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Mystery Crime Suspense

This story contains sensitive content

“It just happened, pop goes the weasel baby.”

-Jamal Thompson. 35- Compton. 

““It takes a man of great courage to do what that man did. He surely ain't never gonna be forgotten.”

-Leroy Sellers. 56. Boardman Ohio. 

“That is one crazy Sumufabitch if I've eva hearda one.” 

-Linda Klimke. 44- Tivoli. NY. 

“You wanna know what I think? I think those motherfuckers did somethin’ sinister, and they're hiding it. Saying that there’s something to be afraid of. 

I was just telling my good friend Marv, Some very messed up things are happening.” 

-Steve Langley- 66- St Paul Minnesota. 

“My friend Betty told the ladies at our rotary the other night. She told us everything thar had happened, I don't believe a single word outta her mouth, always looking for attention.” 

-Angela Armondâsio 79. Brooklyn NY. 

“I was talking to my army buddy, Steve over in....uh.... in St. Paul about what happened and he told me some *insider* information. I can't go into too much detail, but I can tell you that on the evening that it happened, somebody knew what was going on, and nobody said a damn word about it. Anyway, I gotta get to the restaurant, we open in

-Marvin (Marv) Harringbone. 

74- Duluth Minnesota. 

“I'll tell you what Mr and ill be honest with you. We don't want none of your kind round here. This is a safe town, ok? Please just leave us be with the questions.

-Belinda Carlisle- 56.Cleveland Ohio

“I told Ang and the girls at the rotary last week, I saw what happened as plain as day, because it was! I saw (---Redacted--) Running away from (~~Redacted--) and we all know how that turns out. These people are animals, damn animals!” -

Betty Jean Marmuzio. 77- Brooklyn NY.

"I have been a bears fan my entire life, and they never interrupt games, but this one was different. RIght in the middle of third and seven, the screen snaps to an "Urgent" news update. give me a break. Nobody cares. Go bears."

-Brett Angelino III (Bane). 49. Steamboat Springs, Illinois. 

“Listen I already told your ugly friends what I saw that night. I was high on some *sniffs* and *sniffs again* and wasn’t paying any attention to any of those people. They don’t mean much to me. I just moved here from LA to try and escape the city. It’s been rilly nice so far.” 

-Britney Kleinsmith- 23. *The*Kent State University. 

“Man I don't know who you are why are you talking to me?” 

-Neil Young. - 36. Chesapeake Falls, Nebraska. 

“Look, ain't no use wasting time on any of the particulars of the sitcheeeyation. We hee now and ain't nothing gonna change that. Let's just let the bygones be bygones.

-Daniel K Murphy. 55. Boston TX."

“I'm not really sure why I'm talking to you. I've seen you go up to all the people in this fuckin’ place. You know somethin’ we don't, you better get to tellin’ us, we’re gettin’ impatient.” 

Ben Lafayette 44. Ackwood IA

“There is nothing to be worried about, I assure you. There has been an accident, and I promise you things will be handled swiftly. I can uh, I can assure you: We’re doing our best.” 

Sherrif Rex Zandomier. 55 West Palestine, Ohio

“I did hear about that on the news the other night, i think. It is one messed up world we're in these days. The youth of today are in my prayers. ” 

-Malcom Jefferson. 14. Bellevue Pennsylvania. 

“Sir I'm gonna have to ask you to leave, we're gettin' ready to close up shop. we open again at eleven. It's burger night. Now get out ."

-Gregory Thompson. 46. Quilcene WA. 

“Whatever happened down there is a fuckin’ tragedy. That young girl? Nobody seemed to care that her boyfriend, what’s his name? Conor uh, Connor Mckilliy or something, went missing at the same time that she did. Why isn’t anybody lookin’ for him?” 

- Sharon Lisbon. 27. Seattle WA. 

“All’s I know is that I'm just out here waiting for my son to come back. He isn't the type to---------issapear l--ke—-hat. Do You know wh___ere_____he cou__l___ dbe right now? Ive

Been TyRing to find him."

-James Mckelvy, 66. Boise ID. 

(Tape disturbance during statement). 

PART 2. 

I’ve been sitting in this room for fourteen days, six hours, and seventeen minutes. In front of me sit two notebooks. The notebook on the left contains several quotes collected by the University of Dayton in the Fall, 1999. The second, which is sitting a few inches away, is stuffed to the brim with notecards and excess sheets of paper. Soon this room will be emptied out, and the items surrounding me will be cataloged and then filed away among a hundred million other useless files just like it in some dark basement of the Dayton Ohio Police Department. When you find this, I will have been gone for quite some time. I love you Judy, Kevin, And you too, Deacon. Goodbye.

Part 3. 

(Audio Recording annotated) 


“Is this thing on? Okay, where do I even begin? I’m sorry for everything. I didn’t mean to make this mistake. I didn’t mean to do it. It all happened so fast. I uh, I don’t know what else you all want from me, that’s all I got.” 

——radio static followed by a 14-second silence with an abrupt jingle advertising “Marv's Marvelous Deli and chocolate shop's 100th anniversary party."

Part 4. 

Below is a list of all of the items found in room 688 on the morning of Tuesday, July 15.

- Two rolls of toilet paper.

- A dozen packages of Top Ramen, unopened. 

- A ziplock bag with three green grapes and half of a baby carrot. 

- One red notebook with the words “Confidential” inscribed on the cover. 

- One Black notebook completely unused.

- A pack of Pall Mall Menthol lights, unopened. 

- Two mugs

- A half-eaten scone, by the looks of it, strawberry banana.

- A copy of “Runaway Bride” on VHS. 

- Two matchbooks. The first of which is from “Loggers Landing” in Quilcene Washington. The second of which is from "Ben’s Hideaway Tavern in Ackwood Iowa. 

- A postcard with the following inscription: “Dear Dad, I’m sorry for everything. It’s all over now. I love you, and I miss you. Love, Conor D McKelvy.” 

- A picture of a family in front of the “Welcome to Dayton” sign. 

- A large backpack, with the following contents: a voice recorder, several tapes, Six orange markers, a whiteout pen, two cans of tuna, no salt, a locket in the shape of a heart, unable to be opened, and seven hundred dollars in cash.

- One King James Bible. 

- Three pounds of raw sugar. 


——the preceding was a collection of ideas and thoughts collected from various points of reference. In regards to the disappearance of one ———————————— from B—se I-aho.——/ names and places have remained true to the first edition of these findings. 

Note for the reader: 

*This material is speculative and is not intended to express any conclusions.* 

February 24, 2023 18:25

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1 comment

Hope Linter
20:15 Mar 04, 2023

I loved all the quirky snippets of dialogue and the humorous take on investigating a crime. Well done.


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