Contemporary Creative Nonfiction Speculative

“Is it just us tonight?” I glanced around the bohemian living room, noting the candles, incense and more than an ample amount of floor pillows. 

Jocelyn kept her eyes on the tray as she set it down. Cocktails, strawberries, olives and cheese were now available. She looked up at me. “I thought it would just be the three of us…if that’s ok?” 

Rachel plopped down on a pillow and grabbed a strawberry, moaning as she bit into it. “Oh my god J - this is perfect!” I sat cross legged nearby and went to take the offered berry. Rachel held on and leaned in, pausing just before my slightly open lips. “This ok?” 

“Yeah.” I answered breathlessly just before she closed the gap and slowly kissed my lips. They were so damn soft!

“I’m sorry that’s all the time we have for tonight.”

“No!” The entire group turned to look at a guy still holding his spoon full of soup over the bowl. He blushed. “Sorry - “ He practically dove face first into his bisque to avoid us. 

“Ok! Well, clearly you had a bit of a winner there Lucy!” There was some laughter. “Next week the Panera is going to be closed for an event so we’ll pick it up the week after. Have a great night and drive safe!” 

We all started to gather our things. The book club had been meeting for years, but I had just started to share some of my newer stuff. It seemed to be going well. As if reading my mind, Addie sidled up next to me. “Damn girl! That guy was about to bust it right here in the sandwich shop!” 

This time it was my turn to blush. But I gave her a wicked grin. “Gotta keep ‘em coming back for more, right?” We both laughed. 

“So - how much of this is memoir, huh?” 

I rolled my eyes. “Addie…” before dropping my voice to a husky tone “you know a lady never tells!” Walking out to the cars we made plans to get together over the weekend. 

“How’s the campaign going by the way?” Addie nodded towards the giant sticker adorning my husband’s car. I didn’t love driving it, only because I truly had to be on best behavior in case anyone was watching. 

“It’s going. He’s putting in the work. All I can say is I’m grateful he’s running, and I’m grateful it’s not me!” 

“Can someone help with the groceries please?” I hollered into the house as I juggled too many bags, almost dropping the gallon of milk. 

Ben responded as he bounded out of the office. “Coming! Is there more in the car?” 

“Yeah but take the milk, please!” I grabbed a glass and filled it with water as he came back in with the rest of the load. “Oh my god. Thank you!” Putting down the glass, I wiped the sweat from my face. “It’s definitely summer now!” His silence made me turn to face him. “You ok? Who’s that?” 

He was looking at his phone with a confused expression on his face. “Did you do an interview?” 

I snorted. “As if! Why?” 

He held out his phone. The article title was front and center. “Candidate’s wife shares sordid sexual past in family restaurant.” My jaw dropped. “Who did you talk too?” 

“Ben! Seriously. This must be a joke!” 

“It doesn’t sound like a joke Lucy! I’m running for office, this is terrible!” 

I scowled at him before smacking my forehead with my hand. “Writer’s group!”


“Last week at writer’s group - at Panera - I read one of my more racy scenes. Someone must have thought I was talking about me…but if they did they’re an idiot. A bunch of people sitting around reading everything from sci-fi to war stories? We are CLEARLY reading fiction.” He didn’t look relieved. “Babe. Just call the newspaper. They’ll print a redaction. I’LL call them, ok?” I kissed him on the cheek. “It’ll be fine.” I started putting groceries away. “But send me that link - Addie is going to die when she sees that!” 

“Did you say something?” I dipped my spoon into the lemon sorbet. It was so good on such a hot day!

“To who, the taliban?” I snorted. “Maybe it was the soup guy who didn’t want you to stop reading!” She grabbed a spoonful of my treat. 

“Hey! You got mint chocolate - that does not go with lemon!” I batted away her attempts to get more. 

“But it’s so good Luce! So what did the paper say?” 

I cleared my throat. “We are so sorry you are inconvenienced. Unfortunately we cannot divulge our sources. We will print a redaction.” 

“Well that’s good.”

“Yeah, except the ‘redaction’, was this tiny little note at the bottom of the last page.” I pulled out my phone and showed her the snapshot of the notice.

Squinting she mumbled as she read. “Regarding the article about candidate Morrey’s wife: The Post was unable to verify the details. We will not continue to publish said article.” She glanced up at me. “So…how’d Ben take that?” 

I stirred the soupy remnants in my cup. “Not great. Everyone’s read it. No one is going to see the redaction.” I sighed. “I told him when he ran he just had to remember who he was married to and that I wasn’t changing…but this is stupid Addie! This wasn’t even about me!” She raised an eyebrow and I laughed. “Ok that specific scene was not autobiographical!” 

“What are you gonna do?” 

“There’s nothing to do! Except now Ben is thinking maybe I shouldn’t come to the fundraiser with him. I’m so mad - I never get to dress up for anything! I was so looking forward to it!” 

Ditching our cups we headed out. Addie linked arms with me. “I think you should go. Fuck those fuckers! They’re just jealous!” 

I turned and hugged her. “You’re the best Addie. Thank you!” 

“You can’t let them win Ben! If I don’t go everyone will believe it’s true! And who cares if it were!”

“Is it? I thought you said it was fiction.” 

We were both getting ready for the event and he was waffling…again. I gritted my teeth. “That particular scene WAS fiction! I’m not going to apologize for my life Ben! That’s not fair!”

He sighed. “You’re right. I’m sorry.” 

“Thank you.” We stood there for a moment before I turned to put in my earrings. “Besides, all the people there tonight will be too stuffy for gossiping about something like that.” 

I gasped as we pulled up. “There’s a red carpet? Oh my god Ben, that’s so cool!” I glanced at him. “Don’t worry, best behavior!” A look of relief crossed his face and I punched him lightly on the shoulder. “Don’t forget to hold the door for me!” 

There were actual cheers when we got out of the car. Cameras flashed and I looked down at the ground to be sure I didn’t trip on my dress or shoes or anything while getting out. “Mrs. Morrey! Mrs. Morrey!” I turned and couldn't see for a second with all the lights going off. Ben hustled me up the steps and the sounds were muted once we entered the building. 

“Oh good, you came!” 

I turned and smiled at the older woman approaching as I hissed through my teeth. “Ben who is that?” 

“Mrs. Lipscomb, how nice to see you!” Ben held out my hand and she briefly took it before taking my arm. 

“Yes, so nice to see you, but really I need your wife Ben.” I shot an apologetic look over my shoulder as she hustled me off, before forcing myself to pay attention to what she was saying. “And I told Barbara it’s about time we had someone like her in office! Well, you know what I mean.”

“I’m afraid I don’t -” 

“Jean! Come say hi to - Lucy isn’t it? Lucy Morrey, this is Jean Bader. Her husband is the senator of Kentucky.”

“Lovely to meet you Lucy! I’ve heard so much about you!” Jean held out her hand like a limp dishrag. I took it, not certain if she expected me to kiss or shake her hand. Apparently a hold sufficed. 

“Is there alcohol?” I interrupted. “Sorry - a drink?”

Both ladies laughed. “Of course, how silly of me!” Mrs. Lipscomb waved over a waiter and I took a martini, sending a grateful look to the guy before taking a healthy swig. “Now then, there’s several more people you need to meet.” 

Finally we made it out. Exhausted I pulled off my long gloves and laid the seat back a bit. Ben glanced over at me nervously. “You ok?” 

“I’m BEAT!” I smiled at him. “But yes. You?”

He cleared his throat. “I think I owe you an apology.”

“Oh?” I turned towards him in my seat. “And why is that?” 

He shot me a look. “You’re going to make me say it?”

I giggled. “I’m going to make you say it!”

Ben cleared his throat again. “Apparently the powers that be see you as a very forward-thinking…” he paused and blushed “sex-positive icon…” I squealed in laughter “and they think you will be an asset in upping their numbers with the younger demographics.” 

“Oh did they?” I laughed. “I’d say that’s an even better review than soup-guy!” 


I waved him off. “Rando at Panera. Did you even read what I’d written?” He looked guilty. “Ben!” 

“I’ll read it as soon as we get home!”

“Or…I leaned over towards him and whispered in his ear “I can read it to you…” 

June 10, 2024 21:48

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