I scream. You scream. We all scream for more scream? Or Space?

Written in response to: Someone’s beloved collection is destroyed. How do they react?... view prompt


Crime Speculative Teens & Young Adult

Attachment theory.

De-tachment theory.

Have you checked the corners of your own closet lately😳? Might be a good time to take stock of your stuff. Before you scream out loud.

What is so important today.

May be forgotten tomorrow.


The effort.

The memories.

The momento of a moment in time.

Collections collected in a moment in time.

Memories retrieved along the way.

Of a full life, a life well lived.

What’s the “diff” you ask?

About possessing possessions?

The insidious desire to possess another person and their possession? Their possessions?

Scarey stuff.

Like the first wife or first husband, do you subscribe to “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure”?

Scarier stuff.

People around you may use you if you allow them to (CT) And they will. Until death do you part.

Do anything.

Say anything.

Steal anything.

Right from under your nose.

Will you care?

Will you have the reserve to care?

Will you fight.

For the memories that are good, right and steadfast.

Or. Sell out?

Time will tell. It usually does.

Collections can be fun.

Collections can be interesting.

Collections can be educating.

Collections can share the stories of a lifetime of stories.

When taking your last breathes, what will you be clutching in your hands?

Your collection of shoes?

Good luck with that.

Your collection of clothes?

Good luck with that.

Your collection of jewelry?

Good luck with that.

Your collection of precious statutes?

Have fun with that.

Your collection of china?

Have fun with that.

Your collection of holiday elves?

Kinda scary to think about that.

Your collection of knives.

Probably, hopefully won’t be allowed in and on your death bed.

By the staff instructed to journey with you to accompany you to cross over to the “other side”.

Your collection of watches?

Good chance you are not counting the minutes of your life at this moment in time.

Your collection of coffee cups with cute and inspirational phrases?

Good luck with that too.

Your collection of old fashioned dolls that end up in a museum in the state your children or grandchildren plan to attend school?

That sounds a bit specific don’t you think?

Round and round and round it goes, where it stops no body knows.

The insidious desire to possess another at all costs usually is.

Can you part ways with your stuff. Ask yourself, when the chips are down, Why did you hold “it” near and dear in the first place? There are indeed healthy collections. There are unhealthy collections.

It is important to remember the vast space out back, that land out back is not one big dumpster for you to unload your dishonest intentioned bad memories and motivations. If it be, perhaps help is what you need, in sorting out your “stuff”.

No matter how much you stood right in front of our faces and fell down, tripped, made us watch what you were trying to “sell”.

Not bought.

By me.

Your “selling it”.

Fraud is as fraud does.

Name recognition notwithstanding. Hoard or board. Board or Hoard. Hoarding is a whole ‘nother kind of collecting. Hoarding is a behavior where people or animals accumulate food or other items. One theory, suggests that human hoarding may be related to animal hoarding behavior, but substantial evidence is still lacking. (wk).

Civil unrest or threat of natural disaster may lead people to hoard foodstuffs, water, gasoline and other essentials that they soon believe will be in short supply. Sounds eerily similar to recent times for many of us. We have all been tested beyond our normal measures.

How do you think you did? How do you feel? Did you ask for help?

TP stacked to the top of the ceiling!😃😉 Let’s all just admit it, we had more than we could use it in a year stacked somewhere on our turf.

Still another perspective, albeit a sadder situation are individuals who meet diagnostic criteria for hoarding disorder who feel feelings of anxiety or discomfort about discarding possessions they do not need. (wk)

That may also include the insidious desire to possess the possessing of another persons life.

Scarey stuff.

This discomfort arises from an emotional attachment to possessions and a strong belief that their possessions will be needed in the future.(wk)

Scarier stuff.

What’s the “diff”, you ask?

A lot.

Some persons truly, deeply care about the persons, the beings they love.

Others use it as a means to their end.

Not cool.

Never assume. History has a way of re ordering our minds in a healthy way. Collections are good. To be passed on in the future along with the feel-good stories of how and why you gathered your moments of treasures.

What’s the “diff” you ask?

The “diff” lies in the strength of the sentimental value and how many items take on sentimental value. Sadly, hoarders may feel like they are throwing away a part of themselves. That is sad. Especially if and when they bring others into their web of the hoard.

Some people do look the other way too often. As a means to an end.

Did you know: Individuals with a hoarding disorder have a quality of life as poor as those diagnosed with schizophrenia. The disorder increases family strain, work impairment, and the risk of serious medical conditions. (wk)


As we navigate through adulthood, we may periodically open ourselves up to giving the beanie babies, the stuffed animals, the Barbie dolls and Ken dolls, the board games, the art supplies, the old sports gear, away to the younger generation with the intention to gift and discover the joy and pleasure of imagination. Of how it used to be way back when.

Ah. The simpler times.

Now. Not so much. Substituting our memories is now candy crush, Pokémon and pin ball, iPods, ear pods, scroll to toll to play and conquer. What’s the “diff”. You ask.

It is a different world.

But usually sentiment stays the same.

That is a good thing.


For some,

It can be a bad thing.

Sometimes there is not enough space to put all our stuff.

Possession is 9/10ths of the law. Its roots in English common law, dating back to the 1700s. It means that if someone has control or ownership of something, they have a certain degree of legal rights over it regardless of what anyone else claims. (wk)

So hoarders beware. Your stuff is indeed your stuff. We do not want it. We do not want to take it away from you. It is all yours. Lock. Stock. Barrel.

Name recognition notwithstanding.

Can be a curse.

Non hoarders unite! Collectors unite! We prefer to share our collections with the needy, not the greedy.

February 10, 2023 18:18

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