
I was busy getting ready. I had on a white floral dress that lifts when spin. I was finishing up my face of makeup and smiled in the mirror at my final look. I looked cute. I decided to leave my wavy brown hair down and left the bathroom.

"Hey gorgeous, are you ready?" A tall man wearing a casual short sleeve and jeans stood by the foot of the bed. He kept glancing at the phone in his hand.

"Yeah," I said, slightly uncertain, "What if he doesn't like me?" I fiddled my thumbs together. I was meeting my boyfriend's best friend today. I was nervous that he wouldn't like me and would tell Sam to break up with me.

"Maria, he's going to love you, "He smiled confidently, coming up to me and cupping my face. "Daniel is goofy just like you, you'll make quick friends." Sam placed a gentle kiss on my forehead and I grinned weakly, nodding. My brain was flustered. Daniel, why does that name sound so familiar? I couldn't quite place my finger on it. I shrugged it off and grabbed Sam's hand as we grabbed our things and left our apartment.

We were meeting Daniel at a small outdoor cafe downtown. We lived in a small town so we decided to walk instead of drive. I smiled, admiring our cute little home. Brick buildings lined the main road where small businesses tried to make a living. Kids whipped around corners on bikes and many people were out walking their dogs. My heart lept at every puppy I saw. Sam chuckled and squeezed my hand, looking down at me. It was a good sunny day and I was very happy.

Soon we arrived at The Cafe. "Daniel, will be here in a few minutes, let's get a table for us." Sam said. We found a cute round table with three chairs, perfect. We sat down and ordered drinks while we waited. I leaned my head on Sam's shoulder and closed my eyes, sighing happily.

"Sam!" A voice shouted from behind us. I lifted my head off of Sam and he jumped up.

"Daniel!" Sam exclaimed. When I looked back at the two they were in a big embrace, blocking Daniel's face. I was so curious. His skin was a caramel color and I could see that his hair was black. Finally they pulled apart and I saw Daniel's face. I froze, color draining from my face. Daniel locked eyes with me and his smile faltered. My heart was beating so hard, I thought it'd burst out of my chest.

A hot and steamy night of memories flooded back to me. Back when Sam and I weren't official, we were only talking. We had been to a party. Sam was passed out drunk on the couch and I was wandering the house party on my own. I was getting another drink when I was greeted by beautiful amber eyes.

"Hey Darling," His voice was smooth, "What's a pretty lady like you doing alone at a party?" He asked calmly. My eyes were too busy tracing the muscles that flexed through his white shirt.

I shook my head, gathering my thoughts, "Uhm, my friend is passed out drunk so I'm on my own." I was so drawn to his chiseled face, it was hard to concentrate.

"Well I won't pass out on you," He chuckled and smirked, "My name is Daniel." He introduced himself.

"Maria," I replied with my name and I couldn't help but notice his eyes lingered on my lips when I said it. My stomach twisted with excitement. He licked his lips and my eyes immediately began to stare. His lips were plump, I began to wonder what they felt like.

He knew I was staring and he chuckled, "Wanna go upstairs, Darling?" Without thinking I nodded. He took my hand and led me to a dim, quiet bedroom upstairs.

Once the door was closed behind us he pinned me to the wall and a needy make-out session broke out. His hands were strong, one at my hip and the other around my throat. It wasn't long before clothes were strewn over the floor.

The sweaty memories made me blush. Sam didn't seem to notice how flustered I was. Him and Daniel took their seats. "Maria, meet Daniel." I smiled weakly and extended my hand. Daniel took it, shaking it.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Daniel." I took my hand back and began to fiddle with my dress. My eyes flashed to Sam. He was beaming, he definitely was oblivious.

"It's an honor," Daniel said with a weak smile. Sam began spouting out stories from when him and Daniel were younger.

"Daniel and I became friends after we both fought over this one girl in high school." Sam laughed and patted Daniel on the shoulder, "She was way out of our league, but we both wanted her. We almost murdered each other trying to win her heart. We eventually realized no one was going to get her so we made up and soon became best friends." Sam explained and I forced a laugh as an acknowledgment to his story. Every exchange between me and Daniel was awkward and hesitant. Sam was too excited to notice.

"Daniel, why don't you come over for dinner?" Sam asked excitedly, bouncing in his seat.

Daniel glanced at me then back to Sam, "Uh, I don't know about tonight." He shrugged, "Gotta get to the gym later." Daniel rubbed the back of his neck and avoided Sam's eyes.

Sam frowned, "Oh," He looked between me and Daniel and lifted an eyebrow, "Is everything cool? What's going on?" He was finally picking up on the tension.

"We're cool, Sam, just an awkward first meeting is all." Daniel tried to brush Sam off, sending me a sharp look to play along. Panic started to rise in my throat. Guilt was crushing down on me. I couldn't keep this hidden from Sam that wouldn't be fair to him. Tears rimmed my eyes and I looked at Sam.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Sam took my hand and leaned closer, concerned over my sudden burst of tears. Though I noticed slight skepticism hinted in his blue eyes.

"Sam, there's something I need to tell you." I wiped at my eyes and looked at Daniel. He was leaned back in his seat, arms crossed. He was not pleased at all.

August 22, 2020 23:03

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