CHRISTMAS Is A Time For Taking
By Lee Kendrick
Jacob read his morning post, a letter had arrived telling him the good news.
“Brilliant! I can't believe they chose me as one of the ten graduates from Oxford and Cambridge, to be a contestant in the “Who Did It” Christmas contest at Bournville Abbey.
Jacob had been looking in the Times newspaper when he spotted an advert to apply for the Christmas “Who did it!” It's a yearly event and whoever discovers who the murderer is gets £5000!”
“The letter reads:
Dear JacobTReilly,
We feel you are one of the ideal candidates to take part in our yearly“Who Done It” competition.
The contest begins at 1300 hrs on Christmas Eve, December 24th, through to Boxing Day, 26th, 1934.
Please arrive at the train station promptly at 1100 hrs so our chauffeur, Singh can pick you up to take you to Bournville Abbey.
Kind regards,
Lord Peter Morley
P.S. Don't forget your entry fee of £500, which also includes your room and meals for your three-day stay.
May the best man or woman win!”
“As a graduate, Jacob graduated in psychology and crime detection at Oxford University; Both of these could help him in the contest next week.”
“ The thing is that it's not just about the contest he had other reasons for going too – Bournville Abbey is also notorious for being haunted – not by one, but several ghosts – he had always wanted a chance to see a real ghost! The other reason is a secret which he can't divulge at the moment to anyone!”
Soon Christmas Eve came and Jacob prepared himself for travelling to Bournville Abbey. After saying his Happy Christmas to family and friends afterwards, he set off from London's Kingscross station and got on the fastest train in the world– The Flying Scotsman –travelling at 100mph to Castleton, Derbyshire. He should arrive there at about 10.45 a.m.
Finally, Jacob met Lord Morley's chauffeur, Mr Singh, at the Station in Castleton.
“Good morning, Saab. I hope you had a pleasant journey?” Said Singh, taking Jacob's leather-bound luggage and placing it in the boot of the green Bentley.
He then opened the passenger door for Jacob to sit on the brown leather seat at the back of the car.
“Thank you Mr Singh; is Bournville Abbey far from here?”
“About thirty minutes Saab; a nice comfortable ride,” Singh replied.
“I see, Saab, you came on the Flying Scotsman. A most beautiful train; Saab I hope to go on the Scotsman one day myself!” Said Singh excitedly; pulling the Bentley away.
“Yes, Mr Singh, I recommend it to anyone who likes trains. Earlier this year, it broke the world record at 100mph, don't you know!”
After thirty minutes:
“We are coming to the Abbey now, Saab! A most impressive building!”
“Thank you for a lovely journey, Mr Singh,” " he said as the chauffeur let him out of the car.
“You are most kind Saab!” Replied Singh, bowing his head, as he nodded from side to side, clasping his palms together.
Just then a servant came out of the Abbey and collected Jacob's suitcases from the car boot.
“Follow me, sir!” The servant beckoned as he walked through the front entrance of the Abbey; Jacob admired the Stately home’s architecture as he followed the servant, carrying his luggage.
“Good morning sir,” it was Lord Morley's butler, Johnson.
“I trust you had a good journey?”
“Thank you I did!” Said Jacob.
“I will take you to your room, sir.” Both of them followed the servant up the ornate wooden stairs, to the first floor.
“Here we are, sir; this is your room. The luncheon is at 1.00p.m I will await sir at the bottom of the stairs to show you the dining room.”Johnson said after opening Jacob's room.
“Thank you, Johnson, see you then.” smiled Jacob. He then promptly started unpacking his things, on the four-poster bed and placing them in the antique wardrobe and chest -of -drawers.
Finally, 1 o'clock came, followed by a loud gong sound. Jacob spotted a servant bashing a large gong with a wooden stick to let everyone know it was lunchtime.
As Jacob approached the dining room entrance he observed nine people sitting around a long, polished wooden table.
Where there was at the head of the table a tall, red, leather, vacant chair.
Moments later, a tall grey-haired man in a tweed suit walked into the room:
“Good Morning, ladies and gentlemen; I am Lord Morley. Let's enjoy lunch, then we will prepare you for the contest!” He said as he sat down at the head of the table.
“ Okay, everyone, I hope you enjoyed your lunch. Please now follow me to the hall!”
The five male and female contestants got up from their chairs and followed the tall, charismatic figure.
“Now, a slight change of plan, ladies and gentlemen, owing to some domestic problems, I'm afraid the three days we planned for the contest will now have to be extended for four days! Meaning it will be £600 instead of £500!”
“Oh, this is most awkward," shouted the bearded man I had planned on visiting my mother the morning after Boxing Day!” He said disgruntled.
Another man shouted: “This is most unfortunate, sir. I have already booked a flight with my wife to fly to Paris the day after Boxing Day in the afternoon.”
“Please, I apologise for this inconvenience, and I will reimburse the £500 entrance fee to all those who cannot stay for four days.”
“Anyone else unable to stay four days?” The Lord asked, looking around anxiously at all the participants sitting in the hall.
By the end, only five of the ten contestants, four men and one woman, decided they would stay in the contest, including Jacob.
“Well, in all the ten years I have been holding this contest, nothing has happened like this before! Still, look on the bright side, your chances of winning have greatly increased now that half of you have pulled out!” Said Lord Morley with a chuckle.
“Right, I trust you have all brought your dinner attire; dinner is at 6 p.m?” He continued.
“I suggest you go into the lounge and get to know each other. These few hours should suffice to also look over the script. You have all been given.
Meet me in the dining room at 6 o'clock then. And may the best man or woman win!” Said Lord Morley, leaving the hall.
As the party of five walked into the lounge they could smell the powerful aroma of pine. Everyone's eyes lit up in awe as they spotted the twelve-foot Christmas tree by the fireplace.
“Oh, I say, what a wonderful Christmas tree!” Jacob said, looking up at the twelve-foot tree covered in a dazzling display of coloured bulbs and an array of baubles and tinsel, a golden angel on top.
The contestants all sat down in the luxurious red leather chairs by the fire.
“Shall I start the ball rolling? My name is Jacob Reilley. I read psychology and crime detection at Oxford.”
“Hello all, my name is Margaret. I studied physics and chemistry at Cambridge.”
“Hi everyone, my name is John Forndyke. I read at Oxford, English and history.”
“Hi, my name is Steven Collins. I studied geology and archaeology at Cambridge.”
“Yes, my name is Amanda. I read architecture and art at Oxford.”
Jacob walked over to the fireplace and started chatting to Margaret and Amanda as they warmed their hands by the orange/yellow fire as it flickered and crackled on the logs.
“When were you both at university?” Jacob asked.
Margaret replied first:
“I completed my graduation in 1930.” She said.
Amanda then answered:
“Oh, I finished my subjects in 1926.”
“And you Jacob?”
“Just a few months ago!” He said opening his silver cigarette case and offering Amanda a
“Thank you, I'd love one.”
Jacob then took out his gold lighter and lit her cigarette, as she put it to her mouth.
“I say, it must take a lot of work to keep the Abbey clean, the place is massive!” Jacob said now warming his hands at the fire.
“Yes, and very expensive!” interjected John Forndyke. “I should know, my Uncle Ernest is the Earl of Kenworthy Hall in Sussex!” He has a butler, chauffeur, cook, four maids and at least three servants! All on very good wages. The Manor was built in the early 1800s. There's always some repairs that need doing!”
“Well, I think we all better go to our rooms now and study our script before it's 4 o'clock, don't you?” Said Jacob. Everyone rushed up the stairs to their respective rooms to check their scripts.
Finally, everyone heard the 4 o'clock gong and made their way downstairs to the dining room.
“Good evening, I trust you have read the script and know your parts to play?
Said Lord Morley, rubbing his hands in anticipation. Now I will introduce you to our actors for the four days. Follow me to Act 1 in the lounge,” He continued.
“Right, all of you take a seat and carefully observe Act 1 with the actors by the fireplace. Take down as many notes as you can. As explained in your manuscript, this contest doesn't require each of you to take part in the acting because this is a purely observational contest, “Who Did It?” in which we will have to use outside actors; otherwise, normally, one of you would be the murderer!” Explained the Lord.
“Oh isn't this fun! said Jacob, whispering to Amanda, sitting next to him.
Sir, please come with me!” Quietly asked Johnson, the butler taping Jacob on the shoulder – acting as a referee.
“But I will miss some of the Act.” Protested Jacob.
“Sir, if you have read the rules, it states no contestant should talk to another participant during the start of the contest; if they do in any way, they will be penalised and will be ejected from the scene!” Said the butler.
“ But I will lose out!”
“I'm sorry, sir – It may not be so bad, as it's only the first scene. You can rejoin everyone in the second scene in twenty minutes, in the library!” He smiled.
“Thank you, Johnson, you have given me some hope!” With that, Jacob Went outside the Abbey for some fresh air.
Afterwards, Jacob met up with the rest of the participants in the library just before Act II started.
“Are you alright ?”
“Yes, I'm okay thanks, Amanda.”
“ I thought that was unfair of them, Jacob!”
Amanda said angrily.
“That's sweet of you Amanda, but rules are rules! I will just have to be on my guard in future” he replied.
“I guess your missing Act 1 must put you at a big disadvantage, old boy?” Said Collins seriously, as he lit his pipe.
“We shall see, old chap; there's a long way to go yet.” Countered Jacob.
After an hour in the library and the end of Act II Johnson the butler announced:
“Hello, ladies and gentlemen, you can have refreshment now. Back for Act III in the kitchen at 5pm.” said the butler.
As they sat by the fireplace drinking some tea and eating hot crumpets in the lounge:
“So, what do you all think of the theatre so far?” asked Jacob, lighting up a cigarette.
“ It's too early to say anything ” " replied Margaret, and until there's a murder, I just can't even guess who the murderer will be!”
“Any ideas anyone?” Collins asked, scanning everyone's blank face. All of them shook their heads.
Suddenly the gong sounded, reminding them to head for the kitchen for the next Act. Shortly before, all of them were required to make observations of the kitchen.
Arriving back in the kitchen they took notes of anything odd. Jacob noticed a carving knife missing.
After just ten minutes the participants were told to leave:
“Alright, ladies and gentlemen, that is it for the day. Please go to your rooms after dinner and reflect on the day’s events, try to come up with any clues and don't go to bed too late tonight. Breakfast is at 8.30.
Remember do not confide with anyone during the contest. If you do, you will be disqualified from the competition!” Said, Lord Morley.
After hearing the gong sound at 8.30 a.m.,
Jacob made his way downstairs to the dining room spotting the butler checking the time on the grandfather clock.
“Hello Johnson, Merry Christmas!”
“And you too sir!” He responded smiling.
As Jacob entered the dining room he saw all the contestants sitting having breakfast.
“Merry Christmas everyone!” He said cheerfully and sat down next to Margaret.
“Everyone looking forward to the day?” Asked Jacob.
“Oh yes, yes!” Replied all the participants.
“With gusto old boy!” Said Collins, giving a serious stare at Jacob, as he cracked his boiled egg with a spoon.
After breakfast, all the contestants walked into the library there lying dead on the floor was one of the maids covered in blood. And standing over her was Andrew playing the chauffeur–holding a blood-stained kitchen knife!
“ Well, that's easy; I think we all know who the murderer is now!” Shouted Collins, sarcastically.
Just then, Saunders, acting as the butler, walked in and brought two male servants to apprehend the chauffeur. After the scene ended Jacob and his fellow contestants left the library and walked to the drawing room for the next Act.
The scene starts with a police Constable and the Sergeant questioning the chauffeur.
“But sir, you were caught holding the knife!” Said the Sergeant.
“How can I prove that I was in shock and just didn't think when I picked up the knife from the floor?” Pleaded the chauffeur.
“I'm afraid I don't think you can sir! Replied the Sergeant. I will have to hold you in custody until Scotland Yard comes down to question you!”
“Okay, that's the end of the Christmas Day Acts!” Said Johnson the butler.
“Go and have lunch now, and then go and check out your observation notes for today. And Christmas Dinner will be an hour later than usual at 7 o'clock! Everyone has a “Merry Christmas!” The butler said.
“Great, I can do with a drink!” Said Jacob.
After lunch, all the contestants went to their rooms and studied their notes.
When the evening came each of the contestants dressed in their best attire for Christmas Dinner. Soon the butler hit the gong for 7 o'clock, alerting everybody that Christmas Dinner was ready.
“Well, that dinner was delicious. I haven't had a succulent turkey like that for years!” Jacob remarked, rubbing his tummy. Looking down at the table he noticed there were Christmas crackers for everyone.
“What fun, Amanda fancy pulling this cracker with me?” He said.
“I'd love to!” she said.
Both of them got their end of the cracker and then pulled it –Bang!! Amanda spotted a tiny champagne bottle --containing real champagne and showed it to everyone.
“Isn't that sweet?” She remarked, giggling.
“Don't drink all of it, Amanda, you might get tipsy!” laughed Margaret.
Jacob put the cracker green hat on and found the joke inside the cracker he then read it out aloud to all his fellow contestants:
“ The Joke's on them. We are ready for them tomorrow! Said the laughing policeman!”
For a split second, Jacob frowned, looking at the tiny piece of paper,r, then laughed and screwed it up, throwing it to the floor.
“What kind of joke is that?” He shouted mockingly.
Finally, in the distance, I could hear the grandfather clock chiming and striking midnight. It was now Boxing Day, and one or two of the contestants seemed a bit tipsy!
Soon after, people went to bed one by one.
“Now I know why they call it Boxing Day, I feel like my head has been beaten by a big boxer!” Said Jacob, sitting down for breakfast.
“Well, it's your thought, old man, you would keep drinking that fruit punch, so it certainly gave you a wack, old chap!” said Forndyke with a loud laugh. All the contestants joined in.
An hour had passed and everyone except Jacob made their way to the lounge.
“ I'm sorry, miss, " said the Constable, but no one's allowed in there for the moment!” He said closing the door.
“What's Jacob doing with those two policemen?” Said Amanda to Margaret.
Seconds later, A police Sergeant opened the door. Constable let both ladies in, please.
“I say, what's this all about”? Asked Amanda.
“Jacob, what are you doing here?”Said, Margaret.
“ My real name is Detective Sergeant Carrington of Scotland Yard! It was a long shot, but being a graduate, I applied for the contest to infiltrate your father's organisation.”
“So what does that have to do with us?” Said Amanda, angrily getting a cigarette from her handbag.
“The police have had this manor and three others in the country under surveillance.”
Each Christmas and other times every year both of you travel the country, taking turns to win these “ Murder Who Did It contests in various manners. Each of you uses different disguises and aliases, as well as being sisters!”
“It has been calculated that your organisation, over the last ten years, have embezzled about £200,000. Your boss, Lord Morley, and also your father will go to prison for a very long time!”
“ But how did you find out about us?” Asked Margaret.
“That's a good question! Replied Detective Carrington. Scotland Yard has had a spy in your organisation for the last two years… In this case…the butler did it!”
“Constable, let the butler in, please.
“Good afternoon sir, ladies, Johnson said. Hope I haven't inconvenienced anyone. I am Detective Constable Watkins!”
Both ladies looked lost for words.
Constable, please take both these ladies to the station…and I mean the police station, not the train station!
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