Fiction Inspirational Friendship

Katrina watches as the daylight vanishes from the surface of the earth. Her balcony gave an amazing view of the mountains, which she loved seeing the sun shine upon them as it rose. Knowing that the light shining meant it was a new day. New chances, new opportunities. It signifies hope. No matter how long or cold the night is, the shining light gives warmth and an end to that long night. Katrina thought sunsets were beautiful too but felt as though sunsets were grim and dark omen. That it signified an end. She headed back inside and got herself ready for bed. Katrina is washing her face in the bathroom when she hears Ring Ring…. Ring Ring… Katrina runs and picks up the phone. The number is one she feels is familiar, but can't determine who it is. “Hello?” she says, sounding confused. “Hey, Katrina? It’s Joey from Biology 109.” Joey says. Katrina perks up, she remembers how sweet and nice he was to her. “Joey! How have you been?! And please, call me Kat.” She says slowly walking back to the balcony. “I’ve been well! I just can't believe how quick the time flew by! How have you been? What have you been up to since graduation? Last I heard you were working for WelldyneRx.” He says. “Yes!” Kat says, sitting down on the chair. She quickly gets up and does a little run to get a blanket. “The past 2 years there have been amazing and they’ve given me a pay raise already! What about you?” Joey goes silent. “Joey?” Kat says concerned. “Are you there?” Joey finally speaks up. “I-I’m here Kat.” He says hesitantly. “These past two years have been hard but things are finally getting better.” Kat looks up at the sky. She can’t see much but she sees it’s dark. “I’m sorry to hear that, Joe. Mind if I ask what was wrong?” “I have been in a dark place lately. I had lost my job with the pharmaceutical company I worked for. I lost my fiance. I lost a lot of my close friends. I struggled for a bit but with my family’s support, they showed me the light.” Joey replies. Kat is shocked. “Oh, Joey I’m so sorry. I am always here if you need anything!” She says. “Actually, that's why I had called.” Joe says hesitantly. A bright light shines in the corner of Kat’s eye. She looks up at the sky and this time finds it’s the moon. “Wow,” She says outloud without realizing. “Too much at once?''Joey says. “Oh no, not at all Joey! I just didn’t think life could be so harsh,” She says. “It can be indeed.” Joey says, laughing softly. “So I, uh, was wondering.” He pauses “Wow. The stars are absolutely beautiful tonight. Can you see them Kat?” Kat looks up. “Nope. Just the empty void of the universe.” she says with a laugh. “Do you have any outside lights on?” Joey asks. “I do, should I turn them off?” she asks. “Yes!! And then in a couple of minutes the stars will start to shine brightly for you too!” Joey explains. Kat, who is already skeptical of Joey, gets up and turns the outside light off. She texts her upstairs neighbor and asks them to do the same. “Done. Now I wait.” Kat says. “Awesome!” Joey says. There is an awkward pause for a couple of seconds. “What did you want to talk about Joey?” Kat asks. “I just wanted to ask you something.” He says. Joey takes a pause before he asks his question. “It’s a few questions actually. What were your thoughts on me? Like, when we took classes together?” He says nervously. “Oh, I thought you were a super sweet guy who was always pushing himself and others to be better.'' She says. “I also thought you were an amazing party host.” Kat teases. Joey lets out a laugh. “I did throw a couple of good parties,” he says jokingly. “How’s that sky looking?” Kat looks up. “Oh wow!! I see the little lights! That's amazing!!” She said, sounding surprised. She stares in awe at the small but bright lights in the sky. They’re a faint light but they’re captivating. “Kat? Kat? Are you there?” Joey asks, sounding concerned. Kat hears plates clattering on his end of the line. “Yeah, I’m still here. Just in awe a bit,” she laughs softly. “Did you just finish dinner or something? I hear plates clattering over there.” “Oh uh.” Joey pauses mid sentence. “Yes. I just had some friends over and that’s actually what made me think of you.” Kat shifts in her seat. Suddenly, the phone disconnects. “Thank god.” Kat says softly. She gets up and heads back into the house. She heads to the front door and makes sure it’s locked. She peeks through the window facing the shore. She sees the darkness of the night sky, the unknown part of what’s to come. “Only 12 hours till sunrise.” She says with a smile. She heads to the kitchen to make herself a cup of coffee for tomorrow when her phone begins to ring. She picks it up without looking at the name. “Hey Kat!” Joey says. Kat grimaces. “Sorry about that! Bad service in the woods.” Joey finishes, letting out a laugh. Kat makes her way back to the balcony. “Haha! I wondered what happened to you!” Kat jokes. “What were your other questions?” She puts her feet up on the ottoman. “I was going to ask what you were doing next Friday night. I’m throwing a small gathering for people from our friend group.” Joey responds. Kat sits up and places her feet on the floor. “Oh my gosh! Did you invite Jamie?!” Kat says excitedly. Jamie was the only person Kat was upset that they lost touch with each other after their group graduated. “Oh, you didn’t hear?” Joey asks. His tone changed. “How do those stars look?” He asks Kat, trying to change the topic. Kat glances up quickly and looks back at the mountain, dark and gloomy. She then responds, “No I didn’t hear. And the stars look cool.” “Kat, look at the stars. The moon is out too. Full moon tonight.” Joey responds. Kat does a double take toward the sky. She stares at the sky, the stars shining ever so brightly. “Wow,” Kat says, gaping at the beauty of it all. “This is beautiful Joey.” “Yes. Yes it is. This is what Jamie said to do when sharing the news.” Joey responds. “Sharing what news?” Kat asks concerned. “Is Jamie okay?” “Jamie passed away after she was in a car crash.” Joey says sadly. “She passed away a month ago. She was unreachable after graduation because she was exploring the world. She had explored all 7 continents and sailed the 7 seas. She had been skydiving and zip lining on several journeys. Jamie wanted everyone to look to the stars to remember her and her story. And to be reminded that life is short, go out and enjoy it.” Kat begins to cry. She looks to the stars. Remembers the wonderful memories she had with Jamie. “Joey, how long have you known?” Kat finally asks, between sobs. “I just found out myself. At the dinner, that’s what it was about,” He responds. “They tried to send you an invite but I guess you never got one. Jamie’s brother told us.” “Are you still at the dinner?” Kat asks. “Yes, would you like to be on speaker?” Joey responds. “I’d love for that.” Kat responds gazing at the stars still. Her and the group talk for a couple more hours. They reminisce about times with one another and how much time has gone by. When they finally hang up, Kat looks at the time and realizes it’s only 3 hours till sunrise and that it was Saturday. She decided to stay up to watch the stars a little longer. Kat then starts talking to the stars as if Jamie were there. Telling Jamie how inspired she feels, Kat decides to take a couple months off of work to go off and adventure on her own. The stars begin to fade away, and Kat see’s the sky get bright again. She wanders through the house, grabs her coffee, and heads over to the window. She watches the sunrise with a new representation in mind for night. The sunset still represents an ending but the stars are the memories of what ended, what is no longer. She feels comfort and joy in knowing the thought of the sunset representing an ending and a sunrise a beginning. The thought of darkness isn’t so scary anymore. She enjoys the sunrise whilst drinking her cup of coffee. The rising sun is her new beginning. Her new start to a life she will enjoy. 

June 25, 2021 22:30

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