbell. Emily opened it shortly.

"Danny, what are you doin-."

"Is Tyler here?"

A puzzled look crossed her face. "No, why?"

"Because I don't want Tyler to overhear what I am about to tell you."

"Danny, I don't understand. Is something wrong? Do you know something I don't?"

I take a step closer but remain outside. "Emily, ever since junior year in high school, I have been enamored by your beauty and your amazing personality. Your love and care for others are inspiring. Your passion for history is breathtaking to watch. You have become one of the most beloved people in my life and I have been madly in love with you because of it." I pause and look deep into her eyes, "And I know how much you love Tyler. I see it in your eyes every time he enters the room. I know you will be happy with him. I know I am way too late to tell you that I love you. I wanted to tell you back when you first told me about Tyler. I have terrible timing and I have accepted it."

"Oh Danny, I am touched by your strong feelings for me but you are right, I am in love with Tyler and nothing can change that. I am sorry that we never got the chance to try anything. To be honest, I did like you a little bit after the breakup with Miguel but then Tyler walked into my life."

She took a step closer and placed her hands on my face. She gently surveyed my face, taking in my pained expression. Then, she got up on her toes and brushed her lips against mine. After a moment of shock, I returned the kiss.

The kiss didn't last long when I remembered she is an engaged woman. I broke the kiss, "You should not have done that."

"True, but I couldn't let you go without doing that. I hope you can move on."

Now here I am three months later, watching the woman I love marry another man. A man I know will love and cherish her for the rest of their days. A man I know she loves deeply. A man I know that won't leave her.

It brings me comfort even though I cannot have Emily. I am confident that one day I will have another woman that I will become madly in love with like I did with Emily. I may be a side character--a forgotten love interest in Emily's story but I know I will be the love interest in the story of another.

July 31, 2021 03:43

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Em Stolt
14:25 Aug 07, 2021

Loved the story. Great job with the dialogue!


Tayler Gentry
18:22 Aug 07, 2021

Thank you so much!


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