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Contemporary Romance

“Did you know,” a tall blonde man walked up beside a short brunette woman looking intently at a painting, “the artist painted his cat into every painting he made? Sometimes it was obvious, in other instances not so much.”

She looked up at him taking in the warmth of his charming grin, staring into his deep forest-green eyes. 

“For example” he continued, breaking eye contact with her to look back at the painting, “all you can see in this one is the cat tail peaking out from the window in the house in the background”

She leaned in a little closer to the painting. She did not notice the cat's tail when she was initially looking at the painting. 

When she saw the cat's tail she let out a low gasp. “How'd you know that?” She asked, completely entranced by this discovery in a painting she loved. 

“Well, not to brag,” he looked down at her with that perfect smile, “but I'm an art journalist. I get to write about art, and various exhibits, interview artists, and critique different works. I interviewed this artist for an exhibit he did a couple of years ago.”

“Sounds fascinating.” she was intrigued, “and how does one go about getting a job like that.” she couldn't help but smile back. His enthusiasm was contagious. 

“Oh, easy, nepotism” 

She let out a laugh a little louder than she was expecting. Quickly covering her mouth with her hand to mute the sound. 

His smile grew larger as he lowered his eyes to her hand covering her mouth. Proud of the reaction he got from her “and an art history degree, of course.”

“Of course” she responded. “So, you come from a rich family?” a grin tugging at her lips, “You play the part well,” she pointed to his very expensive-looking suit and couldn't help but grin back at him. 

He looked down at his outfit and back at her “I don't hide my wealth very well do I?” 

“Ha, we're you trying? Because if this is you trying I can't imagine what you wear when you're not trying to hide your wealth.”

She took him in as a whole. His blonde hair perfectly gelled back. She couldn't help but imagine what he'd look like with his hair messed up a little. 

He had a tan complexion, his skin perfectly kissed by the sun. Probably hanging out on a private yacht or whatever it was rich people did outside. 

He stood tall, if she had to guess she'd put him over 6 feet tall. Making him a good foot taller than her as she stood at 5’1. 

But perhaps what caught her attention most was the subtle exotic scent that lingered around him. Is this what expensive cologne smells like, she thought. It was intoxicating. 

“Okay, so maybe I don't try that hard.” his grin turned into a smile that touched his eyes and she couldn't help but feel an attraction to this stranger. 

She reluctantly looked away from his face and started to move on to the next work of art in the museum. She could feel him next to her as he walked in step with her. 

They both stopped in front of a large sculpture. 

“Okay, Mr. Nepo, got anything to teach me about this one?” She gestured to the sculpture without looking at him. But she could feel his eyes on her. His amusement filled the space around them as if they were in their own little bubble together. Away from the rest of the world. 

“You can call me Mr. Cassidy. Jim Cassidy.”

“Jim, James, Jimothy.” She did her best Micheal Scott impression. 

Jim let out a low chuckle. This man was so handsome. All she could think about was making him laugh again and again. She got a warm feeling in her chest whenever he smiled or laughed on her behalf. 

“And what can I call you?” he asked, “Michael?” he said playing along with the bit. 

“Michelle” she replied without letting out the laugh that she desperately wanted to.

“Wait, seriously.” his smile disappeared from his face as he thought about the irony of the moment. 

It was her turn to chuckle “No,” then she put on her serious face and mocked his voice “You can call me Ms. Sanchez. Isabella Sanchez.” 

He smirked, “MS. Sanchez?” He emphasized the “ms” in his question. “So, not married. Is there a significant other? A future Mr or Mrs Sanchez?”

She could feel her cheeks warm as she couldn't help but blush at his cheesy attempt to see if she was single. “No future Mr Sanchez at the moment.”

“That's good to hear.” he looked away from her but she could see his face blushing just a little bit.  

“Yeah and why's that?” she asked knowing the answer. 

“Because I really wanted to ask you out on a date. And I can only do that if you are single. Must be my lucky day.” He flashed her a cocky smile that she couldn't help but melt for. 

“What makes you think I would be interested?” She asked knowing full well she was more than a little interested in getting to know this mystery man better. 

“A couple of things,” he said, “You haven't asked me to leave you alone yet.” he ticked off one finger, “and you could have lied about having a boyfriend if you weren't interested in me.” He ticked off a second finger. 

She didn't think about that. She's lied before about having a significant other to get away from men that made her feel uncomfortable, so he did have a point. Technically he had two points as he made clear with the two fingers that he was still holding up between them. 

“Tell me more about some of these pieces and I'll consider letting you ask me out on a date.” 

He smiled, seeming content with this strategy. He was also just happy to have a reason to be around her a little longer. 

They walked through the rest of the exhibit. Isabella asked ridiculous questions about different pieces, and Jim had an answer for every question she asked. 

She stopped in front of a waterfront piece. She’s always been fascinated by any body of water. Attracted to anything that brought her closer to the water. 

This piece was a beautiful picture of the waterfront with many large boats filling up its space. 

Not really her style. She preferred the water pieces with canoes or surfboards. 

“I’m assuming this piece really speaks to you,” she said sarcastically. 

“Oh yeah, and what makes you assume that?”

“Well, as a rich person, you can relate to all these rich people's boats in the water.”

“Ha, well aren’t we funny. I’ll have you know I do not own a yacht…” he lingered a bit at the end of his sentence making her think there was more he wanted to say. 

“Mr. Cassidy…?” she said his name slowly, dragging it out for dramatic effect.  

“Yes…” he dragged out for dramatic effect as well. 

“Do your parents own a yacht, Jim.” continuing the slow drawn-out words. 

“No comment,” he responded quickly. “Moving on, this Wilson over here is a beautiful piece” He started to move forward to the next piece in the exhibit. 

They shared many more laughs as they made their way through to the end of the exhibit bringing them back to the front of the museum. 

“I'm dying to know,” he paused in front of the exit to the museum and turned fully towards Isabella blocking her way to the door, “what's the verdict? Did I pass the test? Can I ask you out on a date?” 

A smile touched her lips and she brought her finger to her chin like she was thinking of whether or not she’d let him ask her out. There was no thinking left to do. She knew her answer before they were done walking through the art exhibit.

“I'll allow it,” she added, “one date”

“What are your plans right now?”

Her jaw dropped a little “You're asking me out right now?”

“I find walking through museums makes me hungry. And if I'm being honest I'm not ready to say goodbye.” he flashed his stunning smile knowing what it would do to her, “also there's a great place down the road and I've been thinking about it all day and I'd love to have your company there.”

“Well, I am a very busy woman.” She thought about the offer longer than she needed to. “But busy people have to eat. And I guess it doesn't hurt to have company when you eat.”

“So, it's a yes?” he asked hopefully.

“It's a yes,” she said smiling back at him. 

He moved to the side unblocking her path to the door and led her out, holding the door open for her as they left.

“My car is with valet. Let me get the valet guy and we should be on our way to food shortly.”

“Of course, your car is with valet,” she replied jokingly with an exaggerated eye roll.

He laughed as he turned around to make his way to the valet.

March 22, 2024 22:10

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1 comment

Tanya Humphreys
01:34 Mar 30, 2024

The only thing I like about this story is the dialogue. I only like stories that have a protagonist verses an antagonist and some excitement or adventure. So, that said, I don't like the story personally, just not my cup of tea. You have potential, work on more exciting, riveting tales. Keep in mind I'm asked to do this by Reedsy and its simply my opinion.


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