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  Rumors Running Rampant

As usual the teacher’s lounge was full. Fridays were always worse. You could hear sodas opening, coffee perking. Lunches warmed in the microwave continued; beep, beep, beep. Laughing and talking carried into the hallway.

First and second grade teachers sat together. Linda was sitting with Dave, listening intently and laughing to apparently a funny story. Cindy, JoAnn and Pat were looking at pictures from Marlene’s recent vacation.

I saw in a quiet corner, both DeeDee and Jonathon were ignoring their lunch and talking intently. I noticed his hand reached for her’s a couple of times, but he always pulled back. His eyes stared at her face as if he were afraid to miss a single word.

Well, this was interesting, I had heard that Jonathon had just became separated from his wife. Was he testing the waters already?

JoAnn jumped up quickly; she had just spilled her tea on Cindy. There was quite a commotion, so I left to finish my lunch at my desk. A couple extra minutes would help me relax a little before fifth grade math tests this afternoon. 

After work, Jonathon stopped by my room to ask if I had finished giving my tests for the week. I laughed, “I have and if you haven’t, I don’t envy you at all, what a week, the kids were so jumpy.” He replied, “Oh yes, DeeDee and I both have. I never want to do that again. Listen, if you’re leaving I’ll walk out with you.”

He helped me with my coat and walked me to my car. I blurted out “will you see DeeDee this weekend?” Embarrassed, I jumped into my car before he could answer. “Goodby, see you Monday.” I sped off, what have I done? I just opened my mouth and shoved my foot in it!

Later that night I called Linda just to talk. We spoke of our busy week and how glad we were that it was over. I then casually asked, “I guess you heard Jonathon is separated from his wife?” “I did, is he seeing someone?” She asked. “Oh, I couldn’t say for sure, but I did see him sitting with DeeDee at lunch, they were certainly engaged in their conversation if you know what I mean. I’ve also seen them talking in the hallway between classes, they seem to have a lot in common.”

Monday came, each teacher was slowly coming in to get a cup of coffee or tea. Jonathon and DeeDee walked in together, engaged in another long conversation. They put their lunches in the fridge and walked right out without speaking to a single soul. 

I couldn’t help myself, I ran straight to Linda and told her what I had seen. I saw Pat walk in to her classroom, I followed her in. “Good morning Pat,” “Good morning Debbie,” she replied. 

“Well, I guess you know Jonathon is seeing DeeDee,” I said. Pat replied, “Well, just how do you know this?” I looked at her; “you see them everywhere together, and they seem oblivious to the entire staff.”

“I was on playground duty this morning with Linda. She mentioned that Cindy told her that they were having an affair.”

I looked shocked, and didn’t want to admit I had been the one who told Linda.

Tuesday evening I saw DeeDee getting into the car with Jonathon. Just a couple of days and they’re getting pretty blatant about being seen together.

By Friday DeeDee and Jonathon were driving separately. I guess they thought a rumor might get started if they continued to spend so much time together at work and even driving together.

The following week I noticed they ate lunch together, talking quietly and again, not noticing others in the room.

I casually mentioned to Marlene that DeeDee and Jonathon seemed to be dating, if you could call it that. After all, he was still married. She said, “Oh yes, I noticed it myself and I even heard the first grade teachers talking about it in the bus pick-up line yesterday.”

Monday I noticed DeeDee was eating lunch with Cindy, Pat and the girls. Jonathon was eating with Ted and Principal Dan. Well, what’s happened to the love birds, I thought.

Tuesday Jonathon stopped in my classroom after class. I was just writing some things on the board for the next day. “Just checking to see if you’re finished, I’ll walk you to your car.” I replied; “Sure, let me gather all this up.”   

He helped me with my coat again and rang for the elevator. I felt like I had to say something, Jonathon and I had sort of been friends, since we had classrooms right across the hall from each other. He was probably broken-hearted and needed a friend to talk to.

“Jonathon, I don’t want to be nosy, I just thought you might need someone to talk to, and I’m here.” “What do you mean Debbie?” He questioned.

“Well, I know you are separated from Jennifer and it seems you and DeeDee are no longer dating, I just want to lend a caring ear.” 

“Dating? What do you mean dating? DeeDee? Me?” Jonathon said loudly. 

“Well, Jonathon, for a few weeks you and DeeDee have seemed very friendly… you eat lunch together without taking your eyes off each other. You bring her to work and take her home with you. Everyones noticed it. Now you’re driving separately and you’re eating lunch with the guys again. It’s very clear.” 

"DeeDees’ car was in the shop and I gave her a ride for a few days, her townhouse is close to ours. Thats why we were riding together. And DeeDee is Jennifers best friend. She was giving me advice on how to get back together with her. DeeDee was encouraging us to stay together even during counseling. She was helping us find a marriage counselor. We definitely were not dating, or anything similar to that.” Jonathons face was red and I could tell he was terribly embarrassed by having to say all this.

“Oh Jonathon, I am so sorry. I saw you two together and just assumed you were dating. You know how rumors run rampant over the least little thing around here.” I said quietly. “Please forgive me for even thinking that about you. I know you and Jennifer love each other and would never do something like that.”

“Debbie,” Jonathon said, “let’s just pretend this conversation never happened. You go home to Justin and I’ll go home to Jennifer, and tomorrow will be a new day.”

“Oh, thank you Jonathon! thank you!” I jumped in his arms and gave him a big hug. “Oh I hope I didn’t just start another rumor.” He laughed as we both got in our cars and drove home to our spouses.

June 13, 2024 02:52

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Kyla Tavares
19:04 Jun 17, 2024

This was such a fun read!


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