Submitted into Contest #264 in response to: End your story with someone saying “I do.”... view prompt

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My journey to this day. The biggest day of my life can be summed up in so many words. Too many words to actually count. I will say this. Whatever hardship I faced. Whatever obstacle I faced. I overcame them all.

My journey to this day began the day I met the most amazing, the most wonderful guy. My future husband, Dylan. He was so kind and caring. He listened to me when I talked. His smile was out of this world. He was a dream. My dream.

I talked to Dylan about anything. He never judged me. We spent almost every day together. We talked on the phone or sent messages to each other.

Every single day since our first meeting me and Dylan would be together. I couldn't go a single day without seeing Dylan or hearing his voice.

I knew Dylan felt the same way about me. I always saw how he looked at me like I was the only one on this planet. Life was great with Dylan. But then a month into us seeing each other I noticed a change in Dylan.

One month was all it took for me to fall head over heels for Dylan. I told my best friend Zoey about Dylan. I told Zoey how Dylan makes me feel. How easy it is to talk to him. The way he looks at me. I couldn't stop smiling.

Zoey was skeptical about Dylan. She's not the easiest person when it comes to love. Zoey said I should ask Dylan more questions. Then I told Zoey about the change I saw in Dylan. Zoey wasn't convinced Dylan was a good guy. She said "Maybe he's hiding something."

Zoey's a good person. She's my best friend but she's also a cynical person. She doesn't take anything at face value especially when it comes to love. I on the other hand am a dreamer. I trust people. I am an honest person. I wondered to myself if Zoey was right.

I didn't want Dylan to break my heart. The more I talked to him the more I started to believe Zoey was right. Dylan was hiding something from me. He dodged so many questions I asked him.

When ever we when out Dylan was right next to me. His mind wasn't. He was someplace else. I asked him so many times if he was okay. He gave me vague answers or simply nodded his head.

I was getting scared Dylan didn't want me anymore. He wasn't acting like the same person I fell for. Talk used to come easy for us. Now it was becoming harder and harder to talk to Dylan.

Zoey was saying "I bet he's married with two kids and you're the side chick." I sat on Zoey's couch staring into space with tears in my eyes while Zoey kept on rambling.

I left Zoey's place in a hurry. I asked myself if Zoey is right. What if Dylan is married and he's developing a guilty conscience? I said to myself I'm probably in love with a married man. I began to cry.

After my crying debacle I went to see my mother for advice. I told my mother all about Dylan and about what Zoey said. I saw the look in my mother's eyes. It was a look that said this happened to me.

My mother was betrayed in the worst possible way by a man she trusted with her whole heart. My father cheated on my mother for so many years. She didn't know about it until the day she caught him in their bed. I never saw my mother so broken. She never trusted any other man again.

My mother told me Zoey was right and do not be the other woman. Don't break up a family. I knew my mother was right. It hurt to see and hear the truth. I knew what I had to do.

That night I called Dylan and told him I needed to see him. I was so scared to confront him. I needed to hear the truth. So, Dylan came over and I flat out asked him if he was married.

Dylan told me he wasn't married. I was relieved but then he told me he was engaged. I was stunned and heart broken. Dylan told me he was sorry for not telling me the truth.

I didn't know what to say to him. I started to yell at him. Dylan grabbed me and hugged me. He sat me down and told me he was struggling about getting married, about me, about what to tell his parents and fiancé. Dylan was begging me to listen to him. I pushed him away.

As much as I wanted to be with Dylan, I had to let him go. I didn't want to be the other woman. I told Dylan he needed to go back to his fiancé and forget about me.

I turned my back from Dylan when he left. I couldn't bear to see him leave. I cried for days. Zoey and my mother came to see me. Their company didn't do me any favors especially Zoey.

I tried to forget about Dylan. I really did. But everywhere I went remind of him. From the park where we first held hands to the restaurant where we had our first date. Even the couples I saw holding hands, looking at each other with love in their eyes.

I only had the memories of Dylan to get me through the days and nights. I didn't wonder how Dylan's fiancé looked. How she and Dylan met? Did they truly love each other? Zoey yelled at me to snap out of it. I couldn't. I missed Dylan so much.

My mother told me I did the right thing. I'm not so sure. If you love someone you fight for them. That's what I told my mother. She told me "No. You and Dylan are over."

I went on with my life the best way I knew how. I worked and worked all day and sometimes at night. I did anything that would take my mind off of Dylan. Nothing worked. I kept thinking about Dylan. Then a month and a half later Dylan came to see me. I was shocked.

Dylan told he didn't go through with the wedding. He told me he couldn't marry a woman he didn't love. That it only took a month to fall in love with me.

I didn't know what to say. I kept repeating my mother's words over and over again. Don't be the other woman. I told Dylan I didn't want to be the other woman. He said I wasn't the other woman but the right woman.

So, me and Dylan decided to take things slow. We spent time together rekindling what we had. We did all the things that made me fall in love with Dylan. He made me smile again. I never been happy.

It was like we were never apart. My mother and Zoey didn't like that I was with Dylan. Dylan's parents didn't like we were together. We didn't care. Our families didn't have to like we were together. They just had to respect the fact we were together.

Six months later Dylan asked me to marry him. I said yes. Our families of course weren't happy. They met each other and at first sight, they didn't like each other. Add the fact my father was there was a recipe for disaster.

Planning the wedding was a disaster. Dylan's parents, my parents and Zoey fought constantly. My parents fought constantly. I couldn't take it anymore.

I was getting sick and tired of the fighting so I planned my dream wedding myself. No help from no one just the way I wanted. I was happy I got what I wanted. Now I'm here on my wedding day getting ready to walk down the aisle.

The music starts to play. I see Dylan waiting for me. I begin to walk down the aisle to my future husband. I'm smiling as I reach Dylan. He grabs my hand. We stare into each others eyes. I don't hear what the priest is saying. All I see is Dylan. The priest asks me "Silver I need an answer." I turn to the priest then to Dylan and I say "I do."

August 22, 2024 20:18

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1 comment

John K Adams
22:12 Aug 29, 2024

Melinda, I can only speak from my personal taste, but I think this would be a much better and engaging story if it was told with telling scenes including dialogue between main characters. This would be much more dramatic and vivid. The MC and Dylan, MC and parents. MC and Zoey... etc. To me, this reads more like a summary than a story. It is obviously believable, but I don't get a deep sense of who your characters are. You obviously like to write. But this story left me wanting more.


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