The killing of 1988 An Unsolved Murder Horror Story

Submitted into Contest #191 in response to: Write a story that includes someone saying, “I feel alive.”... view prompt



Hello my name is Maxten and I'm back with a story that takes place at Tokyo, Japan, at around 1988

they escaped and got him arrested for attempted contains: gore ,violence ,weapons, and a thrilling story: if you are still here get ready to read the best horror story you will ever see. Turn back now if not ready but I, on the other hand, will continue the story.

A man who was always down named Koto thought to himself ,I don't feel alive any more and have nothing to lose. So why not do something to make me feel alive? So the man sat up and left his house for the first time this month to climb a tall building by his apartment. He was climbing and felt something but he said to himself ,

“This is what I need. "So he continued to climb. He made it to the top and said to a worker, "This is not enough. "So he kept doing it. But it did make him feel better for a little bit.But then it wasn't enough any more .He needed something better ,something more dangerous.But he could not find any thing for a while. So he sat there thinking and thinking.”What about murder? That’s dangerous and risky ! 

Right ?” So that's what he tried to do.But he found someone.He then took them to his apartment but killing and assault. So he was sentenced to 2 life sentences until he pleaded guilty to his crime. So he was faced with 12 years of prison and 5 months of community service .He went on to strangle,stab, and kill ,multiple people in prison and was faced with 5 more years added to his sentence .He eventually got out with 4 months of parole.Once his parole was over he found a little girl. He went up to her and said “I have candy in my van, do you want some?” she said sure and then he said “Ok come on don’t tell your parents”Ok” He then proceeded to take her to his apartment and kidnap her for ransom for 300,000 yen which is Tokyo's currency which is 2268,66 in US dollar.The parents agreed on the deal and they met at the park he got the money they got the kid he proceed to do that over and over until he was bored so he switched to killing because he was feeling like a zombie again so he used to go to the bar and put a sleeping pill in there drink take them home kill them eat them for no evidence and then melt the bones in acid barrels.One of His victims woke up and said think about this think of when you were a child you probably wanted to save the world He thought about that but it just made Him more mad because when He was a child his Dad would abuse His mom so He did want to want to kill at a young age Kill His dad and when he thought about His mom getting abused it made him extremely angry so he got sloppy with this victim and he escaped but then when koto exited the building to get Him there was cops He shot both of the cops and ran they never saw his face or what room He lives in he kept killing but then he said “i feel alive again” And then from that moment forward he would do this over and over because it made Him happy he used to wear a butcher clothes and used a butchers knife and wore a pyramid head mask So he kept doing this over and over again until there were only cops left in Tokyo so he moved to egypt to kill people there so he joined a cult.He became the leader and they had to kill the owner of a separate cult for a relic to revive the egyptian king pharaoh to learn his ways and abilities to aid with killing so they went to war with the other cult.And they fought for a year and a half Just battling until They killed all of his men and got to the leader.They held a public execution for the leader because no one liked him because he got all their tax money so before decapitating him they let every one beat on him punch him, hurt him, and steal his stuff, and then they killed him and took the relic and traveled to the pyramid and entered they placed the relic On the slot on the coffin .Everything around it was now pulsing green and purple and then the coffin opened and the mummy/king was floating out he saw them and thanked them and they asked can you teach us how to use our full potential.So for years they trained until they became godlike being but koto was not enjoying other people being as strong as him so while the king and the cult members were sleeping he went around killing each and every one of them in each one minute it took 2 punches Each 2 punches to the head obliterated their head in less then a second Do to his godlike strength that he harness.So He became a mass Murder around Egypt and He was killing people left and right until he came across someone who could fight back they came at him and then punched him to the ground He said “who are you” the man then said “GOD” Koto was then terrified so he finally awakened his full potential and this was called THE GALAXY DESTROYER He was then able to slightly compete with god he was teleporting left and right and then god grabbed him and pummeled His face and then Koto said “IS THIS THE POWER OF A GOD”and God got even faster and then…Koto wakes up it was all a dream.TO BE CONTINUED IN ANOTHER TIME.Thank you for reading have a great day. I will see you again next time with another story. Bye! Bye! Once again, have a good day!

March 31, 2023 19:41

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Linda Lovendahl
01:38 Apr 06, 2023

HI Mary, I really liked the beginning intro. It added suspense and I thought the lack of punctuation was a ploy but when I got into the story line, the lack of correct writing format did not work for me. It distracted me. I suggest you educate yourself on these matters so that you can continue writing at your full potential. You ended the piece with the same tone as the beginning and that was great. You have a narrative voice worth developing! Keep it up!


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Emma Clark
23:15 Apr 05, 2023

I am so scared I loved that story!


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Chloe Peer
23:11 Apr 05, 2023

Hi Mary, cool story with a very creative twist at the end! If I were to nitpick, there's quite a few spots throughout the story where punctuation and quotation marks are a space away from the sentence they are punctuating. Especially with the quotation marks, this makes it a little hard to read. Towards the end, you also capitalize "he" and "him" quite a bit when it should be lowercase and "Koto" should be capitalized. As a suggestion for future stories, maybe take a more specific moment and take the reader through the details and emotions b...


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