blue, green, red, and other colors.

Written in response to: Write a story that has a colour in the title.... view prompt


Contemporary Sad Speculative

A/N: I tried my best to format it but hey you dont always get your way in life right

but yeah you can go over to the google doc and I HIGHLY SUGGEST DOING SO (

its laid out all pretty and nice over there!!

♡ And there he was, with one pretty pale hand on his chest and the other on his shoulder, as he drank from the fine china, his eyes glittering the lights of the disco, staring into the distance with a smile.

☆ I scanned the room once again, it was a reflex by now. Maybe I could find her somewhere in the sparkle of the disco, reserved and sipping from a fancy glass.


His eyes met with hers, and the gleam of the disco turned green.


Oh no,

But I couldn't avert my eyes, or budge my legs.


Frankly putting, I shrugged the pale hand off of me, and almost sprinted to her.


"Let's sleep together tonight."

"Oh god, have some self control!" She turned around, ready to leave, flustered.

He grabbed her wrist, "No! I meant... sleep with me. Please. I haven't slept in four months."


♡ I felt scared about how comfortable I was at this place again.

He switched on the lights and took off his coat on the stale green couch.

His house was nothing like him, it was subtle and phlegmatic. And though I had always liked it, if only he could change the...

☆ "Make yourself home." I really hope she can.

I switched on the lights and took my coat off on the emerald couch.

She was nothing like me, I watched her take off her shoes, picking up my coat and folding it before keeping it back. I hope she still liked my place, and though I found it a bit melancholic, I would find respite in knowing she liked it.


"Well, you can take a shower, I have a pair of your PJs in my closet."

"I know."


♡ The water was warm. I didn't like showering in hot water.

A pair of old toothbrushes were on the sink, one was green and one was red.

☆ I had warmed the water beforehand. I hope it relaxes her. 

I picked out a box of fresh toothbrushes to give her one.


"Here, have a new one, that one's been there for months." He handed her the box in exchange for her wet towel.

"Oh alright, what do I pick?"

"There's green, pink, and blue, I think it's pretty clear."


I didn't want the green one.

Obviously, she wanted the green one.


"Well, if it's so predictable... I'll take the blue one this time!" She smiled teasingly.


♡ His habit of fidgeting in bed never went away.

I looked at the wind chime outside his window, swaying in the wind hastily, making subtly choleric noises. He didn't have it when I was around. It somewhat reminded me of him.

Everything around me smelled like him. It was nostalgic- the smell of cotton candy and ice creams at fairs. And though I had craved it, it was overwhelming. I won't sleep tonight either, the cotton candy was too sweet for me.

☆ Her habit of breathing heavily when lying down never went away.

I saw her glancing at the wind chime outside my window, swaying in the wind gently, producing a sanguine tune. It reminded me of her when I was alone sometimes.

She smelled like the trees and the grass. I was relieved to have it back- it triggered something comforting. I could finally sleep tonight, under the trees- with flickering sunlight all over my body.


"Do you feel relaxed? After the shower?"

"Kind of. I usually shower with cold water."

"Oh right, I forgot."


♡ It was relieving yet sad, the thought of him forgetting. He's forgetting me. It's good for him, but it felt crushing.

☆ Shit, I shouldn't have said that. What if she thinks I'm forgetting her? I hoped she had moved on so it wouldn't crush her.


"So what's up with the jazz bar?"

"Oh you've been gone too long, they turned it into a nightclub."

"Yeah, the energy was pretty weird there today, though I recognized the staff"

"Hmm, It's alright, though good place to go when you just want to-"

"Chill and have flings, yeah. The jazz bar was better."

"Yeah, maybe." He gulped. "Are you seeing someone?"

"No, of course not- I wouldn't be here if I was."

He turned towards her, waiting for her to speak.

"Aren't you gonna ask me the same?"

"I don't want to know."

"Why not?"



Why would I want to know?

If he said yes, it'll kick a fear in me. What if he said this exact same thing to someone else when he was with me?

And if he said no, I won't resist.

It's better I don't know.

Why didn't she want to know?

If I said yes, maybe it'll disgust her. Maybe she'd get up and leave. She’ll hate me.

And if I said no, I won't resist.

Maybe it's okay for her to not want to know.


"Are you sleepy yet?" She turned to him too.

"Maybe. Thanks." He struggled to stay awake, something he'd been praying to be able to do again. "You?"

"Maybe. I've been having problems sleeping lately too."

"No way, that's the last thing that should have happened to you..." He almost got up.

She smiled, putting her hand over his eyes so he could shut them close. "It's probably because I've been travelling lately."


♡ I could understand him now. 

Staying up until you heard the birds chirping, and the sky turning a dull light blue, a little dizzy- it felt surreal.

Maybe he found solace in that.

☆ I wish she wouldn’t end up like me. 

Staying up until the sky got its ugly premature color, a throbbing migraine- it feels so darn absurd.

Maybe it tormented her too.


“If that night didn’t happen-”

“Another night like that would’ve happened then.”

“No… what if it just didn’t occur at all? Would we be like this?”

“You had the thoughts anyway. I wasn’t right for you.”

“But I don’t feel good without you. Do you?”

“No. I’m trying to move on. You are too.”

“What? No, I’m not.”

“At the club today.”

“That was just a fling.”

“Yes. Exactly.”

“I’m sorry.”



♡ I felt ashamed. I wasn’t enough for him.

It’s true we were each other’s halves…

☆ I felt ashamed. I had wronged her. 

It’s true we were each other’s halves…


But we weren’t meant to be half. We were supposed to be whole. 

For our own selves, for each other.

“Do you know what my favourite color is?”


“No. It’s blue.”


♡ I had finally found the forest’ clearing- the end of nature’s maze. It was blue. The sea and the sky met and mixed into each other into a pretty blue. The sharp twigs under my feet were replaced with the soft waves.

☆ It felt as if a tree fell on me. I heaved heavily under the branch. Sap soaked my hair and the twigs tightened around my wrists and neck. My vision was limited to the green leaves

I missed blue and I missed red. I had long forgotten what blue or red was.


You’ve changed.”

You will too. Don’t worry.”



A/N: totally not inspired from (500) Days of Summer


March 03, 2025 16:01

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