The Kusum Factor

Submitted into Contest #45 in response to: Write a story about change.... view prompt



Just a day left for Manju to start for his first job. To be precise most awaited as he will be with someone special. Looking at his cellphone Manju saw its 12:01 a.m. He really needs a sleep. Trying to conquer the saturated flow of emotions is not letting him sleep. He could hardly sleep for 4 hours yet the day demands for a good sleep. Being the first day of his job its not a good thing to start with. He felt things are running out off the track. Still loading the positive vibes he continues. He took bath , puts on the best pair of clothes kept ironed in the wardrobe and his black shoes. He took time making his hair look decent but dashing enough for someone to get impressed at the first sight. Its already making Manju blush how the gate would open and he will be walking in the way he used to see in the Tamil movies. He even tried some skills with the keys to impress someone on the other side of the street.

Manju was an observer of Kusum for over half a decade. She will be his new mistress and he will be driving her college and back home. His father is the gardener at her house. He is serving them for the exact time since when Manju started observing the beauty across the street in the big bungalow. She had been a blur and he had many faces of her but all with the best of personality one could ever have. He had plans with his studies but the offer to drive her to college and back home sharing the same roof with his untold love is something he couldn't deny. He always consider himself to be a part of a painting whose half a side is left without colours and he finds Kusum on the other half.

Manju took his breakfast and started with his father. They walked to their master's house across the street. The scorching heat is making them sweat. Manju looking at his shirt and rubbing his face with the hankie felt more low in his idea of entering like a star he thought it would be. Reaching the gate Manju thought the security will be opening it but when his father started sliding the heavy iron gate, Manju gave a helping hand. He thought the guard at the gate would do that but after all everything that was in his mind started melting. He realized he is there to provide a service not to seek any service in return but only his salary at the very end of the month.

The master was a DIG in police. He is big, tall and healthy man with a moustache. He was reading the newspaper while having his tea with some delicious looking snacks in the garden under the patio umbrella.

Manju's father introduced him to the master. He spoke out some instructions regarding his job. He don't sound welcoming at all. He starts imagining if he talks to everyone the way he is doing now. He became anxious how the conversation would be with his daughter. Meanwhile Kusum came down in a neat uniform. She is beautiful and she is more beautiful than the faces he made in his mind out of the blur he used to see from his window. The master's voice turned soft as if he got something out of his throat. Kusum baded goodbye to his father and 'Rucho' the Labrador and walked to the car. She stopped at door. Manju was still looking with keys in his hand. His father poked him from behind saying ' the door!'. He quickly ran and opened the door. He was expecting a word in return but everything seems unpleasant now. He started feeling the way his master actually thought him to be - a servant. The excitement for the job in no time made him feel it like a slave. He entered the car and taking a slow turn started for the college. He was silent , the windows were up and the a.c was on. It was suffocating him. He was used to with the air outside. He asked 'At what time will your classes be over?'. She replied 'stay at the gate untill you see me walking out'. That was not Kusum he potraited in his mind. He felt as if he landed on some wrong person. Reaching College she went with her black glasses on into the gate. He parked the car under a tree and opened the windows.

It was hard adjusting with the change in the characters. This side of the painting seems more dark. He couldn't accept kusum and her attitude towards him. His thoughts regarding her and the reality couldn't merge. It was hard believing how wrong he was since the last 5 years. The only colours that he assumed to be living across the street is not welcoming him. He took a cup of tea with a idli at a stall nearby looking constantly at the gate. He lied on the seat for the day long. By 2p.m he saw his mistress coming out of the gate with two of her friends. He walked out of the car and stood by the door. As she approached he opened the door. Before she entered one guy on a great bike approached her ' hey nisha , come I will drop you'. Listening so and realizing that she is not Kusum, manju smiles softly. Thanks to the guy who made manju's mind realize that Kusum is still good somewhere far and still on the bright side of the painting. Nisha is just his mistress but Kusum is the beautiful one. The search for her would not land in so easily ,manju thought.

With time Manju realized Kusum was never in a person. She was the beauty in every moment, every person, the fragrances of food, the yelling of his mother in the morning, the chanting in the temple by the street, sounds of azaan in the evening, the melodies in the morning radio tunes.... actually Kusum was everywhere around. The search is still on and its keeping him, us and everyone alive with colour.

June 08, 2020 17:52

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