Where did I went wrong ?

Submitted into Contest #95 in response to: Start your story with someone being presented with a dilemma.... view prompt


Friendship Teens & Young Adult Sad

It was the last year of their engineering. Everybody was looking to get placed to have a secure future. Ashi, our introvert but emotional girl is also willing to get placed along with Sameer and Ray, her only friends. But destiny had some other plans for her. After much hurdles she got placed as well .Sadly, not in the same company as her friends’.

Days passed and they all completed their graduation happily. It was the time when she had to go far from home, in a completely different world where she would be knowing nobody. In a world of hopes, to achieve something bigger, to meet new people, to go through ups and downs of life and much more.

But being emotional she was not considering herself ready for these changes. She was living happily with her family .She did not want to be alone. There were so many insecurities in her mind, the fear of meeting new people, the fear of trusting wrong people, the fear of being left alone. She was fighting with her inner self to prepare herself for this change. Everyone was convincing her to give it a try. Her parents, her friends, everyone was encouraging her to join the company.

Finally, she gathered enough courage and entered the corporate world- “The world of politics”.

There were many fresher’s like her who came to this city to fulfill their dreams, to earn money. Almost 30 freshers would have joined the company with her that day. Everybody would have fought their own battles before leaving their home-towns as our Ashi did.

From the very first day of joining, her introvert nature kept her apart from others. She used to sit in a corner with a stream of emotions flowing in her mind, hesitant to talk to new people.

“Look at her, she is just like our manager .She does not talk to anybody. She just order others to do this and that. She is not even intelligent “-something that she had overheard from her peers conversation and probably would have broken her from inside. “These people are too bad. I don’t want to be here. I can’t survive here. I can’t be at a place where nobody loves me. ”something that she often used to say to her parents. And every time they used to console her by saying that the world is like this. You can’t ask everyone to be the way you want them to be. Learn to adapt the people the way they are.

The training ended and everybody was allocated to a new project. Paras, Lakshay and Ashi were allocated the same project .Paras and Lakshay were from same college and their friendship was since the very first day of college. They used to be together always. Being the junior-most in that project they used to work along with Ashi. Working together was something that worked in Ashi’s favor and she started knowing them personally as well.

Time passed and eventually, from the hassles of settling in a new city to making new friends she found her tripod as well –Paras and Lakshay. Unlike Ashi, both were very intelligent, very confident and yeah extremely extrovert. May be they would have made the same number of friends in these six months as Ashi would have made in her entire life . Everybody wanted to work with them, talk with them so was our Ashi. May be their opposite nature was the reason that they became friends!

She found her Sameer and Ray in them. In fact she was that much happy that one day she called Sameer and Ray and said “You now I had made two friends. It would not have been possible if you had not convinced me to come here. World is not too bad. There are some nice people as well .Thanks.” This call would have lasted for more than two hours and almost one hour she would have talked about Paras and Lakshay from how they met to what they do when they are together. Also finding similarities between them and the new duo that she had found. 

Ashi was enjoying her life in this new city with her new friends, when life happened. It was almost after two years in this city when her two friends had just invited her for a surprise party.

Paras : “Ashi, come to this place, we are going to have a party. “

Ashi : ”At least tell me the reason”

Paras : ”Yaar! Come you will be able to know it yourself”.

Ashi was feeling good that her friends want her to be part of their celebrations. She dressed up nicely and finally they met in a restaurant.

Both handed over two letters to her. Ashi was in confusion, a dilemma, a shock may be no word is sufficient to convey what she would had felt that day. Her close friends had decided to resign from this company and move to another city and she was only informed about it with a big bash.

Paras : “Ashi, where are you lost? Aren’t you happy “

Lakshay : “Yaar, we thought of informing it to you when we were giving interviews. But you are so concerned always. You are too caring about us. But sometimes it’s annoying. We are just friends’ yaar!”

Paras : “Hey, he just wants to say that we kept it from you because we thought you will try to convince us that this company is nice. We are happy here as well. But we have our own concerns .It’s just like that. Umm. I hope you understand Ashi”

She said yes with a smiling face and again fighting a battle of emotions with her inner-self that was so much hurt with the feeling of betrayal, her friends had not told her about that they are going to leave this company, this city, in short, her because she was caring.

She found herself in the same situation as she was two years ago .All her fears just popped up in her mind. She had linked the parting of her friends with her own bad nature. Am I that much evil that no one wants to be with me? Will I be always left alone? Am I that much annoying? Do I deserve to have friends?

May be Ashi should try to find her Sameer and Ray in herself!

May 28, 2021 13:58

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