Carousing in Your Arms

Submitted into Contest #234 in response to: Write a story about someone who wishes they could turn back time.... view prompt


Fiction Romance

Evelynne darted her eyes back and forth at the people nearby and discreetly wiped the bit of drink she had spilled on the bartop without them being any the wiser. Moonlantern Bar was her happy place. She was best friends with the bartender and often came to keep her company and people-watch to see if she could find some inspiration for her writings.

"You will not believe who I just saw walk in upstairs," Diana leaned down to tell her. Evelynne waited for her to say who, but Diana always needed dramatic pauses. "Aiden from high school!" The name caused her to snort up some rum and coke and sputter, which induced a laugh from Diana.

"Oh God, I should just go home now," Evelynne cowered behind her hands.

"Are you kidding me? It's been years, and you only dated for two months. In high school," Diana reminded her.

Aiden had been a weird, almost high-school love of Evelynne's that she thought of from time to time with regret. He was the most popular boy in school, whereas Evelynne was the odd, although generally well-liked, shy girl. He did everything. Football, played in a punk band (whatever punk can be for high schoolers), theater, student body. He was popular, but it was mainly for his pleasant nature rather than fitting into the typical mold that popular kids did. Diana's older brother Michael was in his grade and his band, which led Evelynne to become acquainted with him. 

Evelynne had been in a very abusive relationship on and off throughout her high school years. One particular weekend, her boyfriend Logan and she had broken up after he had been discovered cheating for what seemed like the millionth time. As a result, Evelynne fled to Diana's family home, where Michael and Aiden were having an intensive practice weekend with their band. Evelynne and Diana would drop in occasionally and conversate, and Diana would play the disruptive, annoying sister.

One evening, Evelynne was having trouble sleeping due to her anxiety and was up in the living room all night. Aiden had come out and said he couldn't sleep, and they ended up talking the entire night. He noticed Evelynne wasn't in the highest spirits, so she told him about Logan. Every night after that, they would talk and become closer. It was undeniable Aiden had taken an interest in Evelynne, and he soon became relentless in pursuing her. She rejected him at every turn. It didn't feel like the right time. Despite the absolute vileness of his treatment of her, she hadn't let go of Logan. And despite his known kind nature, Aiden was a bit of a womanizer. He jumped from relationship to relationship and had slept around a lot. Evelynne had only been with Logan in that way. And she wasn't sure she could handle putting herself out there for someone didn't seem keen on anything that would last, no matter how sweet he was. She recalled the day all of that had changed.

They were in their school's auditorium after Aiden had finished practicing for the school musical he was taking part in. Evelynne also had debate practice that evening, so she joined him to keep him company after she was done. Evelynne had been sitting on the stage watching Aiden go around the seats to pick up any trash. He had volunteered to do so, which Evelynne thought was probably because he wanted to spend more time with her. Once he had finished, he walked up to her with an intense look on his face. He crossed his arms, rested them on her knees, and then put his forehead down onto his arms.

"Evie, you are so perfect. It drives me crazy," he said to the floor.

"Aiden, we've talked about this," she reminded him and herself, but she couldn't ignore how her heart had sped up.

"Please give me a chance. I know my reputation. I know what you've been through. But I've never felt this way about anyone. I want things to be different, to be real between us. You have become my best friend," he continued to speak to the floor.

"You know, Michael would probably be so sad to hear that," she responded. He chuckled sorrowfully and set his chin upon his arms to look into her eyes.

"I mean it, Evie. I want to be with you. As more than just friends. I want to show you how you deserve to be treated."

Her heart continued to race faster and faster as she decided to give in. "Okay, I would like th-" he cut her off to pull her into him and a deep kiss. She hated how smooth he was.

They dated for two months, never slept together (which was atypical for Aiden that long into a relationship), and eventually broke up when Logan manipulated Evelynne to be with him again. It was always something Evelynne had regretted and wished she could take back. Even though it was a short-lived relationship, it felt like one that could have turned into something of a fairytale. So to hear her almost fairytale was right upstairs was a bit nerve-wracking for Evelynne.

"I know we only dated for two months. But you know what he meant to me," she told Diana.

"Yes, I do. Maybe you should go talk to him?" Diana looked behind Evelynne. "Or maybe he will come talk to you," she grinned mischievously.

Evelynne's eyes widened as she turned around just in time to find herself face-to-face with Aiden.

"Evie, is that you?" he exclaimed before diving to her level to embrace her, much to her surprise.

"Oh, hi, Aiden. Diana was just telling me she saw you walk in. It's great to see you," her arms fell awkwardly around him.

He pulled back to hold her shoulders and looked into her eyes. "Wow, you look even more beautiful than I remember." She blushed.

"Oh please, I doubt that. I am surprised you seem so excited to see me." It wasn't untrue. They hadn't left things in a perfect place when she had left him to return to Logan's ceaseless nightmare.

"Why wouldn't I be? It's been nearly a decade. No need to be upset about a high school relationship. Just wasn't meant to be. Did you forget we were close friends before all that? So, of course, I'd be happy to see you." He smiled and shook her shoulders playfully. He was a bigger person than she; she lived in constant regret and shame of the past.

"Fair point. I'm just always an anxious mess, so you hated me for all I knew." Another untruth.

"Well, let's put that question to bed. I am here with some friends, but they're playing pool upstairs. Want to share a drink before I return to them?" She wasn't sure it was a good idea, but she saw Diana from the corner of her eye giving her a thumbs up at her side. Aiden raised his hand in the most gentlemanly fashion, and Evelynne took it, rolling her eyes internally. Diana would not shut up about this later. She had always been a strong advocate of Evelynne dating Aiden in high school and thought it was a romantic fairytale of a match.

As he led her to one of the many booths on the basement level, he called over his shoulder to Diana, "Lovely to see you as well, Diana. Would you mind bringing us two of whatever Evie is having?" She winked at him in reply, grinning devilishly at Evelynne.

"So, it seems like she's still a meddlesome one," he chuckled as they slid into a booth.

"You have no idea. But I still can't seem to get on with life without her. Do you still see Michael at all?"

"From time to time. But, truth be told, after moving to Austin, I have rarely made my way back to Kansas City. Plus, it's a big enough city to disappear into anyway. I recently moved back because my pa hasn't been too well," he looked a little forlorn.

"I'm sorry, Aiden. I know he means the world to you," she laid a hand on his, and he smiled sadly.

The two continued to catch up, drink, and laugh until closing time. Diana and Aiden's friends also joined in, and the lot of them returned to Aiden's house. He shared the place with a few roommates, two of whom were at Moonlantern Bar with him. Diana went to bed with one of the roommates, and everyone else eventually went to their beds or crashed on the couch near Aiden and Evelynne as they continued to talk.

Evelynne laughed at a silly story Aiden had just finished and inhaled deeply while looking at him. She was good and liquored up, her cheeks pink and warm.

"How are you just as dazzling as you were in high school? It's not right for someone to be so charming," she said before she had time to think.

Aiden chuckled. "How is it that someone can still be so incredibly beautiful while being so incredibly awkward?" Evelynne pursed her lips.

"Well, that's not very ni-" Aiden leaned over and placed his hands at the base of her skull to gently lift her to meet his lips. Evelynne's eyes closed as she leaned into the kiss, cursing him internally for how smooth he was at all of this and how much she was not.

He drew back but was still close enough that their noses touched. "Was that nicer of me?" She laughed against his mouth, suddenly aware of her breath, hoping it wasn't awful. He didn't give her much time to think about this further as he leaned into her and kissed her again, pressing her into the arm of the couch. She felt that tingly sensation in her stomach, which she so often craved but also feared.

He broke away, both of their breathing growing heavy. "I don't want to pressure you into anything, but it's a little weird making out with you around these passed-out drunks, and I do have a room here. Would you want to move there? We don't have to continue, but we could hang out and watch TV there."

She chuckled. "Now who's the awkward one?" He rolled his eyes, and she stood up quickly, theatrically extending her arm. "Lead the way, good sir."

He stood up and leaned to whisper in her ear, "Still you." She crossed her arms in a pouty way and followed after him.

It was her turn to take the lead. As soon as he shut the door behind them, she grabbed his arm, pulled him close, and wrapped it around her waist. Standing on her tiptoes, she leaned up, wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him deeply. As they kissed, Aiden slowly led her to his bed. She sat down and inched her way back so he could position himself above her. Just like all those years ago, Evelynne felt so right with him. Why did she ever let him go?

As they unclothed, Evelynne found it hard to stay in the moment. She had never done this with him before. It took her so long to give herself to anyone else after Logan. But she had wanted to give herself to Aiden so badly. Even after all this time, she still had this moment built up in her head from all those years ago. What if he was just a smooth talker, and after all was said and done, he would be done with her? Maybe it was unhealthy or a terrible idea, but she wanted it anyway.

After Evelynne and Aiden parted, wrapped in sheets, a light precipitation glistening on their skin, they laid on their backs next to one another.

"Man, I have wished to do that again for so long," Aiden said, bringing her hand up to kiss her hand.

"I doubt it's been very long for you," she rolled her eyes.

"I meant with you."

She pushed herself up on her arm to look at him. "I don't think we've actually done this before."

Aiden remained on his back but looked into Evelynne's eyes above him. "What are you talking about? Of course, we did."

She chuckled a bit awkwardly, "I think I was one of the only girls in high school you dated or didn't date who you didn't sleep with."

He covered his face with his hands in embarrassment. "Oh my God, I think you're right. I must have dreamt it then. I wanted you so damn bad, but I was trying to play the stupid gentleman."

"Oh, please. You could have anyone you wanted," Evelynne rolled her eyes as she collapsed back.

Aiden began to draw circles with his finger around her navel. "Maybe, but I wanted you."

She looked at him and saw him staring intensely at her with half-lidded eyes. "Aiden… I wanted you too. I just wasn't myself back then. I had no sense for myself."

He kissed her abruptly. "It's not too late to make up for lost time."

And they did.

January 26, 2024 23:56

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