
This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

Outside an old cafe sit a crowd of you g males who having there large amounts of coffee intake and then set off to a nearby residents home of an older couple living there they hold then up for money and any valuable possession s ragded the house with shot gun only threattfor the money and got away with some load of cash mo why and expensive Jewellery and half way up the high way they stopped at another house and raided for drugs .if the dealer an under world gang leader and then shot hi.m cold blooded murder now this report of the underworld gang boss had created a such chaos around the neighbourhood of the killing of Dave Brown and each night in this small town other shooting would happen for revenge by other gang membership and police often drive up and made several arrest s but the notoriously shootings kept up especially out side the old coffee sho the owner there was found to be a drug dealing gang member and when a non gang member asked to order a coffee he,the man would look suss and not worried about serving any normal person there with out a card payment he would look down at them so the only people who would like up that cafe were criminal gang s wanted to buy druges off the cafe owner and be given back so E cash money police often now kept eyes on that coffee shop as the owner though didn't show any suspicious look s or suss behaviour about his true business all looked normal .but until one older woman passing by to do her grocery shopping at the local super market had gotten to the cafe aski g to buy a small cappino coffee but the owner looked down on her with her walking stick and she apologised Then out of fright a d walked off and the crowd of men would howl and carryon.lucky escape for her. Until a couple school girl s wanted to buy coffee there and the gang would tried to chat them up and asked if they wanted to come for a drive with there coffee and refusing by waking away they didn't realise the men had followed behind and manages to grab one of the girls into a laneway and first demanded if she had any spare cash .while the other school friend had gotten away to call for help heard the friend had been assualtd and raoed and left for dead in that laneway police o. Alert for the five men and the coffee Shop owner ..no arrest had been made by the coffee shop owner as he looking normslyand innocent my served the stra ngers ontbe street passing by a d though two of the gang members found guilty of the rape and assault .the rest of the three men gotten away and never been able to be found by the police hunt .later on as morning came a new set of gang crowd Ed the coffee shop and instead of doing a cash drug raid they didn't do anythibg .just wanted some coffee and a chat to the owner. They then left for the opening hours if the close by hotel pub.they theey then left.fir there driving offhome a d in a drunken rage gotten into the car and still tempted to drive caused a head collision on the free way and died. As the police reported .and as for the druggie owner of the. Coffee shop had his cafe shut down for awhile as the five drunk men had reported him before off onto the freeway and caused a big crash ..and the cafe owner in prison while a new cafe owner turned up to reopen the old coffee shop each night shooting went on in this small town as a wake and memorial of the crime gang under world boss of the famouse Dave Brown and more police arrests and the older woman with the walking stick does not go out first thing in morning where the gang should sit in front of the coffee shop and there with a a new coffee owner also looking sussed out to the normal passed by who never had the game to approve new cafe owner. Though suspected search by police in case the new owner had drugs to sell behi d the counter to the gangs but he the new owner never did that selling if drugs he would only looking down at the people who would try to buy coffee with cash I stead if a credit card so normal people or poor people never apprua he'd the cafe. Though there was a Petrol station close by with another suss looking owner .nodrugs selling there but the man in there also looked down at people with cash money to hand over and when the older woman with the walking stick even went into the petrol station and walked out yelling and screaming at that make cafe owner and cursed him that one day he would have his punishment for the way he treated people with no credit card s and he did not wanting take cash especially from a homeless guy in that neighbourhood town and ge would curse a d dream out out and just throwing the $5cadh note at the man at the petrol station for a can of drink and pie then the homeless man ran off and disappeared from the town for awhile.and the older woman with the walking stick just avoid edvthe old coffee shop and the petrol station a d she never luckily never been harm Ed by any gang s only gotten a laugh at her but she ignored them and just did her grocery and gotten away in a taxi cab back home. And then never left her house fir no reason..as the day unfold a to night she lucky never went out at night but could hear the blasted gunshots outside and the screeching of speed car drivers .oh well .more and more gang violence and revenge killing over the notoriously famous gang underworld boss Dave Brown.

September 20, 2023 15:19

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