Agony of decision dilemma

Submitted into Contest #95 in response to: Start your story with someone being presented with a dilemma.... view prompt


Creative Nonfiction Drama Historical Fiction

From the twinkle of an eye,there lived a man and his wife with three children .They used to live in Osukuru hill in Tororo. The man was called Okello and the wife Suzan. They were from a humble family like a churchmouse. The wife had a sister called Akello. Akello could stay in the city. The siblings were named Amollo,Gloria and Comfort respectively.

Mr.Okello was an unemployed man but could depend on agricultural work to earn a living. His family could work from morning to evening without rest. Over the weekend he could be with his combrade Alex the District Police Commander of that area. Okello could refresh his mind over the weekend because work without rest made Jack a dull boy. He could accompany his comrades at the drinking point in order to relax his mind from day's work. Despite his humble status,he was the most happiest man. Okello was a man that could not mind about people's assets instead praying to God for help and blesses.

Due to too much work,Okello felt sick one day and he did not have any money to support his situation the hospital. His agricultural produce were all eaten up by pest and diseases so he did not realize enough money to support him in the hospital. His condition was worsening day by day since he could not be taken to the hospital for proper medical attention due to lack of dymes. His sickness brought alot of misery in the family because farm work came to a standstill since he needed much attention from the family members. The family members tried what they could but nothing could avail to rescue the situation. Suzan became perplexed because she could not do anything better since her senses had run away. "She was as confused as a sheep". One of the daughter Amollo then came out with a suggestion that the mother should first visit Alex for some help since he was the father's friend. The suggestion was then welcomed by the mother and she gave it a trial.

When she reached Alex's home,a warm welcome was given to her by the Commander. She narrated everything about her husband to Alex. " Oh! It's a petty",Alex replied. He then asked,"How can i help you?". "I need some money to support my husband's condition in the hospital", she replied. Alex shook his head and thought deeply with heavy breath on what to do. He then came out with a suggestion that Suzan should first sleep with him before he could help. " Are you mad?,it is an abomination. I thought you are my husband's friend",she replied while crying for her husband's condition. But Alex was more of a gigollo than any other person in that area. Suzan was in a decision dilemma of what to do. She had a conflicting loyalty whether to save her husband or leave him to die following Alex's request. He was the only person that could help Suzan at that time. Since Suzan wanted to save her husband's life,she accepted to sleep with Alex for the money.

She later took the husband to the hospital and got well after a week. Happiness rejuvinated back again amongst the family members since they had lost hope. Suzan did not tell the husband how she got the money and kept it as a secret. She could refer him to her friend whenever he could ask how the money was got. Out of blue,Suzan started noticing signs of pregnancy months later. She did not tell the husband about the pregnancy but instead the sister Akello.

After informing the sister about her status,she requested the husband to allow her first move to the city with the sister. Okello accepted and she went. She later gave birth to a bouncing baby girl while in the city and they named her Sarah. This brought another hell of decision of decision dilemma on how to tell the husband what happened and how she got the baby. This brought anxiety in her life and she decided to commit suicide from the hospital. Okello could not stop shedding tears since his only bean in the soup was dead. More misery and suffering befell the family again. After the burial,Sarah and other three children were taken to the city by their aunt. On their way to the city,Akello forgot to pick her sister's dairy which contained all the secrets. "I am dead if Okello gets this book. I pray he doesnt get it". Akello larmented silently. Unfortunately the book was found by Okello. He inculcated the dairy very well and found all the secrets that was hidden from him. He became furious and angry after reading between the lines of the dairy. He was also in dilemma on what to do concerning abominable act the wife had with his friend Alex.

With all the anger and annoyance,he went to his friend's place with the intention of killing him since he was the one behind his family's misfortune. Due to bad luck,he was snabbed and killed by Alex in the process of fighting. His body was thrown in the bush by Alex. His death brought more pain and suffering amongst the children. Months later after burial,the children scrambled and fought amongst themselves over the little assets the parents but however elders came and solved the issue. The children had to live in peace despite being orphans.

When Sarah off-age,she started having affair with Alex due to little perception that he was her father. Sarah spent most of her entire life in the city and did not know her true father. She thought Okello was the father so she had to fall for Alex. When the aunt visited them in the village,she was astonished to find that Sarah was dating Alex her own father and murderer of Okello. She decided to let the cat out of the bag to Sarah about Alex to her. Sarah had to take a french leave from the place because of shame and insults from the community. She ended up committing suicide since she could not bear the agony of decision taken by her and the abominable act she did with her own father Alex.

Mr.Alex was later arrested for murder,defilement and rape. He was then sentenced to life imprisonment after which he was hanged for all the assaults he did. The remaining children were taken to the city by Akello and had a better life.

"All in all we should have a merciful heart upon those who need our help other than mistreating them because everything is under God's power and control.

May 25, 2021 15:45

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