Submitted into Contest #256 in response to: Write a story about an underdog, or somebody making a comeback.... view prompt



I want to tell you a story about bravery and courage. I want to tell you a story about a girl who never gave up. Who never quit. I want to tell you a story about me. Vanessa Sanchez, track star.

My story begins two years ago in the town of Brookhaven. I was a girl who loved to run. Day and night I would be running. Nothing could stop me not even my parents.

I would run to the store, to school, to my friends house. I would run through the neighborhood. Running was freeing. Running was exhilarating. Running was my passion.

I took my love for running and turned into something special that would take me to new heights. I tried out for the world famous Brookhaven track team.

They are called the wildcats. I was both excited and nervous. Getting on the wildcats was very hard. I trained every day. When the time came for try outs, I out shined everyone. I was the best runner at the try outs.

I was their first choice. I was so happy to make the team that I ran all the way home to give my parents the good news. I couldn't sleep that night.

The next day was my first practice with the wildcats. I got to the stadium early. I was the first one there. I put my running shoes on and began to warm-up. Then I started running.

I ran four laps and stopped when I heard clapping. I looked around me and found the source of the clapping. It was none other than Matthew Cole. The wildcat's best runner.

Matthew Cole told me I had what it takes to be the best runner. I was shocked at first but then I started to believe it myself. Matthew helped me with my training. We became good friends.

Every day me and Matthew ran through Brookhaven together. We lifted weights together and we talked. It was easy to talk to Matthew. He answered all my questions.

The day of my first track meet with the wildcats came. I was extremely nervous. Matthew was there giving me a pep talk. The 100 meter was my event. I took a couple of breaths got ready and ran.

You know what happened in the end. I won. I actually won. I was confident in my running ability. Over the course of the next three months, I won every single one of my track meets.

It was getting close to the Olympics. I was shocked my name was in consideration to be on Team USA. I just had to qualify. Me and Matthew trained every day. Then the time came for the track meet qualifiers. I was pumped.

The day of the qualifiers I was in the weigh room doing some last minute training. I was lifting weights and running. While I was running, I tripped over some equipment. I twisted my knee. It was extremely painful.

I called for the trainer. He to me and helped me to the trainers room. I told him what happened. He asked me if I could bend my knee. I told him no. I couldn't even put weight on my knee. The trainer took me out of the qualifying rum.

I thought it was just a bad sprain. I didn't realize how bad my knee actually was. My dreams of going to the Olympics was over. I went to the hospital for X-rays and an MRI. The doctor told me I shattered my Knee. I torn my ACL. I needed surgery.

My world was shattered. The doctors kept on giving me the bad news. There was a very strong possibility I might never run again. I cried so much that day. The most I cried in a long time.

My parent's tried to comfort me but it was useless. I was angry at the world. I was angry at everyone in front of me. I didn't even want to speak to Matthew.

The next day I had the surgery to repair my knee. I woke-up that same day. I looked at my knee and I started to cry. The tears kept on coming for a long time.

I thought to myself. How am I going to prove these doctors wrong? That question weight heavily on me the whole time I was in the hospital. The next was the first day of rehab.

To say I was scared wan an understatement. I was terrified. The first time I stood up my knee screamed. It was painful. I could barely walk. I took a few steps than I sat down. I couldn't walk anymore.

I sat in my wheelchair and watched the other people doing their rehab. Some of them lost their legs and arms. Whenever they had trouble, they kept on getting back up every time. They were a determined bunch.

After some time I left and went to the court yard. I stood their thinking about my life, thinking about my dreams. I had everything going for me. My dreams of going to the Olympics was right in front of me and then in an instant it was gone.

Everything I worked for was gone. All my hard work was gone. What do I have left? More tears are coming down my face.

Then I start to think about those people I saw who lost a part of themselves and how determined they were to live again, to walk. To have a normal life. Here I have both my legs and both my arms and I'm too scared to walk.

I was scared I was never going to run again. I looked up at the sky and I asked God to give me the strength to be strong during this difficult time. I went back to my room to relax. I told myself, tomorrow is a brand new day.

I woke-up early the next day, ate breakfast, got dress, got on my wheelchair and headed to rehab. My doctor was already there. I told her "I'm ready to get to work." She smiled and told me "Let's get to work.

It was painful when I got up but I didn't quit. I took my first steps then my second. I was in so much pain. I didn't quit. I didn't give up. I kept on walking.

The pain didn't stop after I finished for the day but I was happy. Over the course of the next couple of weeks, the next couple of months off rehab the pain lessened. My walking was getting better and better. I was starting to believe in myself once again.

I worked every day. My knee wasn't as strong but my mind was. I didn't quit no matter the set backs and there was a lot. I was determined to run again.

A year after surgery I got the good news I was hoping for. My knee was healing the way the doctors hoped for. I also got the good news, I can run but only for a little bit. I just couldn't put too much pressure on my knee.

I cried when I ran for the first time in a year. I was happy. I kept on doing my rehab, lifting weights and running. Each day I was getting stronger and stronger.

Matthew came to see me. We talked a lot. I apologized for not reaching out. He forgave me. Matthew won four gold, two silver and two bronze medals in the Olympics. I was happy for him.

Matthew got back to helping me train. To helping me get better. My knee kept on getting stronger. My running was getting a whole lot better. I ran with Matthew around Brookhaven. It was freeing.

The pain in my knee came in waves but that was expected. For the next year I did everything in my power to heal my mind and body. I would not stop for nothing. I was determined my dreams were going to come true. Now two years later here I am back with the wildcats ready to run.

My family and friends are in the stands cheering me on. Matthew is of course is on the sidelines cheering me on. I get on the starting line and ready myself. 3,2,1, I dash out running and running. I pass the runners in front of me. I hear the crowd yelling and screaming.

I finish in 2nd place. That's okay. I'm just happy to be back and running. I never quit. I never gave up even when the doctors I was never going to run again. I never lost hope in myself. I'm back and ready to realize my dreams of going to the Olympics.

June 27, 2024 17:16

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