Fiction Friendship Drama

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

The school bell rings. Finally! We can meet up at the park. Derrick, Jacob, Philly, and Gabe are going to meet me for a Pokemon card trade. Also, Gabe said he had a Pikachu Illustrator, but none of us believed him. I didn’t say anything when he told me that. I mean, it's the rarest Pokemon card, and it costs a fortune. There's no way he has it.

I meet the group at the park, but I realize Gabe isn’t there. Derrick says, “He’s late again.” He probably flaked on us. It’s not like him, though. He really cares about us. I know because of his tight hugs. He has to be the only boy who hugs his friends in the fifth grade, but he does have autism. I don’t want to be rude and tell him to stop, but I don’t like the hugs. 

“Should we start without him?” Jacob asked.

“Look!” I say, pointing to the swings, “There’s one for each of us.” We all take a swing and discuss our day in school. It’s only the second week of middle school and I can’t stand it. It’s a big change from Elementary school. Changing classes, limited time in the bathroom, every day is gym day. Ugh! It’s too much! After an hour, Philly takes a Switch from his backpack and starts playing it.

“Where’d you get that from?” Jacob asked.

“Berry let me borrow it because I helped her with homework.”


“Don’t be mad ‘cause I can talk to girls and you can’t!”

“I’m not mad at that! I just can’t believe that she’ll let you borrow it.”

I add, “Yeah, Philly, you can’t be trusted to return things!”

“When have I ever not returned things?!” He cockily asked. We all gaze at him like he’s crazy. 

Derrick starts by saying, “My skateboard.”

“My Jordans!” Jacob stated.

“My gym shirt.” I mentioned, “You make Gabe look good.”

“I don’t know about that one!” Derrick says with an angry expression, “Gabe isn’t forgetful. He waits until someone drags him to do what he promises and it’s frustrating! If he doesn’t have the card, why would he say he does?!”

“He probably does have it.”

“Yeah, right, Daniel!” He stands up to me and grabs the swing chains, “That’s the rarest and most expensive card in the world! He doesn’t have it!” Derrick grabs his backpack and puts it across his back, “Let’s go!”

“Wait!” I stand from the swing, “We can’t just flake on him.”

“He’s not coming!”

“Let’s wait a little longer. I just got he-”

Derrick turns to me and screams, “Daniel! We’re better than him!” I stare at him as he continues, “We’re growing up! Gabe is not! He’s still living in a fantasy where he can tell anything to his friends, and we believe it! I don’t believe it anymore! I’m done giving attention to a hugger!”

“He’s our friend.”

“He’s your friend! That’s the only reason we’re here! We didn’t wanna come, but you convinced us to, and this is what you have to show for it!”

“I looked up to you because you always did the right thing, but ever since-”

“‘Ever since’ what?!” I stay silent. I could finish the sentence, but I didn’t want to. Derrick has been through a lot during fourth grade. His older brother died in a car accident and then his father left him and his mother. I couldn’t say that. The wound is so fresh I can smell it.


“C’mon guys!” Jacob and Philly follow him. I couldn’t believe it. We’ve been together since Kindergarten, and now, when we’re in middle school, they want to abandon Gabe. That’s not fair! Sure, Gabe has his flaws, but who doesn’t? It’s not okay to abandon someone just because you’re getting older. We need to stick together, especially during middle school! 

“Wait!” They all stop. I try to hold my tears back, but they roll out anyway, “Although Gabe is different from us…doesn’t mean he’s not special…he’s done so much for us. Who signed your cast first when you broke your arm, Jacob? Gabe did! When Philly really wanted that Mario costume, who saved up pennies and got it for you? Gabe did! Derrick, who wrote you a card and spent the night at your house when you lost your brother? Gabe d-” I feel a hug from behind me that dries the tears from my eyes. 

I turn to see Gabe, who backs away and says, “Hi, guys! Sorry, I’m late!” He stares at the gap between us and asks, “What’s going on?”

“Nothing!” Derrick yells aggressively. He quickly fixes his tone and says, “I mean…nothing. Do you have the card?”

“Yeah, I do! Are you ready to see-” He reaches into his back pocket.

“Wait, Gabe!” I shout. He obeys but turns to me and asks with a smile,

“What’s wrong, Daniel?” I didn’t want them to see the card if he had had it. They’re not really his friends. They’re just gonna use him and I’m not gonna let that happen!

I turn to Derrick and say, “Apologize to him!” He cringes.

“Hmm? Danny, what are you talking about?” I gaze into Gabe’s glistening blue eyes. The sun perfectly reflected off his golden hair as his constant smile radiated on his face.

Derrick repeats, “Yeah. ‘What are you talking about?’” That jerk!

“Gabe, can I talk to you?” I asked. Why did I ask? I need to tell him what they think about him. Gabe turns to them and says,

“I’ll be back.” We walk to the seesaw, which was a good distance away. I explain,

“Gabe…these guys are not your friends.”

“Huh? What do you mean?” he asked back.

“Before you got here, they were gonna abandon you because Derrick said they aren’t your friend, only I am!”

“No!” He gazes back at them, then back at me. “You’re wrong. Derrick has never been my friend, but Jacob and Philly are.”


“They’re just taking his side because they’re afraid of him, but you aren’t. I love that about you, Daniel, because I can always rely on you, but I’m still gonna be Derrick’s friend.”

“What?! Why?! He doesn’t like you!” 

He sighs, “I guess you deserve to know the truth.”

“‘Truth?’” What is he talking about?

“I don’t care about Derrick, but I am using him.” My heart stops, but he continues, “I’m only friends with him because I’m in love with his mom.” I chuckle.

“Funny joke, Gabe!” He wasn’t laughing, but I continued to get something out of him—anything! He smiled, but not in a laughing manner.

“It’s not a joke, Daniel. I’m in a relationship with his mother.” I stop laughing. “A long time ago, she told me I was like one of her sons, but better. She told me that I was special to her. I said that if I was so special, she needed to kill Vinnie, and she did.”

“What?! No! You’re lying! She wouldn’t kill her own son!”

“She cut the brakes to his car and when he went to stop at a red light, BAM! Game over for poor Vinnie.” This can’t be real. Derrick only told me that, so how would Gabe know? “I told her to divorce her husband and she did. I split them up!”

“Why Gabe?! Why would you do that?!” His smile fades.

“She’s the only person who’s never felt awkward when I hug them.” I gasp. “She even hugs me back. You guys don’t. Not even my own parents hug me. She was all I ever wanted. I just wanted to make you guys feel special, but you never made me feel the same. I gave you guys so much. What do I get in return? Nothing!” He composes himself, “I guess that’s what I get for trying to be a good friend.” 

He leaves me and returns to the group, acting like the conversation never happened. He shows them his Pokemon card and even invites us to his house to play video games with him. That was the last night I saw Gabe, but not Derrick. I occasionally visit him in jail.

April 16, 2024 01:29

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Kerriann Murray
21:38 Apr 24, 2024

Wait, Derrick is in jail?!?!


Lucas Alexander
11:02 Apr 26, 2024

Yeah. Was it not clear? How would you have implied it?


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